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1.1.0 • Public • Published


EOS SDK is used to interact with the EOS blockchain, it contains various functions can be used to web3 wallet. The SDK not only support EOS, it also supports WAX.

Getting Started

Installing EOS SDK

npm install @okxweb3/coin-eos 


Supported Functions

- getRandomPrivateKey
- getDerivedPrivateKey
- getNewAddress
- validAddress
- signTransaction
- calcTxHash

Get Private Key

get random private key

import { WaxWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-eos";

let wallet = new WaxWallet()
let privateKey = await wallet.getRandomPrivateKey();

get derived private key

import { WaxWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-eos";

let wallet = new WaxWallet()
let mnemonic = "stool trumpet fame umbrella bench provide battle toward story fruit lock view";
let params = {
    mnemonic: mnemonic,
    hdPath: "m/44'/14001'/0'/0/0"
let privateKey = await wallet.getDerivedPrivateKey(params);

Get New Address

get new address by private key

import { WaxWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-eos";

let wallet = new WaxWallet()
let params = {
    privateKey: "5KXHUFNZGMsNEFzzrCis1RJdtg5wjL941a1vAwAjmgHEektrZBj",
let address = await wallet.getNewAddress(params);

Sign Transaction

create account

import { WaxWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-eos";

let wallet = new WaxWallet()
const txParams = {
    privateKey: "5KXHUFNZGMsNEFzzrCis1RJdtg5wjL941a1vAwAjmgHEektrZBj",
    data: {
        type: 1, // create account
        creator: 'account1',
        newAccount: 'account2',
        pubKey: 'EOS6BwnQcbjLG2eKxjWTzFHkFvmRqo89SBwLa6fRDBoV7zvrS5JhV',
        buyRam: {
            payer: account1,
            receiver: account2,
            quantity: 100000000,
        delegate: {
            from: 'account1',
            receiver: 'account2',
            stakeNet: 100000000,
            stakeCPU: 100000000,
            transfer: false,
        common: {
            chainId: "f16b1833c747c43682f4386fca9cbb327929334a762755ebec17f6f23c9b8a12",
            compression: true,
            refBlockNumber: 161086853,
            refBlockId: "0999fd853cc7e589c975e2555f4245de6bdf6ca5c9edba265ca2d599139b04c4",
            refBlockTimestamp: "2022-06-28T13:40:34.000",
            expireSeconds: 600,
const tx = await wallet.signTransaction(txParams);

transfer token

import { WaxWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-eos";

let wallet = new WaxWallet()
const txParams = {
    privateKey: "5KXHUFNZGMsNEFzzrCis1RJdtg5wjL941a1vAwAjmgHEektrZBj",
    data: {
        type: 0,
        from: "zhangqi12345",
        to: "zhangqi11111",
        amount: 500000000,
        precision: 8,
        symbol: "WAX",
        memo: "",
        common: {
            chainId: "f16b1833c747c43682f4386fca9cbb327929334a762755ebec17f6f23c9b8a12",
            compression: true,
            refBlockNumber: 228018259,
            refBlockId: "0d9748537bf819372d2d8ea7776b8cbba8ec3ac05224b53183aa736603ef149f",
            refBlockTimestamp: "2023-07-21T00:07:12.500",
            expireSeconds: 600
const tx = await wallet.signTransaction(txParams);

calc tx hash

import { WaxWallet } from "@okxweb3/coin-eos";

let wallet = new WaxWallet()
const calcTxHashParams = {
    data: `{"signatures":["SIG_K1_JwRt4jC3VNUyuaQ968a1djvWciSSuK4yaEHxYphXmrSBjVgXZHk2GYPtpCdN91kikatp4dmEG3Rg3WutxF18xeuYPFpfsc"],"compression":true,"packed_context_free_data":"78DA030000000001","packed_trx":"78DAEB3CB73325D84357B76F39031030322C6B32617E65100A6487EBDA9C3DCB187042E060A499EF6F90EC8AB746468A300101270E8844EA5959902447B86304031800006F59189C"}`,

const txId = await wallet.calcTxHash(calcTxHashParams);

License: MIT

Package Sidebar


npm i @okxweb3/coin-eos

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