illustration by Joseph Wilkins
Price Pigeon
The answer to inconsistent spot price bids.
Uses the AWS Price List API to generate a mapping of OnDemand prices by instance type. This mapping can be used during instance creation to make accurate spot bid prices.
*Note: The price supplied is the highest OnDemand price for that instance type across the following regions:
'US East (N. Virginia)': 'us-east-1',
'US West (N. California)': 'us-west-1',
'US West (Oregon)': 'us-west-2',
'Asia Pacific (Sydney)': 'ap-southeast-2',
'EU (Ireland)': 'eu-west-1',
Using Price Pigeon
- install
and add to yourpackage.json
npm install @mapbox/price-pigeon --save
- [Optional] Update the price map to use the most recent OnDemand prices:
cd node_modules/price-pigeon
npm run price-pigeon-update
- Add your
to the templateParameters
if it isn't there already. The template will use a function that refers toInstanceType
to get the correct price. Here's an example:
'Parameters' : {
'InstanceType' : {
'Description' : 'Type of spot instance to launch',
'Type' : 'String',
'Default' : 'm3.xlarge', /* This is the type of instance you're launching */
'AllowedValues' : ['m3.xlarge', 'r3.large']
- Include the price map directly in your CloudFormation
(check outprice-pigeon/examples/
for a sample template):
// require the price-mapping function
var priceMapper = require('@mapbox/price-pigeon').priceMapper;
// get a price map with 50% off prices
var priceMap = priceMapper(0.5);
// If you want to use the actual price, you don't need to supply a ratio:
priceMap = priceMapper();
// Don't forget to add the rest of your template to this stub!
module.exports = {
'AWSTemplateFormatVersion' : '2010-09-09',
'Description' : 'price pigeon',
'Mappings' : {
'Prices' : priceMap
'Resources' : {
'LaunchConfiguration' : {
'Properties' : {
'SpotPrice' : {
'Fn::FindInMap' : ['Prices', {'Ref' : 'InstanceType'}, 'price']
'Parameters' : {
'InstanceType' : {
'Description' : 'Type of spot instance to launch',
'Type' : 'String',
'Default' : 'm3.xlarge',
'AllowedValues' : ['m3.xlarge', 'r3.xlarge']