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React UI Library


The React UI Library by Oliasoft is a versatile set of React UI components designed for building modern web applications. It offers a comprehensive suite of layout, navigation, and control components that are flexible and configurable. With detailed examples available in Storybook, developers can easily understand how to implement and customize components for their needs. This library is open-source and can be freely used and modified under the MIT License.


To install the React UI Library, you can use either npm or yarn as follows:

Using npm:

npm install @oliasoft-open-source/react-ui-library

Using yarn:

yarn add @oliasoft-open-source/react-ui-library

Quick Start: React and Vite

To quickly start a new project using the React UI Library with Vite, you can use the create-vite tool, which sets up everything for you in a few simple steps:

  1. Create a New Vite Project: Use the create-vite command to scaffold a new React project. Run:

    npm create vite@latest my-new-project -- --template react

    Or with yarn

    yarn create vite my-new-project --template react
  2. Navigate into the Project Directory:

    cd my-new-project
  3. Install React UI Library: Add the React UI Library to your project:

    npm install @oliasoft-open-source/react-ui-library

    Or with yarn

     yarn add @oliasoft-open-source/react-ui-library
  4. Modify the Sample Page: Open the src/App.jsx file and import a component from the React UI Library to use it:

    import React from 'react';
    import { Text } from '@oliasoft-open-source/react-ui-library';
    function App() {
      return (
        <div className="App">
          <Text>Hello World!</Text>
    export default App;
  5. Start the Development Server: Begin development by starting the Vite server:

    npm run dev

    Or with yarn

     yarn dev



To see live examples and demos of the components, please visit our Storybook.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

Questions or Issues?

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please open an issue on the issues page of the repository.

Components Details

Accordion Component

The Accordion component provides a versatile way to toggle visibility of content. It can be expanded to show content or collapsed to hide content, with additional options for styling and behavior customization.


Prop Name Description Default Value
heading The content displayed in the accordion header. None (required)
expanded If true, the accordion will be initially expanded. false
managed Determines if the accordion's expansion state is controlled externally. false
bordered If true, adds a border to the accordion. false
padding If true, adds padding inside the accordion content area. true
children The content to be displayed within the accordion when it is expanded. None (optional)
onClick Function to handle click events on the accordion header. None (optional)
squareBottom If true, the bottom of the accordion will be square instead of rounded. false
testId An optional identifier used for testing. None (optional)

Usage Example

  heading="Section 1"
  onClick={() => console.log("Accordion clicked")}
  Content goes here


An enhanced accordion component that includes a default toggle feature, allowing for more interactive and user-driven content display. It extends the basic functionality of an accordion by offering a built-in toggle option with customizable label and behavior.


Prop Name Description Default Value
heading The content to be displayed in the accordion header. None (required)
toggleLabel Label for the default toggle switch. None (required)
expanded Controls if the accordion is expanded or collapsed by default. false
defaultEnabled Determines if the default toggle is enabled. true
onClickDefaultToggle Function called when the default toggle is clicked. Receives the change event as an argument. None (optional)
padding If true, adds padding to the accordion content for better spacing. true
children The content to be displayed inside the accordion when it is expanded. None (optional)

Usage Example

  heading="Section 1"
  toggleLabel="Enable Section"
  onClickDefaultToggle={(evt) => console.log(evt.target.checked)}
  {/* Content here */}


The Actions component is designed to display a set of actions or options. It supports primary actions, subactions, icons, tooltips, and can conditionally hide or disable actions. Ideal for implementing interactive lists, toolbars, or context menus within your application.


Prop Name Description Type Default Value (optional)
actions Array of action items to display. IAction[]
closeLayer Function to close the action layer. Optional. TEmpty (Function with no arguments and no return value) None

IAction Properties

Prop Name Description Type Default Value (optional)
label Text label for the action. TStringNumberNull (String, number, or null) None
childComponent Component to render as a child. ReactNode | (() => ReactNode) None
subActions Array of subaction items. ISubAction[] None
primary Marks the action as primary. boolean False
icon Icon to display alongside the label. ReactNode None
testId Identifier for testing purposes. string None
hidden Whether the action is hidden. boolean False
disabled Whether the action is disabled. boolean False
onClick Function to call when the action is clicked. (evt: React.MouseEvent, id?: TStringOrNumber) => void None
tooltip Tooltip to display on hover. ReactNode | string None

Usage Example

      label: 'Action 1',
      onClick: () => console.log('Action 1 clicked'),
      primary: true,
      label: 'Action 2',
      onClick: () => console.log('Action 2 clicked'),
      disabled: true,
      label: 'Action 3',
      onClick: () => console.log('Action 3 clicked'),
      tooltip: 'This is a tooltip for Action 3',


The Badge component is used to display a small badge, often used to show a count or to label an item with a short piece of text. This component can be customized with color, size, and optional dot mode for notifications or status indicators.


Prop Name Description Default Value
children The content inside the badge. None (optional)
color The color of the badge. '' (empty string)
title The title or text displayed inside the badge. None (optional)
dot If true, displays a dot instead of the children. false
margin Margin around the badge. None (optional)
small If true, displays a smaller version of the badge. false

Usage Example

  margin="0 8px"
  {/* Children here, if any */}

Breadcrumb Component

The Breadcrumb component displays a navigation path, typically used to show the user's location within a hierarchical structure.


Prop Name Description Default Value
links An array of objects representing the breadcrumb links. (See ILinkProps for details) Required
small If true, displays a smaller version of the breadcrumb. false

ILinkProps Interface:

This interface defines the properties for each breadcrumb link.

Prop Name Description
type The type of the link (implementation-specific).
label The text displayed for the link.
url The URL the link points to.
onClick A function to be called when the link is clicked.
active If true, indicates the link is the current location.
disabled If true, the link is disabled and cannot be clicked.
element A React node to render instead of the default link behavior.

Usage Example:

    { label: 'Home', url: '/' },
    { label: 'Products', url: '/products' },
    { label: 'Current Product', active: true },


The Button component is a versatile interface element that supports various styles and states, including active, basic, colored, disabled, and loading states. It's suitable for a wide range of actions within an application, from form submissions to interactive commands.


Prop Description Default Value
active Shows the button in an active state. false
basic Applies a link-style appearance to the button. false
colored Applies color styling. Can be boolean or string (color code or name). false
disabled If true, disables the button. false
groupOrder Specifies the button's position in a group (e.g., start, middle, end). None (optional)
icon An icon to be displayed on the button. Deprecated in favor of using label. None (optional)
label The content of the button, which can be text or a ReactNode. None (optional)
loading Shows an activity indicator, suggesting that an action is in progress. false
name The name of the button, which can be used in forms. None (optional)
onClick Function to call when the button is clicked. None (optional)
pill Deprecated. Use round for rounded corners instead. false
round If true, applies rounded corners to the button. false
small If true, displays the button in a smaller size. false
styles Custom styles to be applied to the button. None (optional)
width The width of the button, can be a number or string. None (optional)
title Tooltip text for the button. None (optional)
type The button type (e.g., "button", "submit"). button
error Displays an error state or message. None (optional)
warning Displays a warning state or message. None (optional)
testId A test identifier for the button. None (optional)
tooltip Tooltip content. Can be text or a ReactNode. None (optional)
inverted Deprecated. false

Usage Example

  label="Click Me"
  onClick={() => console.log('Button clicked')}


The ButtonGroup component allows for the grouping of button-like elements, making it useful for presenting a selection of options or actions together. This component supports customization in terms of appearance, selection handling, and more, making it versatile for various UI scenarios.


Prop Description Default Value
disabled If true, disables all buttons in the group. None (optional)
basic If true, applies a basic style to the button group. false
items An array of items (strings or IBtnGroupItemProps) in the group. []
header An optional header for the group. ''
onSelected Callback function triggered when an item is selected. () => {}
small If true, applies a smaller size to the buttons in the group. false
value The currently selected value. None (optional)
testId A unique identifier for testing purposes. None (optional)


Prop Description Default Value
label The label for the item. None (optional)
value The value associated with the item. None (required)
key A unique key for the item. None (required)
hidden If true, the item is hidden. false
icon An icon displayed next to the item label. None (optional)
error Displays an error state for the item. None (optional)
maxTooltipWidth The maximum width of the item's tooltip. None (optional)
testId A unique identifier for testing purposes. None (optional)
tooltip Tooltip text or component for the item. None (optional)
warning Displays a warning state for the item. None (optional)
disabled If true, the item is disabled. false

Usage Example

    { label: 'Button 1', value: '1' },
    { label: 'Button 2', value: '2', disabled: true },
    { label: 'Button 3', value: '3' }
  onSelected={(selectedValue) => console.log(selectedValue)}



Prop Description Default Value
bordered If true, displays a border around the card. true
heading Optional heading content for the card. None (optional)
margin The margin around the card, specified as a CSS value. '0'
padding If true, applies padding inside the card. true
raised If true, applies a box-shadow to give the card a "raised" effect. false
children The content within the card. None (optional)

Usage Example

<Card heading="Card Title" raised>
  <p>This is some content within a card.</p>


The CheckBox component is used to create a checkbox input field, often utilized for options that can be toggled between two states, such as true/false or yes/no. This component supports various customizations including label display, size adjustments, and integrated help text.


Prop Description Default Value
checked Determines whether the checkbox is checked. false
isInTable If true, optimizes the checkbox for use within a table. false
label The text label associated with the checkbox. None (optional)
name The name of the checkbox input, useful for form submission. None (required)
noMargin If true, removes the margin around the checkbox for tighter UI integration. false
onChange A callback function that is called when the checkbox state changes. None (required)
tabIndex The tab index of the checkbox. 0
disabled If true, disables the checkbox preventing user interaction. false
small If true, renders a smaller version of the checkbox. false
testId A unique identifier for testing purposes. None (optional)
key A unique key for rendering the component in lists. ''
dataix Custom data index attribute for the component. 0
value The value of the checkbox. None (optional)
helpText Optional help text displayed near the checkbox. None (optional)
onClickHelp A callback function triggered when the help text is clicked. None (optional)

Usage Example

  label="Accept Terms"
  onChange={e => this.setState({ accepted: e.target.checked })}


The Column component is a layout tool designed for creating structured, flexible column-based layouts within your application. It supports a wide range of customization options, including background color, border control, padding, and responsive width adjustments, making it an essential element for responsive design.


Prop Description Default Value
background The background color of the column. 'transparent'
borderLeft Controls the presence and style of the left border. None (optional)
borderRight Controls the presence and style of the right border. None (optional)
children The content to be displayed inside the column. None (optional)
flex If true, enables flex layout for the column contents. true
flexbox If true, the column will use flexbox layout. false
padding Controls padding inside the column. Can be boolean or string. false
scroll If true, enables scrolling within the column. false
showScrollbar Controls the visibility of the scrollbar. true
spacing Controls the spacing around items inside the column. 'var(--padding)'
width The width of the column, responsive on all devices. None (optional)
widthMobile The column's width specifically for mobile devices. None (optional)
widthTablet The column's width specifically for tablet devices. None (optional)
testId A unique identifier for testing purposes. None (optional)

Usage Example

  borderLeft="1px solid black"
  {/* Column Content Here */}


The Divider component visually separates content within your layout. It's customizable with respect to margin, color, and alignment, making it versatile for various design needs. It can be particularly useful in forms, lists, or between sections of content to provide a clear visual distinction.


Prop Description Default Value
margin Margin around the divider, specified as a string or number. 'var(--padding)'
color The color of the divider line. 'var(--color-border)'
align The alignment of the divider within its container. Options are left, center, or right. Align.CENTER
children The content to display within the divider. This can be used to place text or icons in the divider line. None (optional)

Usage Example

<Divider align="center" color="grey" margin="20px">


The Dialog component encapsulates a dialog box or modal's structure and behavior, providing a flexible way to display content in a floating layer above the app's main UI. This component supports a variety of content and layouts, including headers, footers, and customizable padding, making it ideal for confirmations, information dialogs, and more complex interactions.


Prop Description Default Value
heading The title or heading of the dialog. None (optional)
content The main content of the dialog, can be a node or an array of strings. None (optional)
contentPadding Padding inside the dialog, around the content. 'var(--padding)'
footer Footer content, typically used for actions. None (optional)
width Width of the dialog. None (optional)
height Height of the dialog. None (optional)
bordered If true, the dialog will have a border. None (optional)
onClose Function to call when the dialog is requested to close. None (optional)
scroll Enables scrolling within the dialog. None (optional)
testId A test identifier for the component. None (optional)

Usage Example

    heading: "Dialog Title",
    content: "This is the content of the dialog.",
    footer: <button onClick={() => console.log('Closing dialog')}>Close</button>,
    width: 400,
    scroll: true,
    onClose: () => console.log('Dialog closed'),


The Drawer component is a flexible and customizable sidebar or navigation drawer that slides in from the side of your application. It supports both left and right placement, fixed positioning, and the inclusion of tabs for additional organization. The drawer can be triggered to open or close programmatically, making it adaptable for various user interactions.


Prop Description Default Value
background The background color of the drawer. 'var(--color-background-raised)'
children The content displayed inside the drawer. None (optional)
fixed If true, the drawer is fixed in position. false
open Controls the open state of the drawer. false
setOpen Function to set the open state of the drawer. None (optional)
right If true, the drawer slides in from the right. false
shadow If true, the drawer casts a shadow. false
top The distance of the drawer from the top of the viewport. 0
width The width of the drawer when opened. Can be a single value or an array for responsive design. 400
closedWidth The width of the drawer when closed. 0
button Optional button to toggle the drawer. Can be boolean or a ReactNode for custom button. None (optional)
buttonAnimate If true, the toggle button animates on state change. true
buttonPosition Position of the toggle button. ButtonPosition.BOTTOM
border If true, adds a border to the drawer. Can be a boolean or a string for custom border styles. false
tabs Array of tabs for organizing content within the drawer. None (optional)
defaultTabIndex The index of the tab to be selected by default. 0
activeTab Controls the active tab state. None (optional)
setActiveTab Function to set the active tab. None (optional)
testId A unique identifier for testing purposes. None (optional)
onResize Callback function that is called when the drawer is resized. None (optional)
getActiveTab Function that receives the active tab information. None (optional)
onClose Callback function that is called when the drawer is closed. None (optional)
onOpen Callback function that is called when the drawer is opened. None (optional)

Usage Example

  onClose={() => console.log("Drawer closed")}
  {/* Content here */}


The Empty component is a useful UI element for displaying a state where there is no data or content available. It can be customized with specific dimensions and text, making it adaptable to various scenarios where you might need to inform users that a section or area is intentionally empty.


Prop Description Default Value
width The width of the empty state container. 'auto'
height The height of the empty state container. 'auto'
text The text or ReactNode displayed in the empty state. 'No data'
children Children elements to be rendered inside the empty state container. None (optional)
testId A unique identifier for testing purposes. None (optional)

Usage Example

  text="No items found."


The FileInput component allows users to select files from their device storage. It supports single and multiple file selections, customizable via props. This component is ideal for forms requiring file uploads, offering options for file type acceptance, loading states, and accessibility features.


Prop Description Default Value
label The label displayed on the file input. 'Select'
loading Displays a loading state if set to true. false
placeholder Text displayed when no file is selected. 'No file selected'
disabled If true, disables the file input. false
file The currently selected file. None (optional)
accept Defines the file types the file input should accept. None (optional)
multi Allows multiple files to be selected if set to true. None (optional)
name The name attribute of the input element. None (optional)
width The width of the file input. None (optional)
onChange Callback function called when the selected file changes. None (optional)
testId A test identifier for the component. None (optional)

Usage Example

  label="Upload Document"
  onChange={(evt) => console.log(evt.target.files)}


The Field component serves as a container for form elements, providing a structured layout for labels, input fields, help text, and additional features like lock icons or information tooltips.


Prop Description Default Value
label The label for the field. None
labelLeft If true, aligns the label to the left. false
labelWidth The width of the label. 'auto'
children The content of the field, typically an input component. None (required)
helpText Additional text to assist users with the field. None
helpTextMaxWidth The maximum width of the help text. '300px'
onClickHelp A callback function triggered when the help text is clicked. () => {}
lock Configuration for a lock icon. { visible: false, active: false, onClick: () => {}, tooltip: '', testId: undefined }
info Additional information displayed alongside the field. ''
libraryIcon Configuration for an icon from a library. None
testId A unique identifier for testing purposes. -

Usage Example

  helpText="Choose a unique username"
  info="Your username must be at least 6 characters long."
  <Input placeholder="Enter your username" />


The Flex component enables flexible layout arrangements by providing properties to control the alignment, direction, and spacing of its children elements.


Prop Description Default Value
alignItems The alignment of flex items along the cross axis. 'initial'
justifyContent The alignment of flex items along the main axis. 'initial'
direction The direction of the flex container's main axis. 'initial'
height The height of the flex container. 'initial'
children The child elements of the flex container. null
wrap If true, allows flex items to wrap onto multiple lines. true
gap The gap between flex items. false

Usage Example

<Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between" direction="row" gap={10}>
  <div>Item 1</div>
  <div>Item 2</div>
  <div>Item 3</div>


The FormRow component is used to group form elements together in a row layout.


Prop Description Default Value
children The child elements of the form row. null

Usage Example

  <Input label="Username" />
  <Button label="Submit" onClick={handleSubmit} />


The Grid component allows you to create a grid layout with specified rows and columns.


Prop Description Default Value
rows The CSS value for defining the grid rows 'initial'
columns The CSS value for defining the grid columns 'initial'
columnsTablet The CSS value for defining grid columns on tablets null
columnsMobile The CSS value for defining grid columns on mobiles null
gap Whether to include gap between grid items false
height The CSS value for defining the grid height 'initial'
children The child elements of the grid null

Usage Example

<Grid rows="auto" columns="repeat(3, 1fr)" gap={20}>
  <GridItem>Item 1</GridItem>
  <GridItem>Item 2</GridItem>
  <GridItem>Item 3</GridItem>


The Icon component is a wrapper used to render various types of icons within your application.


Prop Description Default Value
icon The icon to be rendered. This can be a ReactNode, string name, or SVG.
onClick The callback function triggered when the icon is clicked. -
clickable Determines whether the icon is clickable or not. false
color The color of the icon. -
size The size of the icon. -
testId A test id for identification in automated tests. -

Usage Example

<Icon icon="search" color="blue" size={24} />

In this example, the Icon component renders an icon with the name "search", colored blue, and sized at 24 pixels.

  • The icon prop accepts various formats such as string names, React components, or SVG elements.
  • If using a string name, it's recommended to use icon libraries like Font Awesome or Material Icons.
  • When providing a custom SVG, ensure it's properly formatted and compatible with React's rendering.
  • Setting the clickable prop to true adds cursor pointer and hover effects to the icon.
<Icon icon={<CustomIcon />} clickable onClick={handleIconClick} />


The InputGroup component is used to group together multiple input elements or components.


Prop Description Default Value
children The input elements or components to be grouped.
small Determines whether the input group is small or not. false
width The width of the input group. '100%'

Usage Example

  <Input placeholder="Username" />


The InputGroupAddon component is used to add additional content or components to an InputGroup.


Prop Description Default Value
children The content or components to be added to the input group.
groupOrder The order of the addon within the input group. null
small Determines whether the addon is small or not. false

Usage Example

  <Input placeholder="Amount" />


The HelpIcon component provides an icon with optional tooltip text to offer assistance or additional information.


Prop Description Default Value
text The text or content to display in the tooltip.
onClick A function to be called when the icon is clicked.
icon The icon to display. It can be a ReactNode or a string representing an icon (e.g., "help", "info"). 'help'
active Determines whether the icon is in an active state. false
maxWidth The maximum width of the tooltip. '300px'
testId The test ID for identifying the component in tests.

Usage Example

<HelpIcon text="Click here for more information" />


The Heading component renders a heading element with optional features such as help text and an icon.


Prop Description Default Value
children The content to be rendered within the heading element.
helpText Additional text or content to provide assistance or information about the heading.
onClick A function to be called when the heading is clicked.
onClickHelp A function to be called when the help text is clicked.
onIconClick A function to be called when the icon is clicked.
icon The icon element to be displayed alongside the heading.
libraryIcon Configuration for the library icon, containing an onClick function and an optional tooltip text.
marginBottom The margin at the bottom of the heading.
top Determines whether the heading is displayed at the top of the container. false
testId The test ID for identifying the component in tests.

Usage Example

<Heading>Page Title</Heading>
  onClick={() => console.log('Heading clicked')}
  helpText="This is the main title of the page"
  onClickHelp={() => console.log('Help text clicked')}
  icon={<QuestionCircleOutlined />}
  libraryIcon={{ onClick: () => console.log('Library icon clicked'), tooltip: 'More info' }}
  Page Title


The Input component provides an input field for users to enter data. It supports various features such as error and warning messages, tooltips, and custom event handlers.


Prop Description Default Value
error Error message or content to indicate validation errors. null
warning Warning message or content to indicate potential issues. null
tooltip Additional information or context provided as a tooltip. null
name The name attribute of the input field. -
type The type of input field (e.g., text, number, email). 'text'
onChange Event handler called when the input value changes. () => {}
onKeyPress Event handler called when a key is pressed while the input is focused. () => {}
onFocus Event handler called when the input is focused. () => {}
onBlur Event handler called when the input loses focus. () => {}
onPaste Event handler called when content is pasted into the input field. () => {}
small Determines whether to render a smaller-sized input field. false
placeholder Placeholder text displayed when the input is empty. ''
tabIndex The tab index of the input field. 0
value The value of the input field. ''
disabled Determines whether the input field is disabled. false
right Determines whether to align content to the right of the input field. false
groupOrder Position of the input field within a group or sequence. null
maxTooltipWidth The maximum width of the tooltip. -
testId Test ID for identifying the component in tests. -
size Deprecated. Use width instead to define the size of the input field. null
isInTable Specifies whether the input is used within a table. false
width Width of the input field. -

Usage Example

  placeholder="Enter your name"
  onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)}
  tooltip="Please enter your full name"
  placeholder="Enter your age"
  onChange={(e) => setAge(e.target.value)}


The Label component represents a label or caption associated with an input field or other form elements. It can include optional elements such as help text, lock icons, and library icons.


Prop Description Default Value
label The text or content of the label. null
width The width of the label. 'auto'
helpText Help text or additional information associated with the label. ''
helpTextMaxWidth The maximum width of the help text. '300px'
onClickHelp Event handler called when the help icon or text is clicked. -
lock Configuration for the lock icon displayed with the label. See below
libraryIcon Configuration for the library icon displayed with the label. -
labelLeft Determines whether to align the label to the left side. false
info Additional information or tooltip associated with the label. -

Lock Props:

Prop Description Default Value
visible Determines whether the lock icon is visible. false
active Determines whether the lock icon is active. false
onClick Event handler called when the lock icon is clicked. () => {}
tooltip Tooltip text displayed when hovering over the icon. ''
testId Test ID for identifying the lock icon in tests. -

Usage Example

  helpText="Enter your username"
  onClickHelp={() => console.log('Help clicked')}
    visible: true,
    active: false,
    onClick: () => console.log('Lock clicked'),
    tooltip: 'Locked',
    onClick: () => console.log('Library icon clicked'),
    tooltip: 'Open library',


The List component renders a list of data items with various customization options such as borders, expanding items, and draggable rows.


Prop Description Default Value
drawer Specifies whether the list is rendered as a drawer. false
list The data to be displayed in the list. Required
bordered Determines whether the list items have borders. false
expanding Specifies whether the list items can be expanded to show additional content. false
narrow Determines whether the list items have a narrower layout. false
toggleNarrow Specifies whether to enable toggling the narrow mode. false
onToggleNarrow Callback function called when toggling the narrow mode. () => {}
invokeEditOnRowClick Determines whether clicking on a row invokes editing mode. true
noHeader Specifies whether to hide the header of the list. false
stickyHeader Determines whether the list header sticks to the top when scrolling. -
draggable Specifies whether the list items can be dragged to reorder. false
onListReorder Callback function called when reordering the list items. () => {}
marginBottom The margin bottom applied to the list. 0
height The height of the list. -
testId Test ID for identifying the list component. -
scrollDetails Configuration for scrolling behavior and infinite scroll functionality. See details below. See details below

Scroll Details:

Prop Description Default Value
scrollable Determines whether the list is scrollable. false
hideScrollbar Determines whether to hide the scrollbar when scrolling. false
triggerScrollToActiveItem Specifies whether scrolling should be triggered to display the active item. false
infiniteScroll Specifies whether to enable infinite scroll functionality. false
limit The limit of items to load per page when using infinite scroll. 10
infiniteScrollTarget The target element for infinite scroll (e.g., the list container). -

Usage Example

    scrollable: true,
    hideScrollbar: true,
    triggerScrollToActiveItem: true,
    infiniteScroll: true,
    limit: 10,
    infiniteScrollTarget: document.getElementById('list-container'),


The ListHeading component represents the header of a list. It typically includes the name or title of the list and optional actions.


Prop Description Default Value
name The name or title of the list. Required
actions An array of action items to be displayed in the header. []
toggleNarrow Specifies whether to enable toggling the narrow mode for the list. false
onToggleNarrow Callback function called when toggling the narrow mode. () => {}
stickyHeader Determines whether the list header sticks to the top when scrolling. -

Usage Example

  name="My List"
  actions={[{ label: 'Add', onClick: handleAdd }, { label: 'Edit', onClick: handleEdit }]}


The ListSubheading component represents a subheading within a list. It is typically used to provide additional information or context for a group of items within the list.


Prop Description Default Value
item An object containing data for the subheading item. Required
index The index of the subheading item within the list. -

Usage Example

<ListSubheading item={{ label: 'Group A', count: 5 }} index={0} />


The Loader component renders a loading indicator, typically used to indicate that content is being fetched or processed.


Prop Description Default Value
width The width of the loader.
height The height of the loader.
text The text to display alongside the loader. '' (empty)
details Additional details or information to display below the loader. '' (empty)
fullViewPortSize A boolean indicating whether the loader should cover the entire viewport. false
cover A boolean indicating whether the loader should cover its parent element. false
children Additional React elements to render alongside the loader. null
theme The theme of the loader. This can be either Theme.DARK or Theme.LIGHT. Theme.DARK
testId A string value representing the test ID for testing purposes. null

Usage Example

<Loader text="Loading..." cover />


The Menu component is used to render a menu with various options or sections.


Prop Description Default Value
menu An object containing properties for configuring the menu. {}
contextMenu A boolean indicating whether the menu is a context menu. false
width The width of the menu. -
disabled A boolean indicating whether the menu is disabled. false
badgeTitle The title text for a badge, if applicable. '' (empty)
badgeDot A boolean indicating whether to display a dot badge. false
loading A boolean indicating whether the menu is in a loading state. false
fullHeightTrigger A boolean indicating whether the trigger should have full height. false
closeOnOptionClick A boolean indicating whether the menu should close when an option is clicked. false
groupOrder The order of the menu group. null
overflowContainer A boolean indicating whether the menu should have an overflow container. false
maxHeight The maximum height of the menu. -
testId A string representing the test ID for testing purposes. -
open A boolean indicating whether the menu is open. false
setOpen A function to set the open state of the menu. -
closeParent A function to close the parent menu. -
tree The tree structure of the menu. null
path The path of the menu. null
isNested A boolean indicating whether the menu is nested. false
tooltip The tooltip for the menu. null
error The error message for the menu. null
warning The warning message for the menu. null
title The title text for the menu. '' (empty)

Menu Properties

The menu prop accepts an object with the following properties:

  • trigger: The trigger type or string.
  • title: The title of the menu.
  • colored: A boolean indicating whether the menu is colored or a string representing the color.
  • small: A boolean indicating whether the menu is small.
  • label: The label for the menu.
  • component: The component to render inside the menu.
  • sections: The sections of the menu.
  • placement: The placement of the menu.
  • possiblePlacements: The possible placements of the menu.
  • showAllButton: The configuration for the "show all" button.
  • testId: The test ID for the menu.
  • fullHeightTrigger: A boolean indicating whether the trigger should have full height.

Usage Example

    trigger: 'click',
    title: 'Options',
    colored: true,
    small: true,
    label: 'Menu Label',
    sections: [<MenuItem key="1" label="Item 1" />, <MenuItem key="2" label="Item 2" />],
    placement: 'bottom-end',
    testId: 'menu-test-id',
    fullHeightTrigger: true,
  setOpen={(state) => setOpen(state)}


The Message component is used to display informative messages to users.


Prop Description Default Value
message An object containing properties for the message. {}

Message Properties

The message prop accepts an object with the following properties:

  • visible: A boolean indicating whether the message is visible.
  • type: The type of the message, such as info, success, warning, or error.
  • icon: A boolean indicating whether to display an icon with the message.
  • heading: The heading or title of the message.
  • content: The main content of the message.
  • details: Additional details or information related to the message.
  • detailsVisible: Whether the details are visible by default (default: false).
  • footer: The footer content of the message.
  • withDismiss: A boolean indicating whether the message can be dismissed.
  • onClose: A function to handle the close event of the message.
  • width: The width of the message.
  • maxHeight: The maximum height of the message.

Usage Example

    visible: true,
    type: MessageType.INFO,
    icon: true,
    heading: 'Information',
    content: 'This is an informative message.',
    details: 'Additional details can be provided here.',
    detailsVisible: true,
    footer: <Button label="Close" onClick={handleClose} />,
    withDismiss: true,
    onClose: handleClose,
    width: '400px',
    maxHeight: '200px',


The Modal component is used to display content in a modal dialog box.


Prop Description Default Value
children The content to be displayed within the modal. -
visible A boolean indicating whether the modal is visible. false
centered A boolean indicating whether the modal is centered vertically and horizontally. false
width The width of the modal. '100%'
onEnter A function called when the modal is opened. -
onEscape A function called when the escape key is pressed to close the modal. -

Usage Example

  {/* Content of the modal */}

Option Dropdown

The OptionDropdown component is used to display a dropdown menu with selectable options.


Prop Description Default Value
name The name attribute for the dropdown input element. -
label The label for the dropdown. -
options An array of options to be displayed in the dropdown. Each option should have a label and value property. -
onChange A function to be called when the selected options change. -
showHeader A boolean indicating whether to display a header above the dropdown options. true
maxHeight The maximum height of the dropdown menu. '40vh'

Usage Example

  label="Select an option"
    { label: 'Option 1', value: 'option1' },
    { label: 'Option 2', value: 'option2' },
    { label: 'Option 3', value: 'option3' },


The Page component is used to create a page layout with optional padding and scrolling.


Prop Description Default Value
children The content to be rendered within the page layout. -
left The width of the left margin of the page. var(--size-sidebar)
padding Determines whether padding should be applied to the page content. true
scroll A boolean indicating whether the page should be scrollable if its content overflows. true
top The height of the top margin of the page. var(--size-topbar)

Usage Example

  {/* Page content goes here */}


The Pagination component provides navigation controls for navigating through a large set of data, allowing users to move between pages.


Prop Description Default Value
pagination An object containing pagination configuration options. -
rowCount The total number of rows/items to be paginated. -
selectedPage The currently selected page number. -
onSelectPage A function to handle page selection. It takes the selected page number as an argument. -
rowsPerPage Configuration options for selecting the number of rows/items per page. -
small A boolean indicating whether to render a smaller version of the pagination controls. false
errorMessageTemplate A template string used to display an error message if pagination fails. -
testIds An object containing test IDs for specific elements within the pagination component. -

Usage Example

    rowCount: 1000,
    selectedPage: 1,
    onSelectPage: handlePageSelection,
    rowsPerPage: {
      options: [10, 20, 50],
      selected: 10,
      onChange: handleRowsPerPageChange,
    small: false,
    errorMessageTemplate: "Pagination failed: {error}",
    testIds: {
      doubleRightBtn: "pagination-double-right-btn",


The Popover component displays additional content or options related to a specific element when triggered.


Prop Description Default Value
children The element that triggers the display of the popover content. -
content The content to be displayed inside the popover. -
placement The placement of the popover relative to its trigger element. 'top-center'
closeOnOutsideClick A boolean indicating whether the popover should close when clicking outside of it. true
fullWidth A boolean indicating whether the popover should take up the full width of its container. false
showCloseButton A boolean indicating whether to display a close button within the popover. false
testId A test ID for the popover component, used for testing purposes. -
disabled A boolean indicating whether the popover is disabled and should not be triggered. false
isOpen Controls the visibility of the popover. If defined, the popover is in controlled mode. -
onToggle Callback function that is called when the popover is opened or closed. Receives the new state as an argument. -

Usage Example

  content={<div>Popover Content</div>}
  <Button>Open Popover</Button>


The Portal component facilitates rendering React elements at a different location in the DOM tree.


Prop Description Default Value
id The id of the target DOM node where children will be rendered. -
children The React elements to be rendered inside the portal. -

Usage Example

<Portal id="portal-container">
  <div>This content will be rendered in a different location in the DOM tree.</div>


The PrintHeader component is used to display a header with a logo when printing.


Prop Description Default Value
logo The URL or path to the logo image. -
alt The alternative text for the logo image. -
logoWidth The width of the logo. '100px'

Usage Example

  alt="Company Logo"


The ProgressBar component is used to display a visual progress bar indicating the completion percentage of a task.


Prop Description Default Value
width The width of the progress bar. 'auto'
inverted Determines whether the progress bar is inverted (i.e., progress from right to left). false
colored Determines whether the progress bar is colored. true
showProgressColors Determines whether the progress bar shows different colors based on progress (if colored is true). false
percentage The completion percentage of the task (a value between 0 and 100). 0
noLabel Determines whether to hide the label displaying the percentage value. false

Usage Example



The RadioButton component provides a set of radio buttons for selecting options within a group.


Prop Description Default Value
name The name attribute of the radio button group. -
label The label for the radio button group. null
options An array of objects representing each radio button option. -
value The currently selected value or option object. -
inline (Deprecated) Determines whether the radio buttons should be displayed inline. false
disabled Determines whether the radio buttons are disabled. false
small Determines whether to use a smaller size for the radio buttons. false
onChange A function called when the selected value changes. -
noMargin Determines whether to remove margins around the radio buttons. false
onClick (Deprecated) A function called when a radio button is clicked. () => {}
mainLabel (Deprecated) The main label for the radio button group. ''
radioButtonsData (Deprecated) An array of objects representing each radio button option. -
classForContainer (Deprecated) A class name for the container element. 'grouped fields'
testId A string used to define a test ID for testing purposes. -

Usage Example

    { label: 'Male', value: 'male' },
    { label: 'Female', value: 'female' },
    { label: 'Other', value: 'other' },
  onChange={(e) => console.log('Selected value:', e.target.value)}


The RichTextInput component provides a text input field with rich text editing capabilities.


Prop Description Default Value
disabled Determines whether the text input is disabled. false
onChange A function called when the content of the text input changes. -
placeholder The placeholder text displayed when the text input is empty. -
value The current value of the text input. -
toolbarComponent A custom toolbar component for additional editing options. -

Usage Example

  placeholder="Enter your text here..."
  onChange={(markdown) => console.log('Markdown:', markdown)}


The NativeSelect component renders a native HTML select element with various customization options.


Prop Description Default Value
borderRadius The border radius of the select element. -
disabled Determines whether the select element is disabled. false
error Error message to display. -
warning Warning message to display. -
tooltip Tooltip message to display. -
options An array of options to populate the select element. -
onChange A function called when the selected option changes. -
onFocus A function called when the select element receives focus. -
onBlur A function called when the select element loses focus. -
right Determines whether the select arrow is positioned on the right side. false
small Determines whether to render a smaller version of the select element. false
tabIndex Specifies the tab order of the select element. 0
selectedOption The currently selected option. -
width The width of the select element. null
groupOrder The order of the option groups. null
testId A string used to identify the select element for testing purposes. -
isInTable Determines whether the select element is rendered within a table. false
clearable Determines whether the select element allows clearing the selected option. false
placeholder Placeholder text displayed when no option is selected. null
hasNonExistentValue Determines whether the select element includes a non-existent value option. false
maxTooltipWidth The maximum width of the tooltip. -

Usage Example

    { label: 'Option 1', value: 'option1' },
    { label: 'Option 2', value: 'option2' },
    { label: 'Option 3', value: 'option3' },
  onChange={(evt, option) => console.log('Selected option:', option)}
  onFocus={() => console.log('Select element focused')}
  onBlur={() => console.log('Select element blurred')}
  selectedOption={{ label: 'Option 1', value: 'option1' }}
  placeholder="Select an option"

Row Component

The Row component is used to create a horizontal layout with flexible alignment and spacing options.


Prop Description Default Value
alignItems Specifies the alignment of the children along the cross-axis (vertical alignment). initial
justifyContent Defines the alignment of the children along the main axis (horizontal alignment). initial
children The content to be rendered within the row. null
flex Determines whether the row should be flexible (able to grow and shrink based on available space). false
height The height of the row. 'auto'
marginBottom The margin bottom of the row. '0'
marginTop The margin top of the row. '0'
spacing The spacing between child elements in the row. 'var(--padding)'
wrap Determines whether the children should wrap onto multiple lines if they exceed the row's width. false
testId A string used to identify the row for testing purposes. null

Usage Example

  <div>Child 1</div>
  <div>Child 2</div>
  <div>Child 3</div>

Select Component

The Select component is used to render a dropdown menu for selecting options from a list.


Prop Description Default Value
name The name attribute of the select element. ''
multi Determines whether multiple options can be selected. false
options An array of options to be rendered in the dropdown menu. []
value The currently selected option(s). -
native Determines whether to use the native HTML <select> element. false
onChange A callback function invoked when the selection changes. () => {}
onCreate A callback function invoked when a new option is created. () => {}
deprecatedEventHandler Determines whether to use deprecated event handlers. false
autoScroll Determines whether the dropdown menu should auto-scroll. true
warning Warning message to be displayed. -
error Error message to be displayed. -
checkNonExistentValues Determines whether to check for non-existent values. true
closeOnOptionActionClick Determines whether to close the select dropdown on option action click. true
testId A string used to identify the select component for testing purposes. -
disabled Determines whether the select component is disabled. false

The ISelectSelectedOption interface represents the structure of an option in the dropdown menu.

Property Description
value The value of the option.
label The display label of the option.
details Additional details or description of the option.
actions Actions associated with the option.
icon Icon to be displayed next to the option.
type Type of the option.
disabled Determines whether the option is disabled.
testId A string used to identify the option for testing purposes.

Usage Example

    { value: 'option1', label: 'Option 1' },
    { value: 'option2', label: 'Option 2' },
    { value: 'option3', label: 'Option 3' }
  onChange={(value) => console.log('Selected value:', value)}
  placeholder="Select an option"

SideBar Component

The SideBar component represents a sidebar navigation menu with collapsible sections and items.


Prop Description Default Value
options An object containing the title of the sidebar and its sections. {}
startOpen Determines whether the sidebar sections should start open or collapsed. false
onShiftClickToggleOpen A callback function invoked when the user shift-clicks to toggle the sidebar open or closed. () => {}
top The top position of the sidebar. -

The IOptionItem interface represents an individual item within a sidebar section.

Property Description
label The label or display text of the item.
value The value associated with the item.
icon The icon displayed alongside the item label.
onClick A callback function invoked when the item is clicked.
isActive Determines whether the item is currently active.
isExperimental Indicates whether the item is experimental or not.
invalid Indicates whether the item is invalid.
testId A string used to identify the item for testing purposes.

The IOptionSection interface represents a section within the sidebar, containing a heading and a list of items.

Property Description
heading The heading or title of the section.
items An array of items within the section.

Usage Example

    title: 'Navigation',
    sections: [
        heading: 'Section 1',
        items: [
          { label: 'Item 1', value: 'item1', icon: <Icon />, onClick: handleItemClick },
          { label: 'Item 2', value: 'item2', icon: <Icon />, onClick: handleItemClick },
        heading: 'Section 2',
        items: [
          { label: 'Item 3', value: 'item3', icon: <Icon />, onClick: handleItemClick },
          { label: 'Item 4', value: 'item4', icon: <Icon />, onClick: handleItemClick },

Slider Component

The Slider component allows users to select a value or a range of values by dragging a handle along a track.


Prop Description Default Value
name The name attribute of the slider input.
label The label displayed above the slider.
width The width of the slider. '100%'
labelWidth The width of the label. 'auto'
value The current value or range of values selected by the slider.
min The minimum value of the slider.
max The maximum value of the slider.
step The step value for the slider. 1
marks An array of marks to display on the slider track. []
showArrows Determines whether arrow buttons for incremental adjustments should be displayed. false
showTooltip Determines whether tooltips should be displayed when hovering over the slider handles. false
tooltipFormatter A function to format the tooltip content. v => v
disabled Determines whether the slider is disabled. false
range Determines whether the slider allows selecting a range of values. false
small Determines whether to use a small-sized slider. false
vertical An object containing configuration options for a vertical slider variant. { enabled: false, width: '100px', height: '400px' }
onChange A callback function invoked when the slider value changes.

The TSliderMark type represents a mark on the slider track.

Property Description
value The value of the mark.
label The label displayed for the mark.
tooltip The tooltip content displayed for the mark.

The THandleProps type represents the props for the slider handle component.

Property Description
index The index of the handle.
value The value of the handle.
dragging Indicates whether the handle is being dragged.

Usage Example

  label="Slider Label"
    { value: 0, label: '0' },
    { value: 50, label: '50' },
    { value: 100, label: '100' }
  onChange={({ target: { value } }) => console.log(value)}

Spacer Component

The Spacer component is used to add space between elements within a layout.


Prop Description Default Value
height The height of the spacer. 'var(--padding)'
width The width of the spacer. null
flex Determines whether the spacer should use flexbox. false

Usage Example

<Spacer height="20px" />

This will create a vertical space of 20 pixels.

<Spacer width="20px" />

This will create a horizontal space of 20 pixels.

<Spacer flex />

Spinner Component

The Spinner component displays a spinning animation, indicating that content is loading or processing.


Prop Description Default Value
small Determines if the spinner should be small. false
colored Determines if the spinner should be colored. false
dark Determines if the spinner should have a dark background. false
tiny Determines if the spinner should be tiny. false

Usage Example

<Spinner />

This will render a default-sized spinner with a light background.

<Spinner small colored dark />

This will render a small-sized spinner with colored animation on a dark background.

<Spinner tiny />

Table Component

The Table component renders tabular data with various customization options.


Prop Description Default Value
onListReorder Function called when rows are reordered. () => {}
table An object containing table configuration.
table.name Name or title of the table.
table.actionsRight Determines if actions should be displayed on the right side of the table. false
table.fixedWidth Fixed width of the table.
table.maxHeight Maximum height of the table.
table.columnWidths Widths of individual columns.
table.className Custom class name for the table.
table.columnHeaderAlignments Alignment of column headers.
table.columnAlignment Alignment of table columns.
table.infiniteScroll Determines if infinite scrolling is enabled. false
table.headers Array containing table header data.
table.rows Data for table rows.
table.footer Footer configuration for the table.
table.draggable Determines if rows are draggable.
table.bordered Determines if the table should have borders. true
table.striped Determines if the table rows should be striped. true
table.testId Test ID for the table.
table.onAddRow Function called when adding a new row to the table. null
table.defaultEmptyRow Default empty row data for the table. null
table.stickyHeaders Determines if table headers should be sticky. false
table.actions Additional actions for the table.

Row Type

Property Description
cells Array of cell data for the row.
actions Additional actions for the row.
testId Test ID for the row.
noDrag Determines if row dragging is disabled.
onRowMouseEnter Function called when the mouse enters the row.
onRowMouseLeave Function called when the mouse leaves the row.

Footer Props

Property Description
colSpan Number of columns spanned by the footer.
pagination Pagination configuration for the footer.
actions Additional actions for the footer.
content Custom content for the footer.

Usage Example

  onListReorder={(obj) => console.log('Reordered: ', obj)}
    name: 'Sample Table',
    headers: ['Name', 'Age', 'Location'],
    rows: [
      { cells: ['John', 25, 'New York'], testId: 'row1' },
      { cells: ['Alice', 30, 'Los Angeles'], testId: 'row2' },
      { cells: ['Bob', 28, 'Chicago'], testId: 'row3' },
    footer: {
      pagination: {
        rowCount: 50,
        selectedPage: 1,
        onSelectPage: (value) => console.log('Selected page: ', value),
    actions: [<Button key="addBtn" label="Add Row" onClick={() => console.log('Row added')} />],

Tabs Component

The Tabs component creates a tabbed interface for organizing content.


Prop Description Default Value
name Name of the tabs (optional). -
options Array of tab options. null
children Content of the tabs. null
value Currently selected tab option. -
onChange Function called when a tab is selected. () => {}
padding Determines if padding should be applied to the tabs container. false
margin Determines if margin should be applied to the tabs container. true
contentPadding Determines if padding should be applied to the tab content. true
testId Test ID for the tabs component. -
activeTabIndex (Deprecated) Index of the active tab. -
tabs (Deprecated) Array of tab options (use options prop instead). -
onChangeTab (Deprecated) Function called when a tab is changed. () => {}

Tab Option

Property Description
key Unique identifier for the tab.
label Label or title of the tab.
value Value associated with the tab.
url URL associated with the tab.
hidden Determines if the tab is hidden.
disabled Determines if the tab is disabled.
invalid Determines if the tab is invalid.
badge Badge content displayed on the tab.
right Determines if the badge should be on the right.
testId Test ID for the tab.

Usage Example

    { label: 'Tab 1', value: 'tab1' },
    { label: 'Tab 2', value: 'tab2' },
    { label: 'Tab 3', value: 'tab3', disabled: true },
  value={{ label: 'Tab 1', value: 'tab1' }}
  onChange={(evt) => console.log('Selected tab: ', evt.target.value)}
  <div>Content for Tab 1</div>
  <div>Content for Tab 2</div>
  <div>Content for Tab 3</div>

Text Component

The Text component renders text with customizable styles.


Prop Description Default Value
bold Determines if the text should be displayed in bold. false
center Determines if the text should be centered. false
error Determines if the text should represent an error state. false
faint Determines if the text should have a faint appearance. false
link Determines if the text should appear as a link. false
muted Determines if the text should have a muted appearance. false
onClick Function called when the text is clicked. -
small Determines if the text should be displayed in a small size. false
success Determines if the text should represent a success state. false
warning Determines if the text should represent a warning state. false
children The content to be rendered as text. -

Usage Example

<Text bold center error onClick={() => console.log('Text clicked')}>
  Error Message

TextLink Component

The TextLink component renders text as a clickable link.


Prop Description Default Value
href The URL that the link should navigate to. -
target Specifies where to open the linked document. -
testId A unique identifier used for testing purposes. -
onClick Function called when the link is clicked. -
children The content to be rendered as a clickable link. -

Usage Example

<TextLink href="https://example.com" target="_blank" onClick={() => console.log('Link clicked')}>
  Visit Example

TextArea Component

The TextArea component renders a multi-line text input field.


Prop Description Default Value
name The name of the text area field. -
value The current value of the text area. ''
placeholder The placeholder text displayed when the text area is empty. ''
cols The visible width of the text area (in average character widths). -
rows The number of visible text lines in the text area. -
disabled If true, the text area is disabled and cannot be edited. false
onChange Function called when the text area value changes. () => {}
onKeyPress Function called when a key is pressed while the text area is focused. () => {}
onFocus Function called when the text area receives focus. () => {}
onBlur Function called when the text area loses focus. () => {}
tabIndex Specifies the tab order of the text area. 0
error Error message to display below the text area if there is an error. null
warning Warning message to display below the text area if there is a warning. null
tooltip Tooltip message to display when hovering over the text area. null
maxTooltipWidth The maximum width of the tooltip. -
resize Specifies whether the text area is resizable or not. -
monospace If true, the text area uses a monospaced font. false
testId A unique identifier used for testing purposes. -

Usage Example

  placeholder="Enter your text here"
  onChange={(e) => setTextareaValue(e.target.value)}
  tooltip="This is a tooltip message"

Toggle Component

The Toggle component represents a toggle switch that allows users to change between two states, typically "on" and "off".


Prop Description Default Value
name The name of the toggle input field. -
label The label displayed next to the toggle switch. null
checked If true, the toggle switch is turned on; if false, it's turned off. false
disabled If true, the toggle switch is disabled and cannot be interacted with. false
display The display style of the toggle switch. -
small If true, a smaller version of the toggle switch is rendered. false
onChange Function called when the state of the toggle switch changes. () => {}
noMargin If true, no margin is applied to the toggle switch. false
testId A unique identifier used for testing purposes. -
helpText Help text associated with the toggle switch. -
onClickHelp Function called when the help icon associated with the toggle switch is clicked. -

Usage Example

  label="Enable Notifications"
  onChange={(e) => setToggleState(e.target.checked)}
  helpText="Enable this toggle to receive notifications."
  onClickHelp={(e) => console.log('Help icon clicked')}

Toast Component

The toast function generates a toast notification with the provided message content.


Prop Description Default Value
id The unique identifier for the toast notification. -
message The content and configuration of the toast message. { type: MessageType.INFO, content: '' }
autoClose The duration in milliseconds after which the toast should automatically close. Set to false to disable auto-closing. 6000 (6 seconds)
onClose Function called when the toast is closed. () => {}

Message Type

The IMessageType type defines the structure of the message content for the toast notification.

Property Description Default Value
type The type of the message, such as info, success, warning, or error. MessageType.INFO
icon If true, an icon corresponding to the message type will be displayed. false
heading The heading or title of the message. -
content The main content of the message. ''
details Additional details or supplementary information related to the message content. null

Usage Example

  <Button label="Info" onClick={() => toast({
    message: messageInfo,
    onClose: () => console.log('toast closed')
  })} />
  <Spacer />
  <Button label="Error" onClick={() => toast({
    message: messageError,
    onClose: () => console.log('toast closed')
  })} />
  <Spacer />
  <Button label="Warning" onClick={() => toast({
    message: messageWarning,
    onClose: () => console.log('toast closed')
  })} />
  <Spacer />
  <Button label="Success" onClick={() => toast({
    message: messageSuccess,
    onClose: () => console.log('toast closed')
  })} />

Tooltip Component

The Tooltip component creates a tooltip that appears when hovering over its children.


Prop Description Default Value
children The content over which the tooltip will be triggered. -
text The text or content to display within the tooltip. ''
error If true, the tooltip will be styled as an error tooltip. false
warning If true, the tooltip will be styled as a warning tooltip. false
placement The initial placement of the tooltip relative to its children. 'top-center'
possiblePlacements An array of possible placements for the tooltip. ['top-center', 'left-center', 'bottom-center', 'right-center']
enabled If true, the tooltip will be enabled and shown on hover. true
maxWidth The maximum width of the tooltip. 'none'
triggerOffset The offset in pixels between the tooltip and its trigger element. 12
fontSize The font size of the tooltip text. 'inherit'
padding The padding of the tooltip content. 'var(--padding-xxs) var(--padding-xs)'
display The display property of the tooltip container. 'inline'
flex The flex property of the tooltip container. 'none'
forceOpen If true, the tooltip will always be open and displayed, regardless of hover or focus events. false

Usage Example

// Basic Tooltip
<Tooltip text="Hello, World!">
  <button>Hover Me</button>

// Tooltip with Error Styling
<Tooltip text="Invalid input" error>
  <input type="text" placeholder="Enter text" />

// Tooltip with Custom Placement and Styling
<Tooltip text="Click here to submit" placement="bottom-center" warning maxWidth="200px" fontSize="14px">

TopBar Component

The TopBar component represents the top bar of the application, typically used for displaying titles, navigation options, and other important information.


Prop Description Default Value
title The configuration for the title displayed in the top bar. {}
appSwitcher The configuration for the app switcher displayed in the top bar. {}
content An array of content items to be displayed in the top bar, typically on the left side. []
contentRight An array of content items to be displayed in the top bar, typically on the right side. []
warning A warning message to be displayed in the top bar. ''
height The height of the top bar. 'var(--size-topbar)'
fixedPosition If true, the top bar will have a fixed position at the top of the viewport. true

Usage Example

// Basic TopBar with Title and App Switcher
  title={{ text: 'My App', onClick: handleTitleClick }}
  appSwitcher={{ onClick: handleAppSwitcherClick }}

// TopBar with Content and Warning Message
    { text: 'Home', onClick: handleHomeClick },
    { text: 'About', onClick: handleAboutClick },
    { text: 'Profile', onClick: handleProfileClick },
    { text: 'Settings', onClick: handleSettingsClick },
  warning="You have unsaved changes."

// TopBar with Fixed Position and Custom Height
  title={{ text: 'Dashboard' }}

PopConfirm Component

The PopConfirm component creates a popover with confirmation buttons, typically used to confirm or cancel an action.


Prop Description Default Value
children The content that triggers the popover when clicked. -
placement The placement of the popover relative to the trigger element. 'top-center'
closeOnOutsideClick If true, the popover closes when clicked outside of it. true
fullWidth If true, the popover will take the full width of its container. false
title The title displayed in the popover. ''
cancelText The text for the cancel button. 'Cancel'
onClickCancel The function called when the cancel button is clicked. Closes the popover
okText The text for the OK button. 'Ok'
onClickOk The function called when the OK button is clicked. () => {}
disableConfirmButton If true, disable confirm button. false
overflowContainer If true, the popover will overflow its container if necessary. false
testId Optional test id for testing purposes. -

Usage Example

  title="Are you sure you want to delete this item?"
  onClickOk={() => handleDelete()}

  title="Save changes before leaving?"
  cancelText="Don't Save"
  onClickOk={() => handleSave()}
  onClickCancel={() => handleCancel()}

Tree Component

The Tree component represents a hierarchical structure of items in a tree format. It allows users to navigate through the hierarchy and interact with the items.



Prop Description Default Value
list The list of items to be displayed in the tree. -
draggable If true, allows dragging and dropping of tree nodes to reorder them. false
onListReorder Callback function invoked when the order of items in the tree is changed through dragging. -
onChangeOpen Callback function invoked when the open/close state of tree nodes changes. -
testId Optional test id for testing purposes. -
isInitialOpen Determines which nodes should be initially open. false
treeRef Reference to the tree component. -
itemHasChild Function to determine if a tree node has child nodes. -
onItemToggle Callback function invoked when a tree node is toggled (opened/closed). -
icons Custom icons for expand and collapse actions. -


Prop Description Default Value
name The name of the tree list. -
noHeader If true, hides the header of the tree list. false
items The array of tree items to be displayed. -
onClick Callback function invoked when a tree node is clicked. -
actions Additional actions associated with the tree list. -

Usage Example

  const treeItems = [
      id: '1',
      name: 'Item 1',
      parent: '',
      droppable: true,
      details: 'Details of Item 1',
      active: true,
      testId: 'item-1',
      icon: {
        icon: <IconComponent />,
        color: 'blue',
        tooltip: {
          text: 'Tooltip for Item 1',
          error: false,
          warning: true,
          placement: 'right',
          enabled: true,
          maxWidth: '200px',
          triggerOffset: '20px',
          possiblePlacements: ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'],
          fontSize: '14px',
          padding: '8px',

      list={{ items: treeItems }}
      onChangeOpen={(ids) => console.log(ids)}
      itemHasChild={(node) => node.children.length > 0}

NumberInput Component

The NumberInput component provides an input field for entering numeric values. It allows users to input numerical data and provides options for customization and error handling.



Prop Description Default Value
name The name of the input field. -
placeholder The placeholder text displayed when the input is empty. ''
disabled If true, disables the input field. false
error Error message to display, or true if there is an error. false
left If true, aligns the content to the left. false
small If true, reduces the size of the input field. false
width The width of the input field. '100%'
value The value of the input field. ''
onChange Callback function invoked when the value of the input changes. () => {}
onFocus Callback function invoked when the input field is focused. () => {}
tabIndex Specifies the tab order of the input field. 0
testId Optional test id for testing purposes. -
tooltip Tooltip text or component to display. null
warning Warning message to display, or true if there is a warning. false
validationCallback Callback function invoked for validation. () => {}
allowEmpty If true, allows the input field to be empty. false
isInTable If true, indicates that the input field is within a table. false
groupOrder Specifies the order of input fields within a group. -

Usage Example

      placeholder="Enter quantity"
      error="Invalid quantity"
      warning="Low quantity"

UnitInput Component

The UnitInput component allows users to input values with associated units. It provides options for customization, including predefined options, error handling, and validation callbacks.



Prop Description Default Value
name The name of the input field. ''
placeholder The placeholder text displayed when the input is empty. ''
disabled If true, disables the input field. false
disabledUnit If true, disables the unit selection. false
error Error message to display, or true if there is an error. null
left If true, aligns the content to the left. false
small If true, reduces the size of the input field. false
width The width of the input field. '100%'
value The value of the input field. ''
unitkey The key associated with the unit value. ''
initUnit The initial unit value. ''
noConversion If true, disables automatic unit conversion. false
onChange Callback function invoked when the value of the input changes. () => {}
onClick Callback function invoked when the input field is clicked. () => {}
onFocus Callback function invoked when the input field is focused. () => {}
onSwitchUnit Callback function invoked when the unit is switched. () => {}
unitTemplate Template for rendering units. {}
doNotConvertValue If true, disables value conversion. false
testId Test id for testing purposes. -
warning Warning message to display, or true if there is a warning. null
predefinedOptions An array of predefined options. -
initialPredefinedOption If true, selects the initial predefined option. false
shouldLinkAutomaticly If true, automatically links the predefined option and the value. true
selectedPredefinedOptionKey The key of the selected predefined option. -
validationCallback Callback function for validation. () => {}
disabledValidation If true, disables validation. false
allowEmpty If true, allows the input field to be empty. false
autoValue Automatic value to set. -

Usage Example

      placeholder="Enter weight"
      error="Invalid weight"
      warning="Low weight"
        { value: 'kg', label: 'Kilogram' },
        { value: 'g', label: 'Gram' },
        { value: 'lb', label: 'Pound' },




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