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A lightweight and extendable logging library.

For further insights, read on.


To install this library use your favorite package manager. No additional steps are required to start using the library.

npm install @n7e/log

This library is implemented in TypeScript but can be used with JavaScript without any additional steps.


Loggers has the ability to send messages of varying severity to a wide range of targets.

All loggers implement the Logger interface. To reference it simply import it and use it as a type.

import type { Logger } from "@n7e/log";

function someFunction(logger: Logger): void {
    // ...

Logger is just an interface describing the functionality of a logger. To create a logger instance you need to reference a specific implementation.

Logger Implementations

This library provides the following loggers:

Logs messages to the global JavaScript console object.
Logs messages to any writable stream.
Delegates the logging procedure to a set of registered loggers.
To create an aggregate logger use the aggregate logger builder.

Log Levels

Log messages are assigned a severity level to enable filtering and specific actions to be taken on certain severity levels.

A defined set of log levels are available through an enum and can be accessed like so:

import { LogLevel } from "@n7e/log";

logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "This is an informational message");

The available log levels are:

System is unusable.
Action must be taken immediately.
Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up.
Critical conditions.
Example: Application component unavailable, unexpected exception.
Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored.
Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
Example: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, undesirable things that are not necessarily wrong.
Normal but significant events.
Interesting events.
Example: User logs in, SQL logs.
Detailed debug information.

Logging Messages

To produce log messages the Logger interface provides a dedicated method for each log level as well as a log() method to log messages with a provided log level. Although it's ultimately up to the implementation either method should produce the same result. The following lines should essentially be equal in functionality.

import { LogLevel } from "@n7e/log";

logger.info("This is an informative message");
logger.log(LogLevel.INFO, "This is an informative message");

Since implementations can send log messages to any number of remote resources all methods of the Logger interface returns a promise. If it's important to ensure the message has been received by the target the promise should be awaited.

await logger.info("This is an informative message");

Message Context

Every logged message can have an optional associated context object. The significance of the context is up to the logger implementation and/or log formatters used by the logger.

logger.info("This is an informative message", {key: "value"});

The log message may or may not be affected by the passed context object.

Log Formatters

Some logger implementations accept a log formatter to format the message being logged. All log formatters implement the LogFormat interface and can be imported from the @n7e/log/format module.

import type { LogFormatter } from "@n7e/log/format";

function someFunction(formatter: LogFormatter): void {
    // ...

LogFormatter is just an interface describing the functionality of a log formatter. To create a log formatter instance you need to reference a specific implementation.

This library provides the following log formatters:

Replaces log message tokens with context values. Tokens are context property names surrounded by curly braces. e.g. `{name}`.
Prepends the log level to the log message.
Delegates the format procedure to a set of registered log formatters.

Logger Builder

Logger builders has the ability to create logger instances.

All logger builders implement the LoggerBuilder interface. To reference it simply import it and use it as a type.

import type { LoggerBuilder } from "@n7e/log";

function someFunction(loggerBuilder: LoggerBuilder): void {
    // ...

LoggerBuilder is just an interface describing the functionality of a logger builder. To create a logger builder instance you need to reference a specific implementation.

Aggregate Logger Builder

To create an aggregate logger instance import and use the provided AggregateLoggerBuilder logger builder.

import { AggregateLoggerBuilder } from "@n7e/log";

const loggerBuilder = new AggregateLoggerBuilder();

To configure the build aggregate logger instance any number of loggers can be provided to the builder.

loggerBuilder.addLogger(new ConsoleLogger());

If a logger should log records for and above a certain log level the desired log level can be provided.

loggerBuilder.addLogger(new ConsoleLogger(), LogLevel.WARNING);

The console logger will now only log messages with log level: warning, error, critical, alert or emergency.

If you need to customize the delegation behaviour you can configure the logger to use a custom predicate to determine whether to delegate to a logger. The provided predicate must conform to the AggregateLoggerDelegationPredicate interface.

loggerBuilder.useDelegationPredicate(() => true);

To produce an aggregate logger instance simply call the build() method when all desired loggers have been configured.

const logger = loggerBuilder.build();



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  • martin-n7e