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2.0.1 • Public • Published


E2E testing for dApps using Puppeteer + MetaMask


$ npm install -s @nodefactory/dappeteer
$ yarn add @nodefactory/dappeteer


import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
import dappeteer from '@nodefactory/dappeteer';

async function main() {
  const browser = await dappeteer.launch(puppeteer);
  const metamask = await dappeteer.setupMetamask(browser);

  // you can change the network if you want
  await metamask.switchNetwork('ropsten');

  // go to a dapp and do something that prompts MetaMask to confirm a transaction
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('');
  const payButton = await page.$('#pay-with-eth');

  // 🏌
  await metamask.confirmTransaction();



  • dappeteer.launch(puppeteer[, launchOptions]): returns an instance of browser, same as puppeteer.launch, but it also installs the MetaMask extension. It supports all the regular puppeteer.launch options as a second argument with the addition of:

    • metamaskVersion: Metamask plugin version (by default it uses latest)
  • dappeteer.setupMetamask(browser[, {seed, password}]): returns a promise that resolves to an object that allows you to interact with MetaMask by using the following methods:

    • metamask.switchAccount(accountIndex): it commands MetaMask to switch to a different account, by passing the index/position of the account in the accounts list.

    • metamask.importPK(privateKey): it commands MetaMask to import an private key. It can only be used while you haven't signed in yet, otherwise it throws.

    • metamask.lock(): signs out from MetaMask. It can only be used if you arelady signed it, otherwise it throws.

    • metamask.unlock([password]): it unlocks the MetaMask extension. It can only be used in you locked/signed out before, otherwise it throws. The password is optional, it defaults to password1234.

    • metamask.switchNetwork(networkName): it changes the current selected network. networkName can take the following values: "main", "ropsten", "rinkeby", "kovan", "localhost".

    • metamask.addNetwork({ networkName, rpc, chainId[, symbol, explorer]}): it adds a custom network to MetaMask.

    • metamask.confirmTransaction([{ gas, gasLimit }]): commands MetaMask to submit a transaction. For this to work MetaMask has to be in a transaction confirmation state (basically promting the user to submit/reject a transaction). You can (optionally) pass an object with gas and/or gasLimit, by default they are 20 and 50000 respectively.

    • metamask.sign(): commands MetaMask to sign a message. For this to work MetaMask must be in a sign confirmation state.

    • metamask.approve(): enables the app to connect to MetaMask account in privacy mode

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  • makmuftic
  • morrigan88
  • mpetrunic