Automatic Nest SDK Generator
A helpful tool for automatically generating a client-side SDK (currently only in Angular) from NestJS Controllers.
Create a file in your project's root: nest-sdk-gen.config.json
. All paths must be relative to the location of this file!
Example Config:
"$schema": "./node_modules/@matchbook-lab/nest-sdk-generator/config.schema.json",
"config": {
"outputPath": "./client/app/services/api/api.service.ts",
"tsConfigFiledPath": "./server/tsconfig.server.json",
"paths": [
supports any patterns supported by globby.
Full Config Model:
export interface GeneratorConfig {
// these are required
outputPath: string;
paths: string[];
tsConfigFilePath?: string; // defaults to `./tsconfig.json`
extraImports?: Import[]; // extra imports only needed to reconcile import conflicts
providedIn?: string; // Angular @Injector() value defaults to `'root'`. `null` for no param.
serviceName?: string; // Name of the service that is created
whiteListDecorators?: string[]; // is merged with `['Param', 'Body', 'Query', 'UploadedFile']`. Everything else is ignored
apiBase?: string; // defaults to: `/api`. Base path of your API.
export interface Import {
defaultImport?: string;
namespaceImport?: string;
namedImports?: string[];
moduleSpecifier: string;
When run, it will take this:
export class CourseController {
async findCourse(
@Param('id') id: number | string,
@Query('includeInactive') includeInactive: boolean = false,
@LoggedInUser() user?: User,
): Promise<Course> {
// controller body
and create an Angular service:
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class ApiService {
constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient) {}
async findCourse(id: number | string, includeInactive: boolean = false): Promise<Course> {
return this.httpClient
.get<Course>(`/api/courses/${id}`, { params: this.parametrize({ includeUserCourses }) })
// ...
- Strips out extra params, i.e. custom "AuthenticatedUser" decorators
- Supports overloads
- Initial file support
- Automatically resolve imports
- More stuff as I remember to document it...
More docs coming soon!