Standard Router Driver for Motorcycle.js
A driver built on top of @motorcycle/history and switch-path to ease the pain of routing. Works server-side and in browsers!
Let me have it!
npm install --save @motorcycle/router
Basic Usage
import { run } from '@motorcycle/run';
import { makeDomComponent, div, h1 } from '@motorcycle/dom';
import { History } from '@motorcycle/history';
import { Router } from '@motorcycle/router';
import { of } from 'most';
function Main(sources) {
const match$ = sources.router.define({
'/': HomeComponent,
'/other': OtherComponent
const page$ = match$.map(({path, value}) => {
return value({...sources, router: sources.router.path(path)});
return {
dom: page$.map(c => c.dom).switch(),
router: page$.map(c => c.route$).switch().startWith('/'),
const Dom = makeDomComponent(document.querySelector('#app')));
function Effects(sinks) {
const { dom } = Dom(sinks);
const { router } = Router(History(sinks));
run(main, Effects)
function HomeComponent() {
const route$ = ... // left as a user exercise
return {
dom: of(div([h1('home')])),
function OtherComponent() {
const route$ = ... // left as a user exercise
return {
dom: of(div([h1('other')])),
For all types not defined here, please refer to @motorcycle/history
's type
documentation here
Router(sinks: HistorySources): RouterSources
This is the main API of this driver. This function simply wraps @motorcycle/history
and returns a source object containing methods instead of a stream.
RouterComponent: RouterHOC
A convenience function, to more declaratively define your routes to Components. It returns a stream of your currently matched Component. When using the router driver directly there is more flexibility. With the Router function, you must use routes to match to Components.
function main(sources: Sources): Sinks {
const sinks$: Stream<Sinks> =
'/': HomeComponent, // HomeComponent :: (sources: Sources) => Sinks;
'/profile: {
'/': ProfileComponent,
'/:id': (id: number) => (sources: Sources) => ProfileId({...sources, id}),
}, sources);
return {
DOM: sinks$.map(sinks => sinks.dom).switch(),
router: sinks$.map(sinks => sinks.route$).switch()
This is a type representation of the object passed into your main function.
export interface RouterSource {
history(): Stream<Location>;
path(pathname: Pathname): RouterSource;
define(routes: RouteDefinitions): Stream<DefineReturn>;
createHref(path: Pathname): Pathname;
history(): Stream<Location>
- This method allows you to reach the underlying
stream provided by @motorcycle/history
path(pathname: Pathname): RouterSource
- This method allows you to created
nested router instances, very much like DOM.select()
creates a new place in the
DOM tree to look for elements and events, this allows dynamically created routes
that can be matched that are decoupled from any parent routes.
define(routes: RouteDefinitions): Stream<DefineReturn>
- This method takes
an object (anything supported by switch-path) of keys that represent your routes
and returns a stream with an object that repesents any matches.
createHref(path: Pathname): Pathname
- This method allows you to create Hrefs
that are namespaced at any RouterSource instance.
const nestedRouter = sources.router.path('/some').path('/path')
const href = nestedRouter.createHref('/unaware/of/nesting')
console.log(href) '/some/path/unaware/of/nesting')
export interface DefineReturn {
location: Location;
createHref: (path: Pathname) => Pathname;
path: string | null;
value: any | null;
export interface RouteDefinitions {
[key: Pathname]: any;
export interface RouterHOC {
<Sources, Sinks>(definitions: RouterDefinitions<Sources, Sinks>,
sources: RouterSources<Sources>): Stream<Sinks>;
<Sources, Sinks>(definitions: RouterDefinitions<Sources, Sinks>):
(sources: RouterSources<Sources>) => Stream<Sinks>;