
3.1.4 • Public • Published

Store Locator

Show pins on map and catch user interaction with the map. StoreLocator can manage multiple map engine instances such as google maps and naver map

You can write your own map engine extending the Map interface and following method implementation via Promise




npm install --save ssh://stash.openmindonline.it:7999/oc/storelocator.git#3.0.0


All files are included in dist folder The entry-point file is


and its main class is StoreLocator

let storeLocator = new StoreLocator(...);

StoreLocator already has all functions for searching location by address and Position and getting coordinates by address If you need to manage maps and autocomplete functionalities, you can use the built-in engines such as:

  • GoogleMap: engine that implements all GoogleMap API v3
  • GoogleSearch: engine that implements all GoogleAutocompleteService API v3
  • NaverMap: engine that implements all NaverMap API v3
  • LocalSearch: engine that implement LocalAutocomplete service based on LocalStorage

In order to use one (or more) of theese engines you have to addEngine to StoreLocator

let storeLocator = new StoreLocator(...options...);
let promiseGmap = new GoogleMap(storeLocator, element, gmaps_options);
promiseGmap.then( (GMap) => {
  storeLocator.addMapEngine('GoogleMap', GMap);
NOTE: in order to use Map engines you have to bind them to an HTMLElement


Your HTML file could look like below

<div id="store-locator">
    <div id="googlesearch" data-search-engine="GoogleAutocomplete" class="search">&nbsp;</div>
    <div id="googlemap" data-map-engine="GoogleMap" data-map-main="true" class="map">&nbsp;</div>

    <div class="map-controls">
      <div class="zoom">
        <div id="controls_zoom_in" class="in">+</div>
        <div id="controls_zoom_out" class="out">-</div>

Your main javascript file should look like below

let storeLocator = new StoreLocator({

    /* Key of `storeCode` into JSON */
    "point-key": "storeCode",

    /* Options will be passed to cluster official library */
    ClusterMaxZoom: 13,
    ClusterMinSize: 2,
    ClusterGridSize: 60,

    /* Options passed to Clusterer */
    ClusterImagePath: "/images/store-locator-maps/cluster",
    ClusterImageExt: "png",

    /* Allowed types of address returned by google autocomplete */
    AllowedAddressType: ["locality", "geocode", "country", "political", "route", "street_address"],
    /* Max number of entries into LocalStorage */
    maxlastentries: 5,
    /* (debug) Show or hide a rectangle representing the bounding box into map */
    ShowMapRectangle: false

let promiseGmap = new GoogleMap(storeLocator, $("#googlemap") );
let promiseGsearch = new GoogleSearch(storeLocator, $("#googlesearch") );
Promise.all( [promiseGmap, promiseGsearch]).then( (engines) => {
  let GMap = engines[0], GSearch = engines[1];
  storeLocator.addMapEngine('GoogleMap', GMap);
  storeLocator.addSearchEngine('GoogleSearch', GSearch);
  // StoreLocator is ready
  storeLocator.navigate("New York").then( (data) => {
    let bounds = data.bounds;
    let all_results = data.results;
    storeLocator.navigateLocation( bounds ).then( () => {
      // Map has navigated to `bounds`


StoreLocator.search( String, Boolean )

Searches a given address via each search engine. Returns a Promise containing an array of array of result as per below example Pass true as per second argument to restrict result to current viewport

Array result = [`SearchEngine1#SearchEngineResult`, `SearchEngine2#SearchEngineResult`, ..., `SearchEngineN#SearchEngineResult`];

SearchEngineResult looks like:

SearchEngineResult = [{
  main: 'Main Text',
  other: 'Other text' || undefined

Get current location via navigation.geolocation API. Returns a LalLng object representing the current location

storeLocator.currentLocation().then( (obj) => {
  console.log( "Current location is", obj.lat, obj.lng, "all data are", obj);
  // You can now navigate to
  storeLocator.navigate(null, obj)
}, (err) => {
  // Error: No location
  // User doesn't agree geolocation notification or got timeout or browser cannot retrieve location (err = storeLocator.Errors.NO_LOCATION )
  // or
  // No geolocation API (err = storeLocator.Errors.NO_GEOLOCATION )
StoreLocator.navigate( String, LatLng, Boolean )

Searches the given address (or the LatLng coordinates) via Google GeoCoder. Returns a Promise containing the bounding box of the first result The third argument will force MapProvider to trigger change-address event with a specific point

storeLocator.navigate("New York").then(function(bounds) {
  console.info("Here are the bounds of the searched address", bounds);
// or
storeLocator.navigate(null, {lat: 8.55444, lng: 49.8887}, true).then(function(bounds) {
  console.info("Here are the bounds of the searched location", bounds);
// It can returns also an error you can handle as per Promise rules:
storeLocator.navigate( "New York" ).then(function success(){}, function error(error) {
  console.warn("An error occurred", error);
StoreLocator.navigateLocation( Bounds )

Once bounds have been obtained via navigate method, you can choose to move the map using this method. It forces the navigation into the map engine. Returns a Promise you can catch in case of No Map Engine Found error

Note: StoreLocator will use the first map engine that can handle the bounds
storeLocator.navigate("New York").then(function success(bounds){
  storeLocator.navigateLocation( bounds ).then(function success(){
   console.info("Map has navigated")
  function error(err) {
    console.warn("No map engine found", err);
StoreLocator.showPoint( Points, UseClusterer )

Show markers on map. You can specify if pins must be shown in Cluster or not. Points is a GeoJSON object. Returns a Promise containing an array of pin

storeLocator.showPoint(points, true).then(function(points){
  $.each(points, function(i, point) {
    var data = point.storeData; // Get the Store data from pin
    point.on("click", function() {
      // do something on click
      console.info("You have clicked on pin", data);
StoreLocator.zoom = value

Sets the zoom level as delta

storeLocator.zoom = 1; // increase zoom level
storeLocator.zoom = -1; // decrease zoom level

Returns current map engine wrapper

StoreLocator.expandViewport( Point, Boolean )

Expands viewport of the map including given point. If the second argument is true, StoreLocator will move the map to the returned bounds

var new_bounds = storeLocator.exandViewport({lat: 43.44333, lng: 131.34433});
// or
storeLocator.exandViewport({lat: 43.44333, lng: 131.34433}, true); // navigate to new bounds
StoreLocator.center = Point

Sets the point as center of the map



Fired when StoreLocator has changed the MapEngine

storeLocator.on("switchmap", function(e, prev, next) {
    console.info("Previous map engine:", prev);
    console.info("Next map engine:", next);

Fired after navigate method has been called

storeLocator.on("change-address", function(e, address, fixed_point) {
    console.info("searched address is:", address);
    console.info("fixed point is:", fixed_point);

Fired after navigateLocation has been called

storeLocator.on("navigateTo", function(e, map) {
    console.info("MapEngine is:", map);
    console.info("bound coordinates is:", map.bounds, "center:", map.center);

Fired after map has changed its viewport as per zoom or pan interaction

storeLocator.on("moveInMap", function(e, map) {
    console.info("MapEngine is:", map);
    console.info("bound coordinates is:", map.bounds, "center:", map.center);

Fired while clicking on a pin (the same of pin.on("click", function(){} );)

storeLocator.on("selectpoint", function(e, map, pointer) {
    console.info("MapEngine is:", map);
    console.info("You have clicked on point:", pointer.storeData );

Fired after map has changed its zoom level

storeLocator.on("mapzoom", function(e, prev, curr) {
    console.info("Previuos zoom level:",  prev);
    console.info("Current zoom level:",  curr);

Fired after map has been panned and changed its viewport coordinates

storeLocator.on("mappan", function(e) {
    console.info("Map has been panned");




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  • andreaglb84
  • fgiust
  • openmindlab