Watermark plugin for Meister
This plugin adds a watermark to the video in order to brand the video more.
Config options
iconUrl [String] (required)
This is the url to the watermark that will be placed on the video.
var meisterPlayer = new Meister('#player', {
Watermark: {
position [String] (default: 'top-left')
The position of the watermark. Can be anything of the following types:
- top-left
- top-right
- bottom-left
- bottom-right
var meisterPlayer = new Meister('#player', {
Watermark: {
position: 'bottom-right',
autoHide [Boolean]
Set autoHiding on/off. When autoHiding is used the watermark will slowly fade out (8 seconds)
var meisterPlayer = new Meister('#player', {
Watermark: {
autoHide : true,
style [Object]
This allows you to style the wrapper via javascript. The style propertie maps to HTMLElement.prototype.style so any style property can be used.
var meisterPlayer = new Meister('#player', {
Watermark: {
style: {
margin: '2%',