
1.0.5 • Public • Published

TILerator License: MIT

A CL tool that will be able to generate TIL posts. It will be able to convert text, snippets of code, and images to HTML format

Install TILerator

Make sure you have node and npm installed.

// Install TILerator globally
npm i -g @mismathh/tilerator


Mandatory Features

  • Provide --version or -v flag to view version
  • Provide --help or -h flag to view help/usage message
  • Provide a path for a file to generate an html file
  • Provide a path for a directory to generate html files for each text file within folder
  • Adds HTML markup tags such as <p>...</p> to text
  • Outputs files to ./til folder by default
  • Handle markdown files

Optional Features

  • Parses title from text file to enhance HTML with <h1>...</h1> markup tags
  • Converts bold text in Markdown syntax to <b>...</b> tags
  • Converts code blocks in Markdown syntax to <pre...</pre> and <code>...</code> tags
  • Allows a custom output folder path to be passed using --output or -o flag
  • TOML Configuration Support: Custom output directory can be set within a TOML configuration file instead of repeatedly passing it in within the command-line arguments. The -c or --config flag followed by the path of the TOML configuration file can be used.


tilerator [flag] <filePath | directoryPath>

Pass in a flag

tilerator <flag>

--> tilerator -v

Pass in a file path or directory path

tilerator <filePath | directoryPath>

--> tilerator ./examples/example1.txt

Use the -o or --output flag to generate html files in a custom folder

---> tilerator ./examples/til_Sample.txt -o ./htmlFiles

Use the -c or --config flag to specify all options in a TOML config file

// Sample config.toml file

// Output directory for generated files
output = "./build"
---> tilerator -c config.toml ./examples/til_Sample.txt


Flag Description
-v, --version Displays version of tool
-h, --help Display help/usage menu
-o, --output Allows for custom output folder
-c, --config Specify all options in a TOML config file

Custom output folder path must be placed right after -o/--output flag




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  • mismathh