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✨ React Hooks

A collection of hooks for better state management.

Advantages of using this library:

  • Negligible bundle size (supports tree shaking, ≈400B per hook import 🤏).
  • Very detailed documentation along with previews and live demos.
  • Highly performant (no unnecessary rerenders at all).
  • Super flexible (providing options whenever possible).
  • Easily extendable: Since it's tree-shakable, any new useful hooks can be added in the future without having to worry about bundle size.

📕 Table of Content

⬇️ Installation

npm i @mhmdjawhar/react-hooks

🪝 Hooks

🔎 Usage


Used to manage boolean state and controlled components.


import { useDisclosure } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'

export const Demo = () => {
  const [opened, { close, open, toggle }] = useDisclosure()

  return (
      <button onClick={open}>open</button>&emsp;&emsp;
      <button onClick={close}>close</button>&emsp;&emsp;
      <button onClick={toggle}>toggle</button>
      <p>{opened ? 'opened' : 'closed'}</p>

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Name Type Description
initialValue boolean (Optional) Initial opened state. Defaults to false.

Return Value

Returns an array with the following elements:

Name Type Description
[0] boolean The current state of the disclosure.
[1].open Function A function that sets the state to true.
[1].close Function A function that sets the state to false.
[1].toggle Function A function that toggles the boolean state.


Detects click or an optional given event outside of a given element or list of elements.


import { useClickOutside } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useCallback, useState } from 'react'

export const ClickOutsideExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

  const handler = useCallback(() => {
    setCount((c) => c + 1)
    console.log('outside was clicked')
  }, [])

  const ref = useClickOutside<HTMLDivElement>(handler)

  return (
      <div ref={ref} style={{ width: '400px', height: '400px', backgroundColor: 'black' }} />
      <p>Click outside count: {count}</p>

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You can also specify multiple nodes. The nodes in the list won't trigger the outside click event.

import { useClickOutside } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react'

export const ClickOutsideMultipleExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

  const redBoxRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
  const blackBoxRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)

  const handler = useCallback(() => {
    setCount((c) => c + 1)
    console.log('outside was clicked')
  }, [])

  useClickOutside(handler, [redBoxRef, blackBoxRef])

  return (
      {/* first element */}
      <div ref={redBoxRef} style={{ width: '400px', height: '400px', backgroundColor: 'red' }} />
      {/* second element */}
      <div ref={blackBoxRef} style={{ width: '400px', height: '400px', backgroundColor: 'black' }} />
      <p>Click outside count: {count}</p>

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You can also specify another event to replace the default click event.

import { useClickOutside } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useCallback, useState } from 'react'

export const OutsideEventExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

  const handler = useCallback(() => {
    setCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1)
    console.log('outside was clicked')
  }, [])

  const ref = useClickOutside<HTMLDivElement>(handler, null, 'mousedown')

  return (
      <div ref={ref} style={{ width: '400px', height: '400px', backgroundColor: 'black' }} />
      <p>Click outside count: {count}</p>

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Name Type Description
handler Function A callback function triggered when outside click is detected.
refs RefObject[] (Optional) List of RefObjects for elements that should not trigger outside click.
event keyof DocumentEventMap (Optional) Event to replace the default click event.

Return Value

Name Type Description
ref RefObject Must be passed to the element to detect clicks outside of it.


Returns current viewport's width and height. It updates on resize and orientationchange.


import { useViewportSize } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'

export const ViewportSizeExample: React.FC = () => {
  const { width, height } = useViewportSize()

  return (
      width: {width}, height: {height}

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You can also pass an optional boolean parameter to disable or enable debouncing the resize update. It is set true by default to optimize and avoid too many rerenders. to Set to false to disable debouncing and get instant updates.

import { useViewportSize } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

export const ViewportSizeSubscriptionExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [debounce, setDebounce] = useState(true)

  const { width, height } = useViewportSize(debounce)

  return (
        width: {width}, height: {height}
      <button onClick={() => setDebounce((prev) => !prev)}>toggle debounce</button>

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Name Type Description
debounce boolean (Optional) Debounce updating the size. Set to false to disable debouncing. true by default for optimization.

Return Value

Returns an object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
width number The viewport width.
height number The viewport height.


Detects changes to the dimensions of an Element with ResizeObserver.


import { useResizeObserver } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

export const ResizeObserverExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [rect, setRect] = useState({
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0

  const ref = useResizeObserver<HTMLTextAreaElement>((contentRect) => subscription && setRect(contentRect))

  return (
      <textarea ref={ref} style={{ width: '400px', height: '400px', position: 'relative' }} />
        width: {rect.width}, height: {rect.height}
        x: {rect.x}, y: {rect.y}
        top: {rect.top}, left: {rect.left}, bottom: {rect.bottom}, right: {rect.right}

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You can also pass a list of dependencies used in the callback function.

import { useResizeObserver } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

export const ResizeObserverExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [rect, setRect] = useState({
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0

  const [subscription, setSubscription] = useState(true)

  const ref = useResizeObserver<HTMLTextAreaElement>(
    (contentRect) => subscription && setRect(contentRect),

  return (
      <textarea ref={ref} style={{ width: '400px', height: '400px', position: 'relative' }} />
        width: {rect.width}, height: {rect.height}
        x: {rect.x}, y: {rect.y}
        top: {rect.top}, left: {rect.left}, bottom: {rect.bottom}, right: {rect.right}
      <button onClick={() => setSubscription((sub) => !sub)}>toggle subscription</button>

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Name Type Description
handler Function A function called when the size of the element observed changes. contentRect values are passed as an object parameter.
depsList DependencyList (Optional) List of dependencies used in the handler. Pass state values that the handler might depend on.
options ResizeObserver (Optional) ResizeObserver options.

Return Value

Name Type Description
ref RefObject Must be passed to the element whose size is being observed.


Returns current window scroll position and a function to scroll to a given position.


import { useWindowScroll } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'

export const WindowScrollExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [position, scrollTo] = useWindowScroll()

  return (
        Scroll position - X: {position.x}, Y: {position.y}
      <button onClick={() => scrollTo({ y: 0 })}>scroll to top</button>

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You can also pass an optional boolean parameter to either activate or cancel subscription. Set to false to stop getting updates.

import { useWindowScroll } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

export const WindowScrollExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [subscription, setSubscription] = useState(true)

  const [position, scrollTo] = useWindowScroll(subscription)

  return (
        Scroll position - width: {position.x}, height: {position.y}
      <button onClick={() => scrollTo({ y: 0 })}>scroll to top</button>
      <button onClick={() => setSubscription((prev) => !prev)}>toggle subscription</button>

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Name Type Description
isSubscribed boolean (Optional) Activate or cancel subscription. Set to false to stop getting updates.

Return Value

Returns an array with the following elements:

Name Type Description
[0].x number Scroll position X.
[0].y number Scroll position Y.
[1] Function A function to scroll smoothly to a given position.


Returns current system color scheme. Updates on change.


import { useSystemColorScheme } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'

export const SystemColorSchemeExample: React.FC = () => {
  const colorScheme = useSystemColorScheme()

  return <p>{colorScheme}</p>

Return Value

Name Type Description
colorScheme string light or dark.

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Adds an event listener to window object when the component mounts and removes it when it unmounts.


import { useWindowEvent } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useCallback, useState } from 'react'

export const WindowEventExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [key, setKey] = useState('nothing')

  const windowListener = useCallback((event: KeyboardEvent) => {
  }, [])

  useWindowEvent('keydown', windowListener)

  return <p>{key} was pressed</p>

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Name Type Description
type keyof WindowEventMap Type of event.
listener Function event listener.
options boolean | AddEventListenerOptions (Optional) event options.


Resets the state of a child component along with all its children. Note that it does not reset the state of the current component.


import { useResetChild } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

export const ResetChildExample = () => {
  const [resetKey, reset] = useResetChild()

  return (
      <ChildComponent key={resetKey} />
      <button onClick={reset}>reset child component</button>

const ChildComponent = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

  return (
      <p>Child Component</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c + 1)}>count: {count}</button>
      <SubChildComponent />

const SubChildComponent = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

  return (
      <p>Subchild Component</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c + 1)}>count: {count}</button>

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Name Type Description
prefixKey string (Optional) In case multiple instances of this hook are being used to reset sibling components. Pass a unique prefix value to avoid key collisions.

Return Value

Returns an array with the following elements:

Name Type Description
[0] string Reset value that must be passed to the component key.
[1] Function A reset function to trigger the reset.


Manages timeout and handles starting and clearing it.


import { useTimeout } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

export const TimeoutExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
  const [start, clear] = useTimeout(() => setCount((c) => c + 1), 1000)

  return (
      <button onClick={start}>Start Timeout</button>
      <button onClick={clear}>Clear Timeout</button>
      <p>count: {count}</p>

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Name Type Description
callback Function A function that will be called after the timer elapses.
delay number timeout delay (ms) after which the callback function will be executed.
autoInvoke boolean (Optional) Determines whether the timeout should start when the component mounts. false by default.
depsList React.DependencyList (Optional) List of dependencies used in the callback function. Pass state values that the callback function might depend on. Empty by default.

Return Value

Returns an array with the following elements:

Name Type Description
[0] Function Start timeout function.
[1] Function Clear timeout function.


Manages interval and handles starting and clearing it.


import { useInterval } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

export const IntervalExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
  const [start, clear, isActive] = useInterval(() => setCount((c) => c + 1), 1000)
  const [status, setStatus] = useState('')

  const checkIntervalStatus = () => {
    if (isActive()) {
    } else {

  return (
      <button onClick={start}>Start</button>
      <button onClick={clear}>Clear</button>
      <p>count: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={checkIntervalStatus}>check interval status</button>
      <p>Interval state: {status}</p>

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Name Type Description
callback Function A function that will be called every delay.
delay number interval delay (ms) in between callback executions.
autoInvoke boolean (Optional) Determines whether the interval should start when the component mounts. false by default.
depsList React.DependencyList (Optional) List of dependencies used in the callback function. Pass state values that the callback function might depend on. Empty by default.

Return Value

Returns an array with the following elements:

Name Type Description
[0] Function Start interval function.
[1] Function Clear interval function.
[2] Function A function to check the status of the interval.


Manages requestAnimationFrame and handles starting and cancelling it.


import { useAnimationFrame } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useRef, useState } from 'react'

export const RequestAnimationFrameExample: React.FC = () => {
  const boxRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)

  // Animation that moves a div 400px over 2 seconds
  const [start, , isActive] = useAnimationFrame(({ timestamp, startTime, complete }) => {
    const runTime = timestamp - startTime
    const duration = 2000
    const distance = 400
    let progress = runTime / duration
    progress = Math.min(progress, 1)

    if (boxRef.current) {
      boxRef.current.style.left = (distance * progress).toFixed(2) + 'px'

    // if duration is met stop animation by calling complete()
    if (runTime >= duration) {
      complete(() => checkAnimationStatus())

  const [status, setStatus] = useState('idle')

  const checkAnimationStatus = () => {
    if (isActive()) {
    } else {

  const startAnimation = () => {

  return (
      <button onClick={startAnimation}>Start</button>
      <div ref={boxRef} style={{ width: '100px', height: '100px', background: 'purple', position: 'relative' }} />
      <button onClick={checkAnimationStatus}>check animation status</button>
      <p>Animation state: {status}</p>

Just like useTimeout and useInterval, useAnimationFrame also returns a cancel function that you can use to stop the animation from running.

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import { useAnimationFrame } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useRef } from 'react'

export const RequestAnimationFrameCancelExample: React.FC = () => {
  const boxRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
  const rightRef = useRef<number>(0)
  const leftRef = useRef<number>(400)

  // Animation that moves the div 400px to the right over 2 seconds
  const [startMoveRight, cancelMoveRight] = useAnimationFrame(({ complete }) => {
    if (boxRef.current) {
      // run animation as long as distance is not met, otherwise call complete()
      if (rightRef.current < 400) {
        boxRef.current.style.left = rightRef.current + 'px'
      } else {
        complete(() => {
          rightRef.current = 0

  // Animation that moves the div 400px to the left over 2 seconds
  const [startMoveLeft, cancelMoveLeft] = useAnimationFrame(({ complete }) => {
    if (boxRef.current) {
      // run animation as long as distance is not met, otherwise call complete()
      if (leftRef.current > 0) {
        boxRef.current.style.left = leftRef.current + 'px'
      } else {
        complete(() => {
          leftRef.current = 400

  const cancel = () => {

  const start = () => {
    if (rightRef.current >= 0 && leftRef.current === 400) {
    } else {

  return (
      <button onClick={start}>Start</button>
      <button onClick={cancel}>cancel</button>
      <div ref={boxRef} style={{ width: '100px', height: '100px', background: 'purple', position: 'relative' }} />

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Name Type Description
callback Function Function that will be called when the next frame is available. timestamp of requestAnimationFrame and complete function are passed as parameters.
autoInvoke boolean (Optional) Determines whether the requestAnimationFrame should start when the component mounts. false by default.
depsList React.DependencyList (Optional) List of dependencies used in the callback function. Pass state values that the callback function might depend on. Empty by default.

Return Value

Returns an array with the following elements:

Name Type Description
[0] Function Start animation.
[1] Function Cancel animation.
[2] Function A function to check the status of the animation.


Debounces a callback delaying its execution time since the last call.


import { useDebounce } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

export const DebounceExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState('')

  const handleTextChange = useDebounce(
    (value: string) => {

  const onChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
    const value = event.target.value

  return (
      <input onChange={onChange} />
      <p>debounced text: {text}</p>

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Name Type Description
callback Function Function to be debounced.
delay number Debounce delay (ms) after which the callback function will be executed.
depsList DependencyList (Optional) List of dependencies used in the callback function. Pass state values that the callback function might depend on. Empty by default.

Return Value

Name Type Description
debounce Function A function that debounces the callback.


Used to manage local storage items.


import { useLocalStorage } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'
import { useState } from 'react'

const initialValue = { firstTime: true, progress: 0 }

export const LocalStorageExample: React.FC = () => {
  const [getTutorial, setTutorial, resetTutorial] = useLocalStorage('tutorial', initialValue)

  const [state, setState] = useState(getTutorial() || initialValue)

  const handleProgressClick = () => {
    const tutorial = getTutorial()
    setTutorial({ firstTime: false, progress: tutorial ? tutorial.progress + 1 : 1 })

  const handleResetClick = () => {

  return (
      <button onClick={handleProgressClick}>progress: {state?.progress || 0}</button>
      <button onClick={handleResetClick}>reset tutorial</button>
      <p>local Storage value: {JSON.stringify(state)}</p>

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Name Type Description
key string Key of the local storage item.
initialValue any (Optional) Initial value of the item if it doesn't exist yet. If raw is set to true make sure initial value is a string.
raw boolean (Optional) If set to true the stored value will not be JSON serialized. Defaults to false.

Return Value

Returns an array with the following elements:

Name Type Description
[0] Function A function that returns the stored value.
[1] Function A function to update the item.
[2] Function A function to remove the item.


Listens and checks media query matches.


import { useMediaQuery } from '@mhmdjawhar/react-hooks'

export const MediaQueryExample: React.FC = () => {
  const matches = useMediaQuery('(max-width: 30em)')

  return <p>breakpoint matches? {matches ? 'true' : 'false'}</p>

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Name Type Description
query string Media query string.
initialValue boolean (Optional) Initial value of the match query state. Defaults to false.

Return Value

Name Type Description
matches boolean true if the media query is matched, and false if it's not.

💎 Contributions

Any Contributions are welcome!!😄

Feel free to suggest hooks that you think are useful and worth adding to this collection, and work on them if you're interested!

⚖️ License

This library is licensed under the MIT license.

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