Yaha microservice supporting external connections
You need to provide a configuration file called "yahaconfig . json" stored in the root directory . You need to provide the configuration for all used modules services and for the mqttclient ( see mqttclient , opensensemap , pushover , sunnyportal modules ) . Modules to run :
- opensensemap - send data to the opensensemap
- pushover - send data to the pushover app
- sunnyportal - reads data from sunnyportal
- remoteService - supports to invoke messages from the internet
File | externalservices.js |
Abstract | Yaha microservice supporting external connections |
Author | Volker Böhm |
Copyright | Copyright ( c ) 2020 Volker Böhm |
License | This software is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 . It is furnished "as is" , without any support , and with no warranty , express or implied , as to its usefulness for any purpose . |