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Ember Modal Dialog Lite

This is a fork of ember-modal-dialog that removes all of the animation and tethering related functionality.

The fork was migrated to TS and glimmer components.


ember install @makepanic/ember-modal-dialog-lite

The ember-modal-dialog addon provides components to implement modal dialogs throughout an Ember application using a simple, consistent pattern.

Unlike some other modal libraries for Ember, ember-modal-dialog uses solutions like ember-wormhole to render a modal structure as a top-level DOM element for layout purposes while retaining its logical position in the Ember view hierarchy. This difference introduces a certain elegance and, dare we say, joy, into the experience of using modals in your app. For more info on this, see the "Wormhole" section below.

Table of Contents

Live Demo and Test Examples

View a live demo here: http://yapplabs.github.io/ember-modal-dialog/

Test examples are located in tests/dummy/app/templates/application.hbs and can be run locally by following the instructions in the "Installation" and "Running" sections below.

Video image

Including In An Ember Application

Here is the simplest way to get started with ember-modal-dialog:

ember install @makepanic/ember-modal-dialog-lite

Then import the CSS files


@import "ember-modal-dialog-lite/ember-modal-structure.css";
@import "ember-modal-dialog-lite/ember-modal-appearance.css";

If you’re using SASS then just import the CSS slightly differently


@import "ember-modal-dialog-lite/ember-modal-structure";
@import "ember-modal-dialog-lite/ember-modal-appearance";


  Oh hai there!


Earlier versions of ember-modal-dialog required ember-cli-sass and an app.scss file to import styling.

Please be aware this is no longer the case.

Existing applications should continue to work correctly but if you were using ember-cli-sass solely due to ember-modal-dialog it might be worthwhile removing ember-cli-sass completely and just importing the styles directly into app.css instead, as shown above.

Controller-bound Usage

Here is a more useful example of how to conditionally display a modal based on a user interaction.


<button {{action (action "toggleModal")}}>Toggle Modal</button>

{{#if isShowingModal}}
      onClose=(action "toggleModal")
    Oh hai there!


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  isShowingModal: false,
  actions: {
    toggleModal: function() {

Routable Usage

To have a modal open for a specific route, just drop the {{modal-dialog}} into that route's template. Don't forget to have an {{outlet}} on the parent route.

Configurable Properties


The modal-dialog component supports the following properties:

Property Purpose
translucentOverlay Indicates translucence of overlay, toggles presence of translucent CSS selector
onClose The action handler for the dialog's onClose action. This action triggers when the user clicks the modal overlay.
onClickOverlay An action to be called when the overlay is clicked. If this action is specified, clicking the overlay will invoke it instead of onClose.
clickOutsideToClose Indicates whether clicking outside a modal without an overlay should close the modal. Useful if your modal isn't the focus of interaction, and you want hover effects to still work outside the modal.
containerClass CSS class name(s) to append to container divs. Set this from template.
containerClassNames CSS class names to append to container divs. This is a concatenated property, so it does not replace the default container class (default: 'ember-modal-dialog'. If you subclass this component, you may define this in your subclass.)
overlayClass CSS class name(s) to append to overlay divs. Set this from template.
overlayClassNames CSS class names to append to overlay divs. This is a concatenated property, so it does not replace the default overlay class (default: 'ember-modal-overlay'. If you subclass this component, you may define this in your subclass.)
wrapperClass CSS class name(s) to append to wrapper divs. Set this from template.
wrapperClassNames CSS class names to append to wrapper divs. This is a concatenated property, so it does not replace the default container class (default: 'ember-modal-wrapper'. If you subclass this component, you may define this in your subclass.)

Which Component Should I Use?

Various modal use cases are best supported by different DOM structures. Ember Modal Dialog's modal-dialog component provides the following capabilities:

  • modal-dialog: Uses ember-wormhole to append the following parent divs to the destination element: wrapper div > overlay div > container div


With the default CSS provided, your modal will be centered in the viewport. By adjusting the CSS, you can adjust this logic.


Display of a modal dialog is typically triggered by a user interaction. While the content in the dialog is related to the content in the user interaction, the underlying display mechanism for the dialogs can be shared across the entire application.

The add-modals-container initializer appends a container element to the application.rootElement. It injects a reference to this container element id as a property of the modal-dialog service, which is then used in the modal-dialog component. The property is injected into a service instead of directly into the modal-dialog component to make it easier to extend the component and make custom modals.

ember-modal-dialog uses ember-wormhole to append modal overlays and contents to a dedicated element in the DOM. This decouples the DOM location of a modal from the DOM location of whatever triggered its display... hence wormholes!

Configuring the Modal Root Element Id

This default id of the modal root element is modal-overlays and can be overridden in environment application options as follows:


module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    // ...
    APP: {
      // ...
      emberModalDialog: {
        modalRootElementId: 'custom-modal-root-element'
  // ...

  return ENV;

Configuring Styles

You can import the CSS files directly


@import "ember-modal-dialog-lite/ember-modal-structure.css";
@import "ember-modal-dialog-lite/ember-modal-appearance.css";

If you’re using SASS then just import the CSS slightly differently


@import "ember-modal-dialog-lite/ember-modal-structure";
@import "ember-modal-dialog-lite/ember-modal-appearance";

Keyboard shortcuts

A quick-and-dirty way to implement keyboard shortcuts (e.g. to dismiss your modals with escape) is to subclass the dialog and attach keyboard events:

// app/components/modal-dialog.js
import ModalDialog from '@makepanic/ember-modal-dialog-lite/components/modal-dialog';

const ESC_KEY = 27;

export default ModalDialog.extend({
  didInsertElement() {


  _initEscListener() {
    const closeOnEscapeKey = (ev) => {
      if (ev.keyCode === ESC_KEY) { this.get('onClose')(); }

    Ember.$('body').on('keyup.modal-dialog', closeOnEscapeKey);

This can work, but some apps require a more sophisticated approach. One approach takes advantage of the ember-keyboard library. Here's an example:

// app/components/modal-dialog.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import ModalDialog from '@makepanic/ember-modal-dialog-lite/components/modal-dialog';
import { EKMixin as EmberKeyboardMixin, keyDown } from 'ember-keyboard';

export default ModalDialog.extend(EmberKeyboardMixin, {
  init() {

    this.set('keyboardActivated', true);

  closeOnEsc: Ember.on(keyDown('Escape'), function() {

View the library for more information.


In order for taps on the overlay to be functional on iOS, a cursor: pointer style is added to the div when on iOS. If you need to change this behavior, subclass modal-dialog and override makeOverlayClickableOnIOS.

Custom Modals

If you have various different styles of modal dialog in your app, it can be useful to subclass the dialog as a new component:

// app/components/full-screen-modal.js

import ModalDialog from '@makepanic/ember-modal-dialog-lite/components/modal-dialog';

export default ModalDialog.extend({
  containerClassNames: "full-screen-modal",
  targetAttachment: "none"

By subclassing modal-dialog your component will use the default modal dialog template. Therefore, you do not need to create a app/templates/components/full-screen-modal.hbs file. Your component can then be used like so:

  Custom modal contents

Using as a nested addon

If you create an addon that you want to depend on ember-modal-dialog, you need to provide for ember-modal-dialog's config hook to run. You do this in the config hook of your addon. Example:

// index.js

module.exports = {
  name: 'my-addon',
  config: function(environment, appConfig) {
    let initialConfig = _.merge({}, appConfig);
    let updatedConfig = this.addons.reduce((config, addon) => {
      if (addon.config) {
        _.merge(config, addon.config(environment, config));
      return config;
    }, initialConfig);
    return updatedConfig;


  • For Ember versions >= 2.8, use the latest published version (Note that ember-cli >= 2.13 is required, though your ember version may be >= 2.8)
  • For Ember versions >= 2.4 and < 2.8, use the latest 2.x version
  • For Ember versions >= 1.10 and < 2.4, use ember-modal-dialog 1.0.0 (Due to a bug in these versions of Ember, you may have trouble with Ember 1.13.7, 1.13.8 and 1.13.9 -- See #71)

Additional Resources


See the Contributing guide for details.


Contributions from @stefanpenner, @krisselden, @chrislopresto, @lukemelia, @raycohen, @andrewhavens, @samselikoff and others. Yapp Labs was an Ember.js consultancy based in NYC, that has since been folded into Yapp.



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  • makepanic