
0.4.6 • Public • Published

JSON Server Split

This project extends JSON Server to make it suit for large project better.

Most apis in JSON Server are keeps as is.

The extensions aim to allow users mock most of back-end patterns from command line instead of use JSON Server as a library and handle everything yourself.

Table of contents


npx @mmis1000/json-server-split --help
json-server-split [options] <source>

  -c, --config                   Path to config file, this won't be watched
  -p, --port                     Set port               [number] [default: 3000]
  -H, --host                     Set host        [string] [default: "localhost"]
  -w, --watch                    Watch file(s)                         [boolean]
  -r, --routes                   Path to routes file                    [string]
  -m, --middlewares              Paths to middleware files/dirs          [array]
  -s, --static                   Set static files directory             [string]
      --read-only, --ro          Allow only GET requests               [boolean]
      --no-cors, --nc            Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing [boolean]
      --no-gzip, --ng            Disable GZIP Content-Encoding         [boolean]
  -S, --snapshots                Set snapshots directory [string] [default: "."]
  -d, --delay                    Add delay to responses (ms)            [number]
  -i, --id                       Set database id property (e.g. _id)
                                                        [string] [default: "id"]
      --foreignKeySuffix, --fks  Set foreign key suffix (e.g. _id as in post_id)
                                                        [string] [default: "Id"]
  -q, --quiet                    Suppress log messages from output     [boolean]
      --assets-url-map           Fixup map for assets url in response, use
                                 alongside --static to create full functional
                                 resource server. required for below option
      --assets-url-base          New assets url base, defaults to request host
                                 or `assets-url-header`                 [string]
      --assets-url-header        Header to use as base path when header provided
                                 by request, has higher priority then
                                             [string] [default: "ASSETS-PREFIX"]
      --routers                  Dir for custom logic for handling routes,
                                 happens before  the json and after the path
                                 rewrite                                [string]
      --hooks                    File or Dir that contains custom hook for alter
                                 the server ability                      [array]
      --generate-ts-definition   Generate typescript definition of db file at
                                 specified position                     [string]
      --migrate                  this option is used to convent the existing
                                 db.json file into new structure and exits
                                 immediately          [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help                     Show help                             [boolean]
  -v, --version                  Show version number                   [boolean]

  bin.js db/

About The `--routers`

  Route was determined by file name
  Two hyphen was use as path separator
  Dash at start of segment marks the segment as a param

  Example router file name:
    test.js => router.get('/test', expressHandler)
    test-a.js => router.get('/test-a', expressHandler)
    test--a.js => router.get('/test/a', expressHandler)
    _arg--a.js => router.get('/:arg/a', expressHandler)
    arg--_a.js => router.get('/arg/:a, expressHandler)


  Watch against javascript files only works properly when the file itself
  Change in file included indirectly need a full restart to take effect.



The db file structure

db.json is no longer a big JSON. It now splits by filename.

So the JSON size won't grow indefinitely when project becomes big

old structure


  "a": [1, 2, 3],
  "b": [4, 5, 6]

new structure


[1, 2, 3]


[4, 5, 6]

Middleware can be pointed to a directory

middlewares option can now be pointed to a directory instead of a file.

Only the top level files in that directory will be loaded as middlewares. But any changed file in that will triggers a reload when --watch option is used

Path in --config option now relatives to config file

This no longer results in file not found




  "routes": "routes.json"
/ $ npx @mmis1000/json-server-split --config nest/config.json nest/db

Watch works with middleware and anything need to be watched

(See also caveats, reload js file still has some limitation)

All files are watched now. If the pointed path is a directory, then all file in the directory are watched.

Includes newly added --routers , --assets-url-map, hooks

You can just enable watch, edit them and the server will take care of the rest.


Programmed generation of certain db fields

Use with some mock data generator for best effect.


module.exports =
  new Array(1000).fill(0).map((, _) => ({ id: i, value: 0 }))
> curl http://localhost:3000/a

[{id:0,value:0}, {id:1,value:0}, ... , {id:199,value:0}]

Saved snapshot of generated data

From previous example

PATCH /a/0
{ value: 1}

results in write back to disk like


The following read will also now read a.snapshot.json instead

Immutable record

End filename of the data as .template.json results in write back to .snapshot.json instead of file itself.

Makes git plays better with the mock data.

You can now just exclude .snapshot.json from the git so it won't complains about dirty workspace every time.

before write


after write

db/a.template.json // untouched
db/a.snapshot.json // new!

Volatile record

Same as above Programmed generation of certain db fields but end with .js instead of .template.js

The data never writes back to disk and gone after the reload.

Custom routes

Instead of use the json server as library and hook yourself. You can now just include custom route from cli.


npx @mmis1000/json-server-split --routers routers db
// simple
// routers/test.js
module.exports = (req, res) => {
  res.jsonp({ "hello": "world" })

// nested
// routers/test1--param.js
module.exports = (req, res) => {
  res.jsonp({ "hello": "world1" })

// with param
// routers/test2--_param.js
module.exports = (req, res) => {
  res.jsonp({ param: req.params.param })
curl 'http://localhost:3000/test'
# { "hello": "world" }
curl 'http://localhost:3000/test1/param'
# { "hello": "world1"}
curl 'http://localhost:3000/test2/qwerty'
# { "param": "qwerty" }

Rewrite response to make url work

It was done by generate a custom render that remaps specified field.
Useful if your response contains link to the --static folder.


npx @mmis1000/json-server-split --assets-url-map assets-map.json db


  "id": 0,
  "title": "",
  "thumbs": {
    "url": "a.png",
    "unrelated": "a.png"
  "images": [


  "/assets/*": ["thumbs.url", "images.*"]
curl http://localhost:3000/assets/0

# {
#   "id": 0,
#   "title": "",
#   "thumbs": {
#     "url": "http://localhost:3000/a.png",
#     "unrelated": "a.png"
#   },
#   "images": [
#     "http://localhost:3000/a.jpg",
#     "http://localhost:3000/b.jpg"
#   ]
# }

Specify the base if required

npx @mmis1000/json-server-split --assets-url-map assets-map.json --assets-url-base 'http://example.com/' db
curl http://localhost:3000/assets/0

# {
#   "id": 0,
#   "title": "",
#   "thumbs": {
#     "url": "http://example.com/a.png",
#     "unrelated": "a.png"
#   },
#   "images": [
#     "http://example.com/a.jpg",
#     "http://example.com/b.jpg"
#   ]
# }

Specify the base via request header

npx @mmis1000/json-server-split --assets-url-map assets-map.json db
curl -H "ASSETS-PREFIX=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F" http://localhost:3000/assets/0

And you got same output as previous one.


Inject points for you to alter the server, db, express app or json router instance.

Useful things like attach the ws module to the server for web socket related function.

Available types

-- Hook: pre_Default
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: post_Default
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: pre_Route
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: post_Route
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: pre_Middlewares
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: post_Middlewares
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: pre_Delay
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: post_Delay
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: pre_Routers
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: post_Routers
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: pre_JSONRouter
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: post_JSONRouter
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: pre_ServerStart
   available props db, routers, app, router

-- Hook: post_ServerStart
   available props db, routers, app, router, server

-- Hook: pre_JSONRouterReload
   available props db, routers, app, router, server

-- Hook: post_JSONRouterReload
   available props db, routers, app, router, server


// @ts-check
const WebSocket = require('ws')

/** @type {import('@mmis1000/json-server-split').Hooks} */
const hooks = {}

hooks.post_ServerStart = ({ server }) => {
  const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ noServer: true })

  wss.on('connection', function connection(ws, req) {

  server.on('upgrade', function upgrade(request, socket, head) {
    wss.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, function done(ws) {
      wss.emit('connection', ws, request)

Programmed usage

The response rewriter can be used as a standalone function or a JSON Server render function. This library exports both.

As a JSON Server render function

declare const router: JSONServerRouter

import { createRender } from '@mmis1000/json-server-split'

const render = createRender(
    "/assets/*": ["thumbs.url", "images.*"]

router.render = render

As a util function

import { fixAssetsPath } from '@mmis1000/json-server-split'

const original = {
  "url": "a.png",
  "a": "b.png"

const new = fixAssetsPath(
  // the new base
  // fields need to be rewritten

 * {
 *  "url": "http://example.com/a.png",
 *  "a": "b.png"
 * }


Watch on js works partially

Watch against javascript files only works properly when the file itself changed because there is no way to know what file the module tries to require.
Change in file outside of the directory and included indirectly by watched file still need a full restart to take effect.




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  • mmis1000