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OneFish Icons - React

Onefish Icons is one part of OneFish Design System. We are extending phosphor icons and add our own icon set.


yarn add @onefish/icons-react


npm install --save @onefish/icons-react


Simply import the icons you need, and add them anywhere in your render method. Onefish Icons supports tree-shaking, so your bundle only includes code for the icons you use.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Horse, Heart, Cube } from '@onefish/icons-react';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Horse />
      <Heart color="#AE2983" weight="fill" size={32} />
      <Cube color="teal" weight="regular" />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));


Icon components accept all props that you can pass to a normal SVG element, including inline style objects, onClick handlers, and more. The main way of styling them will usually be with the following props:

  • color?: string – Icon stroke/fill color. Can be any CSS color string, including hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, named colors, or the special currentColor variable.
  • size?: number | string – Icon height & width. As with standard React elements, this can be a number, or a string with units in px, %, em, rem, pt, cm, mm, in.
  • weight?: "regular" | "fill" – Icon weight/style. Can also be used, for example, to "toggle" an icon's state: a rating component could use Stars with weight="regular" to denote an empty star, and weight="fill" to denote a filled star.
  • mirrored?: boolean – Flip the icon horizontally. Can be useful in RTL languages where normal icon orientation is not appropriate.


Onefish Icons takes advantage of React Context to make applying a default style to all icons simple. Create an IconContext.Provider at the root of the app (or anywhere above the icons in the tree) and pass in a configuration object with props to be applied by default to all icons:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { IconContext, Horse, Heart, Cube } from '@onefish/icons-react';

const App = () => {
  return (
        color: 'limegreen',
        size: 32,
        weight: 'bold',
        mirrored: false,
        <Horse /> {/* I'm lime-green, 32px, and bold! */}
        <Heart /> {/* Me too! */}
        <Cube /> {/* Me three :) */}

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

You may create multiple Contexts for styling icons differently in separate regions of an application; icons use the nearest Context above them to determine their style.

Note: The color, size, weight, and mirrored properties are all required props when creating a context.


You may wish to import all icons at once for use in your project, though depending on your bundler this could prevent tree-shaking and make your app's bundle larger.

import * as Icon from "phosphor-react";
<Icon.Smiley />
<Icon.Folder weight="thin" />
<Icon.BatteryHalf size="24px" />

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  • arifinoid
  • ri7nz
  • yuhanasy