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1.0.9 • Public • Published


Ethereum SDK is used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain or Evm blockchains, it contains various functions can be used to web3 wallet.



To obtain the latest version, simply require the project using npm :

npm install @okxweb3/coin-ethereum


Generate Private Key

import { EthWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-ethereum"

let wallet = new EthWallet();
// get random key
let randomPrivateKey = await wallet.getRandomPrivateKey();

// get derived key
let params = {
    mnemonic: "stool trumpet fame umbrella bench provide battle toward story fruit lock view",
    chainPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1"
let derivePrivateKey = await wallet.getDerivedPrivateKey(params);

Private Key Derivation

import { EthWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-ethereum"

let wallet = new EthWallet();
let mnemonic = "stool trumpet fame umbrella bench provide battle toward story fruit lock view"
let param = {
  mnemonic: mnemonic,
  hdPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"

let privateKey = await wallet.getDerivedPrivateKey(param)

Generate Address

import { EthWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-ethereum"

let wallet = new EthWallet();
let params = {
    privateKey: '0x9fe340274262b4a3bec88e107b09f784d5f8c27bfe6ff178019ed25130a750e1'
let newAddress = await wallet.getNewAddress(params);

Verify Address

import { EthWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-ethereum"

let wallet = new EthWallet();
let params = {
    address: "0x01560cd3bac62cc6d7e6380600d9317363400896"
let valid = await wallet.validAddress(60, params);

Sending a Transaction

Use the signTransaction function to get the signed hex to broadcast


import { EthWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-ethereum"

let wallet = new EthWallet();
let signParams = {
    privateKey: '0x49c0722d56d6bac802bdf5c480a17c870d1d18bc4355d8344aa05390eb778280',
    data: {
        to: "0xee7c7f76795cd0cab3885fee6f2c50def89f48a3",
        value: new BigNumber(0),
        nonce: 5,
        gasPrice: new BigNumber(100 * 1000000000),
        gasLimit: new BigNumber(21000),
        chainId: 42
let tx = await wallet.signTransaction(60, signParams)

Input Params

export type EthTxParams ={
  from?: string,
  to?: string,
  value: BigNumber,
  nonce: number,

  contractAddress?: string   // contract address
  gasPrice?: BigNumber,
  gasLimit: BigNumber,

  data?: string;
  chainId?: number;  // default: 1

  // Typed-Transaction features
  // null, 1:legacy transaction, 2:eip1559 transaction
  type?: number | null;

  // EIP-2930; Type 1 & EIP-1559; Type 2
  //   accessList?: AccessListish;

  // EIP-1559; Type 2
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumber;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumber;

Support Transaction Types Params

Native Coin Transfer
  "to": "0xee7c7f76795cd0cab3885fee6f2c50def89f48a3",
  "value": "0x1",
  "nonce": "0x1",
  "gasPrice": "0x1",
  "gasLimit": "0x5208",
  "chainId": "0x2a"
Name Type Description
gasLimit string The transaction's gas limit.
gasPrice string The transaction's gas price.
nonce string The transaction's nonce.
to string The transaction's the address is sent to.
value string The amount of Ether sent.
chainId string The id number of the chain, default value is 1, means eth mainnet.
Token Transfer
  "contractAddress": "0x45Ef35936F0EB8F588Eb9C851C5B1C42B22e61EC",
  "to": "0xee7c7f76795cd0cab3885fee6f2c50def89f48a3",
  "value": "0x1",
  "nonce": "0x8",
  "gasPrice": "0x174876e800",
  "gasLimit": "0x5208",
  "chainId": "0x2a"
Name Type Description
contractAddress string The address of a contract.
gasLimit string The transaction's gas limit.
gasPrice string The transaction's gas price.
nonce string The transaction's nonce.
to string The transaction's the address is sent to.
value string The amount of Ether sent.
chainId string The id number of the chain, default value is 1, means eth mainnet.
  "to": "0xee7c7f76795cd0cab3885fee6f2c50def89f48a3",
  "value": "0x0",
  "nonce": "0x5",
  "gasPrice": "0x174876e800",
  "gasLimit": "0x5208",
  "chainId": "0x2a",
  "data": "0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000ee7c7f76795cd0cab3885fee6f2c50def89f48a30000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002710"
Name Type Description
gasLimit string The transaction's gas limit.
gasPrice string The transaction's gas price.
nonce string The transaction's nonce.
to string The transaction's the address is sent to.
value string The amount of Ether sent.
chainId string The id number of the chain, default value is 1, means eth mainnet.
data string The data of contract interface.
EIP-1559 Transaction
    "gasPrice": "0xa5c681d00",
    "gasLimit": "0xa410",
    "to": "0x35b2438d33c7dc449ae9ffbda14f56dc39a4c6b8",
    "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000",
    "nonce": "0xb",
    "maxFeePerGas": "0x826299e00",
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x77359400",
    "chainId": "0x1",
    "type": 2
Name Type Description
gasLimit string The transaction's gas limit.
gasPrice string The transaction's gas price.
nonce string The transaction's nonce.
to string The transaction's the address is sent to.
value string The amount of Ether sent.
chainId string The id number of the chain, default value is 1, means eth mainnet.
data string The data of contract interface.
maxFeePerGas string The transaction's maxFeePerGas.
maxPriorityFeePerGas string The transaction's maxPriorityFeePerGas, means miner tips.
type number must be 2, means eip1559 transaction fee

Sign Message

Different transaction types enum values

enum MessageTypes {
    ETH_SIGN = 0,
    TYPE_DATA_V1 = 2,
    TYPE_DATA_V3 = 3,
    TYPE_DATA_V4 = 4,
let signParams: SignTxParams = {
  privateKey: privateKey,
  data:  {
    type: MessageTypes.ETH_SIGN,
    message: Buffer.from(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix("0x879a053d4800c6354e76c7985a865d2922c82fb5b3f4577b2fe08b998954f2e0"), "hex")
let signParams: SignTxParams = {
  privateKey: privateKey,
  data: {
    type: MessageTypes.PERSONAL_SIGN,
    message: "Example `personal_sign` message"
let param = {
  privateKey: '0x49c0722d56d6bac802bdf5c480a17c870d1d18bc4355d8344aa05390eb778280',
  data: {
    type: 2,
    message: '[{"type":"string","name":"Message","value":"Hi, Alice!"},{"type":"uint32","name":"A number","value":"1337"}]'
let param = {
  privateKey: '0x49c0722d56d6bac802bdf5c480a17c870d1d18bc4355d8344aa05390eb778280',
  data: {
    type: 3,
    message: '{"types":{"EIP712Domain":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"version","type":"string"},{"name":"chainId","type":"uint256"},{"name":"verifyingContract","type":"address"}],"Person":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"wallet","type":"address"}],"Mail":[{"name":"from","type":"Person"},{"name":"to","type":"Person"},{"name":"contents","type":"string"}]},"primaryType":"Mail","domain":{"name":"Ether Mail","version":"1","chainId":42,"verifyingContract":"0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"},"message":{"from":{"name":"Cow","wallet":"0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"},"to":{"name":"Bob","wallet":"0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB"},"contents":"Hello, Bob!"}}'
let param = {
  privateKey: '0x49c0722d56d6bac802bdf5c480a17c870d1d18bc4355d8344aa05390eb778280',
  data: {
    type: 4,
    message: '{"domain":{"chainId":"42","name":"Ether Mail","verifyingContract":"0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC","version":"1"},"message":{"contents":"Hello, Bob!","from":{"name":"Cow","wallets":["0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826","0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeEFdEaDbeeF"]},"to":[{"name":"Bob","wallets":["0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB","0xB0BdaBea57B0BDABeA57b0bdABEA57b0BDabEa57","0xB0B0b0b0b0b0B000000000000000000000000000"]}]},"primaryType":"Mail","types":{"EIP712Domain":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"version","type":"string"},{"name":"chainId","type":"uint256"},{"name":"verifyingContract","type":"address"}],"Group":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"members","type":"Person[]"}],"Mail":[{"name":"from","type":"Person"},{"name":"to","type":"Person[]"},{"name":"contents","type":"string"}],"Person":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"wallets","type":"address[]"}]}}'

Signing with a hardware wallet

Build raw transaction
import { EthWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-ethereum"

let wallet = new EthWallet();
let ethTxParams = {
    to: "0xee7c7f76795cd0cab3885fee6f2c50def89f48a3",
    value: 1,
    nonce: 5,
    gasPrice: "100000000000",
    gasLimit: 21000,
    chainId: 42,

let signParams = {
    data: ethTxParams
const rawTx = await wallet.getHardWareRawTransaction(signParams);

input param

let param = {
    data: {
        to: "0xee7c7f76795cd0cab3885fee6f2c50def89f48a3",
        value: 1,
        nonce: 5,
        gasPrice: "100000000000",
        gasLimit: 21000,
        chainId: 42,
Build signed transaction
import { EthWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-ethereum"

let wallet = new EthWallet();
const hardwareRawTransactionParam = {
    raw: rawTx,
    r: r,
    s: s,
    v: v,
const signedTx = await wallet.getHardWareSignedTransaction(hardwareRawTransactionParam);






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