Google Analytics 4 Managed Component
Find out more about Managed Components here for inspiration and motivation details.
🚀 Quickstart local dev environment
- Make sure you're running node version >=18.
- Install dependencies with
npm i
- Run unit test watcher with
npm run test:dev
Supported Event Types
, ecommerce
, event
⚙️ Tool Settings
Settings are used to configure the tool in a Component Manager config file
Measurement ID tid
is the unique identifier of your Google Analytics 4 account. Learn more
Hide Originating IP Address hideOriginalIP
will prevent sending the visitor IP address to Google Analytics 4
E-commerce tracking ecommerce
Enable forwarding E-commerce events to Google Analytics as part of the enhanced e-commerce tracking feature. Learn more
Google Analytics Audiences ga-audiences
enables/disables Audiences collection through Google Analytics
Cookie Base Domain baseDomain
manually set the domain for all Google Analytics cookies
🧱 Fields Description
Fields are properties that can/must be sent with certain events
User ID/Visitor ID uid
lets you associate your own identifiers with individual users so you can connect their behavior across different sessions and on various devices and platforms. Learn more
Event Name en
will be sent as Event Name to Google Analytics. Learn more
Non-interaction ni
events are not taken into account when Google Analytics calculates bounces and session duration. Learn more
Custom Fields
Custom fields can be used to send properties to Google Analytics. To specify user properties, please add the up.
prefix to your property's name.
📝 License
Licensed under the Apache License.
💜 Thanks
Thanks to everyone contributing in any manner for this repo and to everyone working on Open Source in general.
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Simona Badoiu 💻 |
Yo'av Moshe 💻 |
Ruskin 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!