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2.0.0 • Public • Published

ScriptRunner Connect Managed API for Trello

Managed API for Trello is an API Client for Trello by Adaptavist. You can read more about Managed APIs here.

This is ScriptRunner Connect runtime specific version of the Managed API (with sr-connect suffix). If you want to use Managed API in any other runtime, have a look at the runtime agnostic version.

Supported API calls

Constructing Managed API

In ScriptRunner Connect a Managed API is constructed for you, but if you need to construct it manually, here's how you can do it:

import { TrelloApi } from '@managed-api/trello-sr-connect';

export default async function() {
    const api = new TrelloApi('API_CONNECTION_ID');


Feel free to drop ideas, suggestions or improvements into our Slack community channel.



  • Breaking change: URL and query string parameters are now URL encoded, meaning if you encoded them explicitly before you have to remove your own encoding, otherwise they will get double encoded.


  • Added value.text field in response of the following method:

    • getCustomFieldItems that can be used as Card.CustomField.getCustomFieldItems or All.getCustomFieldItemsForCard.


  • Corrected idLabels field type in request of the following method:

    • updateCard that can be used as Card.updateCard or All.updateCard.


  • Added support for the following Member method:

    • getMember that can be used as Member.getMember or All.getMember.
  • Added support for the following Board method:

    • getLabels that can be used as Board.getLabels or All.getLabelsForBoard.
  • Added support for the following Board method:

    • getLists that can be used as Board.getLists or All.getListsForBoard.
  • Corrected labels field type in response of the following method:

    • getCard that can be used as Card.getCard or All.getCard.
  • Corrected idMembers field type in request of the following method:

    • updateCard that can be used as Card.updateCard or All.updateCard.


  • Added support for the following CustomField method:

    • createCustomField that can be used as CustomField.createCustomField or All.createCustomField.
    • getCustomField that can be used as CustomField.getCustomField or All.getCustomField.


  • Added support for the following Webhook method:

    • createWebhook that can be used as Webhook.createWebhook or All.createWebhook.
    • getWebhook that can be used as Webhook.getWebhook or All.getWebhook.
    • updateWebhook that can be used as Webhook.updateWebhook or All.updateWebhook.
    • deleteWebhook that can be used as Webhook.deleteWebhook or All.deleteWebhook.
    • getField that can be used as Webhook.getField or All.getWebhookField.


  • Added support for the following Board method:

    • createBoard that can be used as Board.createBoard or All.createBoard.
    • deleteBoard that can be used as Board.deleteBoard or All.deleteBoard.
    • getBoard that can be used as Board.getBoard or All.getBoard.
    • getMemberships that can be used as Board.getMemberships or All.getMembershipsForBoard.
    • updateBoard that can be used as Board.updateBoard or All.updateBoard.
  • Added support for the following Board.Member method:

    • addMember that can be used as Board.Member.addMember or All.addMemberToBoard.
    • getMembers that can be used as Board.Member.getMembers or All.getMembersForBoard.
    • inviteMemberByEmail that can be used as Board.Member.inviteMemberByEmail or All.inviteMemberToBoardByEmail.
    • removeMember that can be used as Board.Member.removeMember or All.removeMemberFromBoard.
  • Added support for the following Card method:

    • addLabel that can be used as Card.addLabel or All.addLabelForCard.
    • addMember that can be used as Card.addLabel or All.addLabelForCard.
    • addMemberVote that can be used as Card.addMemberVote or All.addMemberVoteForCard.
    • createCard that can be used as Card.createCard or All.createCard.
    • createLabel that can be used as Card.createLabel or All.createLabelForCard.
    • deleteCard that can be used as Card.deleteCard or All.deleteCard.
    • getActions that can be used as Card.getActions or All.getActionsForCard.
    • getBoardForCard that can be used as Card.getBoardForCard or All.getBoardForCard.
    • getCard that can be used as Card.getCard or All.getCardForAction.
    • getField that can be used as Card.getField or All.getFieldForBoard.
    • getList that can be used as Card.getList or All.getList.
    • getMembers that can be used as Card.getMembers or All.getMembersForCard.
    • getMembersWhoVoted that can be used as Card.getMembersWhoVoted or All.getMembersWhoVotedForCard.
    • markNotificationsAsRead that can be used as Card.markNotificationsAsRead or All.markNotificationsAsReadForCard.
    • removeLabel that can be used as Card.removeLabel or All.removeLabelForCard.
    • removeMember that can be used as Card.removeMember or All.removeMemberFromCard.
    • removeMemberVote that can be used as Card.removeMemberVote or All.removeMemberVote.
    • updateCard that can be used as Card.updateCard or All.updateCard.
  • Added support for the following Card.Attachment method:

    • createAttachment that can be used as Card.Attachment.createAttachment or All.createAttachmentForCard.
    • deleteAttachment that can be used as Card.Attachment.deleteAttachment or All.deleteAttachmentForCard.
    • getAttachment that can be used as Card.Attachment.getAttachment or All.getAttachmentForCard.
    • getAttachments that can be used as Card.Attachment.getAttachments or All.getAttachmentsForCard.
  • Added support for the following Card.Checklist method:

    • createChecklist that can be used as Card.Checklist.createChecklist or All.createChecklistForCard.
    • deleteCheckItem that can be used as Card.Checklist.deleteCheckItem or All.deleteCheckItemForCard.
    • deleteChecklist that can be used as Card.Checklist.deleteChecklist or All.deleteChecklist.
    • getCheckItem that can be used as Card.Checklist.getCheckItem or All.getCheckItemForCard.
    • getCheckItems that can be used as Card.Checklist.getCheckItem or All.getCheckItemForCard.
    • getChecklists that can be used as Card.Checklist.getChecklists or All.getChecklistsForCard.
    • updateCheckItem that can be used as Card.Checklist.updateCheckItem or All.updateCheckItemForCard.
    • updateCheckItemOnChecklist that can be used as Card.Checklist.updateCheckItemOnChecklist or All.updateCheckItemOnChecklist.
  • Added support for the following Card.Comment method:

    • addComment that can be used as Card.Comment.addComment or All.addCommentForCard.
    • deleteComment that can be used as Card.Comment.deleteComment or All.deleteCommentForCard.
    • updateComment that can be used as Card.Comment.updateComment or All.updateCommentForCard.
  • Added support for the following Card.CustomField method:

    • getCustomFieldItems that can be used as Card.CustomField.getCustomFieldItems or All.getCustomFieldItemsForCard.
    • updateCustomFieldItem that can be used as Card.CustomField.updateCustomFieldItem or All.updateCustomFieldItemForCard.
  • Added support for the following Card.Sticker method:

    • addSticker that can be used as Card.Sticker.addSticker or All.addStickerForCard.
    • deleteSticker that can be used as Card.Sticker.deleteSticker or All.deleteStickerForCard.
    • getSticker that can be used as Card.Sticker.getSticker or All.getStickerForCard.
    • getStickers that can be used as Card.Sticker.getStickers or All.getStickersForCard.
    • updateSticker that can be used as Card.Sticker.updateSticker or All.updateStickerForCard.

Copyright Adaptavist 2024 (c) All rights reserved




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