
5.3.0 • Public • Published

Shaka plugin for meister


This plugin allows basic media types to be played. They are directly put in the video element.


You can install this plugin through npm:

npm install @meisterplayer/plugin-shaka

and importing it

import Meister from 'meisterplayer';
import BaseMedia from '@meisterplayer/plugin-shaka'

or using a script tag:

<script src="Meister.js"></script>
<script src="Shaka.js"></script>

Getting started

Load the plugin by adding a Shaka configuration object to the Meister initialisation options. If you don't need to customize anything an empty object is enough.


var meisterPlayer = new Meister('#player', {
    Shaka: {}

    src: 'https://example.com/secure/stream/manifest.mpd',
    type: 'mpd',



Options are required unless marked as [optional].

  • [optional] dvrThreshold :: Number
    Content with a window longer than this threshold is considered as having a DVR window. This is measured in seconds. Defaults to 300 (5 minutes).
  • [optional] maxErrorCounts :: Object
    This object allows customization of the maximum amount of nonfatal errors before throwing a fatal error. It's possible to specify a default value as well as individual values for specific error codes. See the docs for an overview of the various error codes.
    var meisterPlayer = new Meister('#player', {
        Shaka: {
            maxErrorCounts: {
                default: 5,
                1003: 1,
    • [optional] default :: Number
      When no maximum has been set for a specific error code the player will use this value as the maximum number. Defaults to 3.
    • [optional] :: Number
      By entering a maximum for a specific error code it's possible to finetune the experience based on your needs. This makes it possible to throw an error after 1 request timeout retry by while keeping the other maximums higher:
  • [optional] shakaConfig :: Object
    Through this option it is possible to set default values in the Shaka player configuration. This object is directly passed to the configure call of the Shaka instance. These options can be overridden on a per item basis by setting a shakaConfig property on the item. See the docs for information on the configuration object.
    var meisterPlayer = new Meister('#player', {
        Shaka: {
            shakaConfig: {
                manifest: {
                    availabilityWindowOverride: 200,

Item options

The following options can be added per item

startFromLive [Boolean] (default: false)

Start from the live edge this will bring the player as close as possible to the live edge.

    src: 'https://example.com/secure/stream/manifest.mpd',
    startFromLive: true,
    type: 'mpd'

startFromBeginning [Boolean|Object] (default: false)

Start from the beginning of the live stream. (VOD streams will always begin from the beginning).

    src: 'https://example.com/secure/stream/manifest.mpd',
    startFromBeginning: true,
    type: 'mpd'

Or you can give an object with an offset to start from a offset

    src: 'https://example.com/secure/stream/manifest.mpd',
    startFromBeginning: {
        offset: 10, // Start from the "beginning" with an offset of 10 seconds
    type: 'mpd'

shakaConfig [Object] (default: {})

Through this option it is possible to set override default values in the Shaka player configuration on a per item basis. This object is directly passed to the configure call of the Shaka instance. See the docs for information on the configuration object.

    src: 'https://example.com/secure/stream/manifest.mpd',
    shakaConfig: {
        manifest: {
            availabilityWindowOverride: 100,
    type: 'mpd'

customFilters [Array] (default: []])

While using Shaka for playback of DRM encrypted content there are two extra fields you can add to the Widevine or PlayReady config of the drmConfig object. These fields allow adding custom request and response filters as per the Shaka documentation.

    src: 'https://example.com/secure/stream/manifest.mpd',
    drmConfig: {
        widevine: {
            customRequestFilters: [(type, request) => {
                if (type === shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.LICENSE) {
                    const originalBody = request.body;
                    const newBody = {
                        licenseChallenge: originalBody;
                    request.body = JSON.stringify(newBody);
            customResponseFilters: [(type, response) => {
                if (type === shaka.net.NetworkingEngine.RequestType.LICENSE) {
                    const originalResponse = response.data;
                    const license = originalResponse.licenseKey;
                    response.data = license;
    type: 'mpd'



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  • edwinmeijne
  • i.toby
  • kajb
  • licensetriple
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  • smashingpat
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