TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.3.2 • Public • Published


Tool server manager for Model Context Protocol (MCP). This package provides a TypeScript implementation for managing MCP tool servers, handling server lifecycle, service discovery, and executing tool requests.


  • Manage multiple MCP tool servers
  • File-based service discovery
  • Hot-reload server configurations
  • Server health monitoring
  • Comprehensive logging with secret masking
  • Compatible with Claude Desktop App configurations
  • Built on the MCP TypeScript SDK
  • Real-time server status events
  • Tool access control and usage tracking
  • Rate limiting support
  • CommonJS and ESM compatibility


npm install @meldscience/mcp-tool-manager


You can provide server configurations either directly in code or via a JSON configuration file.

Module System Compatibility

This package is built as a CommonJS module but is fully compatible with both CommonJS and ESM projects through TypeScript's module resolution. You can use either require() or import syntax in your code:

// ESM
import { ToolManager } from '@meldscience/mcp-tool-manager';

// CommonJS
const { ToolManager } = require('@meldscience/mcp-tool-manager');

Configuration in Code

import { ToolManager } from '@meldscience/mcp-tool-manager';

// Provide server configurations directly
const manager = new ToolManager({
  mcpServers: {
    // Each key is a unique identifier for the server
    'my-server': {
      command: 'npx',  // Command to run
      args: ['my-mcp-server'],  // Arguments for the command (optional)
      env: {  // Optional environment variables
        API_KEY: process.env.MY_API_KEY
      cwd: '/path/to/working/dir'  // Optional working directory
    'another-server': {
      command: 'uvx',
      args: ['run', 'another-server', '--port', '3000']
  // Optional service discovery configuration
  discovery: {
    type: 'file',  // 'file' | 'redis' | 'http'
    options: {
      path: '/path/to/discovery.json'  // Required for file-based discovery
  // Optional Winston logger configuration
  loggerOptions: {
    level: 'info',
    // Other Winston options...

Configuration from File

import { ToolManager } from '@meldscience/mcp-tool-manager';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';

// Load configuration from a JSON file
const config = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./mcp-server-config.json', 'utf-8'));
const manager = new ToolManager(config);

Example mcp-server-config.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "my-server": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": ["my-mcp-server"],
      "env": {
        "API_KEY": "your-api-key"
      "cwd": "/path/to/working/dir"
  "discovery": {
    "type": "file",
    "options": {
      "path": "/path/to/discovery.json"
  "loggerOptions": {
    "level": "info"

Configuration Types

// Server configuration
interface MCPServerConfig {
  // Command to run (e.g., 'npx', 'uvx', './run.sh')
  command: string;
  // Optional arguments for the command
  args?: string[];
  // Optional environment variables
  env?: Record<string, string>;
  // Optional working directory
  cwd?: string;

  // Optional startup timeout in milliseconds
  // Default: 30000 (30 seconds)
  // Increase this when using npx to install packages
  startupTimeout?: number;

// Service discovery configuration
interface DiscoveryConfig {
  // Discovery provider type
  type: 'file' | 'redis' | 'http';
  // Provider-specific options
  options: {
    path?: string;      // Required for file-based discovery
    url?: string;       // Required for HTTP discovery
    redisUrl?: string;  // Required for Redis discovery

// Tool manager configuration
interface ToolManagerConfig {
  // Map of server names to their configurations
  mcpServers: Record<string, MCPServerConfig>;
  // Optional service discovery configuration
  discovery?: DiscoveryConfig;
  // Optional Winston logger configuration
  loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions;

// Claude Desktop App configuration (extends ToolManagerConfig)
interface ClaudeDesktopConfig extends ToolManagerConfig {
  globalShortcut?: string;
  [key: string]: unknown;  // Other Claude Desktop fields

Server Events

The ToolManager emits events when server status changes:

// Listen for server status updates
manager.on('serverUpdate', (event) => {
  console.log(`Server ${event.name} status: ${event.status}`);
  console.log('Available tools:', event.capabilities.tools);
  console.log('Server URL:', event.url);

// Event type definition
interface ServerUpdateEvent {
  name: string;
  status: 'starting' | 'running' | 'stopped' | 'error';
  url: string;
  capabilities: {
    tools: string[];

### Managing Servers

Once configured, you can manage your servers:

// Start all servers
await manager.start();

// Get available tools from a server
const tools = await manager.getTools('my-server');

// Execute a tool
const result = await manager.executeRequest('my-server', 'some-tool', {
  // tool parameters

// Update configuration
await manager.updateConfig({
  mcpServers: {
    // Updated server configs

// Stop all servers
await manager.stop();

Server Status

Monitor the status of your servers:

// Get status of all servers
const allStatus = manager.getStatus();

// Get status of a specific server
const serverStatus = manager.getServerStatus('my-server');

// Server status interface
interface ServerStatus {
  state: 'starting' | 'running' | 'stopped' | 'error';
  lastCheck: Date;
  error?: Error;
  pid?: number;

Service Discovery

The tool manager supports file-based service discovery out of the box:

// Configure file-based discovery
const manager = new ToolManager({
  mcpServers: {
    // server configs...
  discovery: {
    type: 'file',
    options: {
      path: '/path/to/discovery.json'  // Path where server info will be published

The discovery file is automatically:

  • Created when the first server starts
  • Updated when server status changes
  • Updated when available tools change
  • Updated periodically with health check information
  • Cleaned up when servers stop

Other applications can monitor this file to discover available MCP servers and their capabilities.

Tool Management

The tool manager provides features for managing tool access and tracking usage:

// Register a tool with metadata
await manager.registerTool('my-server', {
  name: 'my-tool',
  description: 'A useful tool',
  parameters: {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
      // ...
}, {
  // Optional metadata
  enabled: true,
  allowedInstances: ['instance-1', 'instance-2'],
  requiredCapabilities: ['file_access'],
  rateLimit: {
    maxRequests: 100,
    windowMs: 60000 // 1 minute

// Get tools available to a specific instance
const tools = await manager.getToolsForInstance('instance-1');

// Check if a tool is available
const canUse = await manager.canUseToolForInstance('instance-1', 'my-tool');

// Get tool usage statistics
const stats = await manager.getToolUsageStats('my-server', 'my-tool');
console.log(stats.totalUsage);    // Total uses
console.log(stats.recentUsage);   // Uses in last hour
console.log(stats.instanceUsage); // Uses per instance

Tool metadata supports:

  • Enabling/disabling tools
  • Restricting tools to specific instances
  • Required capabilities
  • Rate limiting
  • Usage tracking per instance

API Reference


Main class for managing MCP tool servers.


constructor(config: ToolManagerConfig | ClaudeDesktopConfig)


  • start(): Promise<void> - Start all configured servers
  • stop(): Promise<void> - Stop all servers
  • updateConfig(config: ToolManagerConfig | ClaudeDesktopConfig): Promise<void> - Update server configurations
  • getStatus(): Record<string, ServerStatus> - Get status of all servers
  • getServerStatus(serverName: string): ServerStatus | undefined - Get status of a specific server
  • getTools(serverName: string): Promise<Tool[]> - Get available tools from a server
  • executeRequest(serverName: string, tool: string, params: unknown): Promise<ToolResult> - Execute a tool request


  • serverUpdate - Emitted when a server's status changes
    interface ServerUpdateEvent {
      name: string;
      status: 'starting' | 'running' | 'stopped' | 'error';
      url: string;
      capabilities: {
        tools: string[];


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Build
npm run build

# Run tests
npm test

# Lint
npm run lint



Server Configuration

interface MCPServerConfig {
  // Command to run (e.g., 'npx', 'uvx', './run.sh')
  command: string;
  // Optional arguments for the command
  args?: string[];
  // Optional environment variables
  env?: Record<string, string>;
  // Optional working directory
  cwd?: string;

  // Optional startup timeout in milliseconds
  // Default: 30000 (30 seconds)
  // Increase this when using npx to install packages
  startupTimeout?: number;

Startup Timeouts

The default startup timeout is 30 seconds (30000ms). This should be sufficient for most cases, including when using npx to install packages. However, in some environments (like Docker containers or slow networks), you might need to increase this timeout:

const manager = new ToolManager({
  mcpServers: {
    'my-server': {
      command: 'npx',
      args: ['-y', 'my-mcp-server'],
      startupTimeout: 300000  // 5 minutes for slower environments

For better performance in production environments, consider:

  1. Pre-installing packages in your Docker image instead of using npx
  2. Using a package lock file to speed up installations
  3. Using a private npm registry or npm cache if available

Package Sidebar


npm i @meldscience/mcp-tool-manager

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  • adamavenir