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2.1.0 • Public • Published

Managed API for Bitbucket Cloud

Managed API for Bitbucket Cloud is an API Client for Bitbucket Cloud by Adaptavist primarily designed for the use in ScriptRunner Connect. You can read more about Managed APIs here.

This is a runtime agnostic version of the Managed API (with core suffix) that makes it easy to port it to any runtime you may want to use this Managed API on.

Platform specific ports

Supported API calls

Porting to other runtimes

While the primary reason for creating Managed APIs was to use them in ScriptRunner Connect runtime, then you can easily port them to any runtime of your choosing.

You can do so by extending the *Core Managed API class where you'll be asked to provide implementation for getPlatformImplementation function. In this implementation you have to specify how to perform buffer encoding/decoding operations and how to perform HTTP calls:

    buffer: {
        encode(input: string): ArrayBuffer;
        decode(input: ArrayBuffer): string;
    performHttpCall(request: Request): Promise<Response>

Here is an example how to create a Node port of the Managed API:

import { BitbucketCloudApiCore } from "@managed-api/bitbucket-cloud-v2-core";
import { PlatformImplementation, Request, Response, Headers } from "@managed-api/commons-core";
import fetch from "node-fetch";

export class BitbucketCloudApi extends BitbucketCloudApiCore {
    constructor(private baseUrl: string, private authToken: string) {

    protected getPlatformImplementation(): PlatformImplementation {
        return {
            buffer: {
                encode: (input) => Buffer.from(input, 'utf-8'),
                decode: (input) => Buffer.from(input).toString('utf-8')
            performHttpCall: (request) => this.performHttpCall(request)
    private async performHttpCall(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
        const requestUrl = `${this.baseUrl}${request.url}`; // Substitute base URL
        request.headers.set('Authorization', `Basic ${this.authToken}`); // Substitute auth token
        const response = await fetch(requestUrl, {
            method: request.method,
            headers: request.headers as any,
            body: request.method.toLowerCase() !== 'get' ? Buffer.from((await request.arrayBuffer()) ?? new ArrayBuffer(0)) : undefined

        const apiHeaders = new Headers();
        response.headers.forEach((value, key) => apiHeaders.append(key, value));

        const body = await response.arrayBuffer();

        return super.buildResponse(response.url, response.status, response.statusText, apiHeaders, body);

Please note that the authentication handling details may not be accurate and serve as an example. If you wish to use these Managed APIs without having to concern yourself how to deal with and secure authentication details when working with APIs, then feel free to evaluate ScriptRunner Connect platform.


At this time Managed APIs are unlicensed and close sourced, but feel free to drop an email to eknoll@adaptavist.com for ideas, suggestions and improvements.




  • Fixed the following method to use the appropriate header:


  • Breaking change: URL and query string parameters are now URL encoded, meaning if you encoded them explicitly before you have to remove your own encoding, otherwise they will get double encoded.


  • Changed response type for following Repository methods:


Copyright Adaptavist 2024 (c) All rights reserved




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  • eknoll