Important - Deprecation Notice
The existing MDCGridList
component and styles will be removed in a future release. Some of its functionality
will be available in the MDC Image List package instead. Bugs and feature requests
will no longer be accepted for the mdc-grid-list
package. It is recommended that you migrate to the
package to continue to receive new features and updates.
Grid Lists
MDC Grid List provides a RTL-aware Material Design Grid list component adhering to the Material Design Grid list spec. Grid Lists are best suited for presenting homogeneous data, typically images. Each item in a grid list is called a tile. Tiles maintain consistent width, height, and padding across screen sizes.
npm install @material/grid-list
Basic Grid list has the following structure:
<div class="mdc-grid-list">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
<li class="mdc-grid-tile">
<div class="mdc-grid-tile__primary">
<img class="mdc-grid-tile__primary-content" src="my-image.jpg" />
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__secondary">
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__title">Title</span>
<li class="mdc-grid-tile">
<div class="mdc-grid-tile__primary">
<img class="mdc-grid-tile__primary-content" src="my-image.jpg" />
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__secondary">
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__title">Title</span>
The above markup will give you a Grid list of tiles that:
- Have 4px padding in between themselves
- Have a 1x1 aspect ratio
- Have a one-line footer caption with no icon
You just need to put the content you want to load in src
<img class="mdc-grid-tile__primary-content" src="..."/>
. However, if your
assets don't have the same aspect ratio you as specified in the tile, it will
distort those assets. We provide a solution of that case in
Using a div in place of an img section.
Setting the tile width
The tile width is set to 200px by default. There are three ways that you can overwrite the default value for your grid list:
- Using CSS variables
.mdc-grid-tile {
--mdc-grid-list-tile-width: 300px;
- Overwriting SCSS variable
You can overwrite the scss variable by
$mdc-grid-list-tile-width: 300px;
@import "@material/grid-list/mdc-grid-list";
- Add own style to tile
.my-grid-list .mdc-grid-tile {
width : 300px;
<div class="mdc-grid-list my-grid-list">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
<li class="mdc-grid-tile"></li>
Change tile padding
Grid list tiles can have 1px padding instead of 4px by adding
<div class="mdc-grid-list mdc-grid-list--tile-gutter-1">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
Image only tile
Grid lists support image only tile. You can remove mdc-grid-tile__secondary
and create a image only grid list.
<div class="mdc-grid-list mdc-grid-list--tile-gutter-1">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
<li class="mdc-grid-tile">
<div class="mdc-grid-tile__primary">
<img class="mdc-grid-tile__primary-content" src="images/1-1.jpg" />
Header caption
Grid lists support header caption. You can change the footer caption to be a
header caption by adding mdc-grid-list--header-caption
<div class="mdc-grid-list mdc-grid-list--header-caption">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
Add support text to secondary content (caption)
Grid lists support a one-line caption by default. You can add an additional line of support
text if needed by adding the mdc-grid-list--twoline-caption
modifier and additional
<div class="mdc-grid-list mdc-grid-list--twoline-caption">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
<li class="mdc-grid-tile">
<div class="mdc-grid-tile__primary">
<img class="mdc-grid-tile__primary-content" src="my-image.jpg" />
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__secondary">
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__title">Title</span>
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__support-text">Support text</span>
Add icon to secondary content (caption)
You can add an icon to a caption by adding mdc-grid-list--with-icon-align-start
and changing the markup.
<div class="mdc-grid-list mdc-grid-list--with-icon-align-start">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
<li class="mdc-grid-tile">
<div class="mdc-grid-tile__primary">
<img class="mdc-grid-tile__primary-content" src="my-image.jpg" />
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__secondary">
<i class="mdc-grid-tile__icon material-icons">star_border</i>
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__title">Title</span>
Change aspect ratio of tile
Grid list tiles support all material guideline recommended aspect ratio:
- 1x1
- 16x9
- 2x3
- 3x2
- 4x3
- 3x4
You can use the modifier class mdc-grid-list--tile-aspect-$ASPECT_RATIO
to apply these aspect
ratios to your grid list. Simply replace $ASPECT_RATIO
with any of the predefined ratios.
<!-- Example of 16x9 tile -->
<div class="mdc-grid-list mdc-grid-list--tile-aspect-16x9">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
As pointed out in the previous section, if your assets don't have the same aspect ratio you as specified in the tile, it will distort those assets. We provide a solution of that case in Using a div in place of an img section.
Using a div in place of an img
In case you cannot ensure all your assets will have the same aspect ratio, you
can use div
instead of img
markup. It will resize the assets to cover the tile
and crop the assets to display the center part.
.my-tile-image {
background-image: url(my-image.jpg);
<div class="mdc-grid-list">
<ul class="mdc-grid-list__tiles">
<li class="mdc-grid-tile">
<div class="mdc-grid-tile__primary">
<div class="mdc-grid-tile__primary-content my-tile-image"></div>
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__secondary">
<span class="mdc-grid-tile__title">Title</span>
However, the method results in a less semantic markup, so we don't use this method by default.
RTL Support
is automatically RTL-aware, and will re-position elements whenever
it, or its ancestors, have a dir="rtl"
supports theming. mdc-grid-tile__primary
uses the theme's background
color for its background color. mdc-grid-tile__secondary
uses the theme's primary
color for its background color, and the theme's on-primary
color for its text color.
Method Signature | Description |
alignCenter() => void |
Centers tiles horizontally within their parent container. |
Method Signature | Description |
getOffsetWidth() => number |
Get root element mdc-grid-list offsetWidth. |
getNumberOfTiles() => number |
Get the number of mdc-grid-tile elements contained within the grid list. |
getOffsetWidthForTileAtIndex(index: number) => number |
Get offsetWidth of mdc-grid-tile at specified index. |
setStyleForTilesElement(property: string, value: number) => void |
Set mdc-grid-list__tiles style property to provided value. |
registerResizeHandler(handler: EventListener) => void |
Registers a handler to be called when the surface (or its viewport) resizes. Our default implementation adds the handler as a listener to the window's resize() event. |
deregisterResizeHandler(handler: EventListener) => void |
Unregisters a handler to be called when the surface (or its viewport) resizes. Our default implementation removes the handler as a listener to the window's resize() event. |