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Luigi Client UI5 Support Library

​ The Luigi Client UI5 Support Library offers a set features which make it easier to use the Luigi micro frontend framework with UI5 applications. ​

How to use the library

  1. Include the following in your index.html file in order to add ComponentSupport and allow data-sap-ui-frameOptions:
<script id="sap-ui-bootstrap" src="resources/sap-ui-core.js" data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{
				"luigi.ui5-demoapp": "./"
			}' data-sap-ui-oninit="module:sap/ui/core/ComponentSupport" data-sap-ui-compatVersion="edge"
		data-sap-ui-async="true" data-sap-ui-frameOptions="allow" data-sap-ui-theme="sap_horizon"
		data-sap-ui-xx-waitForTheme="true" data-sap-ui-xx-supportedLanguages="en,de">
  1. Install the library either by using npm (this option requires UI5 Tooling), or manually.

Installing via npm

  1. Import the library in your package.json file:
npm install @luigi-project/client-support-ui5
  1. If your project is not set up for use with the UI5 Tooling yet, you need to install it. It is required to consume the Luigi Client UI5 Support Library. ​
  2. In the last step, you need to register the library in your Component.js file.

Using UI5 tooling:

], function (UIComponent,...., Ui5SupportLib) {
    return UIComponent.extend("com.sap.luigiclient.Component", {
		init: function () {
			// connect client-support-ui5 lib to the application
            this.LuigiClient = Ui5SupportLib.LuigiClient;this.getRouter().initialize();

Installing manually

  1. Create a lib folder under the webapp directory and put the luigi-client.js and ui5-support-lib.js into it.

  2. Use the shim mechanism to make Luigi Client available in your UI5 application using sap.ui.loader.config (the Luigi Client UI5 Support Library consumes Luigi Client via the name @luigi-project/client/luigi-client):

	// provide dependency and export metadata for non-UI5 modules
	paths: {
		"@luigi-project/client/luigi-client": "lib/luigi-client"
        "@luigi-project/client/luigi-client": {
            amd: false,
            exports: 'LuigiClient'
], function (UIComponent, ..., LuigiUI5SupportLib) {
	"use strict";
    return UIComponent.extend("com.sap.luigiclient.Component", {
		init: function () {
			// connect client-support-ui5 lib to the application
            this.LuigiClient = Ui5SupportLib.LuigiClient;this.getRouter().initialize();

In addition, the Luigi Client API is available through the Luigi Client UI5 Support Library. Luigi Client can be used in a controller in this way:

const alertSettings = {
this.getOwnerComponent().LuigiClient.uxManager().showAlert(alertSettings).then(() => {
          // Logic to execute when the alert is dismissed


​ The main features offered by the Luigi Client UI5 support library are:

  • Context - allows you to receive a context object from Luigi
  • Auto routing - provides an easier way to keep your UI5 app and Luigi routing in sync
  • Auto routing for modals - enables synchronization of routing between Luigi Core and a modal
  • Preload - special view that can help you when using Luigi's viewGroups feature ​


​ The current (latest) context object that the UI5 application receives from Luigi Core is available on the UI5 model. ​ The context object is accessible in the controller by calling:


​ In a view file, it can be used like this:


Auto routing

​ With the auto routing feature, we provide an easy way of synchronizing UI5 application routes with Luigi navigation. In the routes definition of the manifest file, you can add these attributes in the data object: ​

    "pattern": "",
    "name": "products",
    "target": "products",
    "data": {
        "luigiRoute": "/app1/products"
    "pattern": "settings/userSettings/developer",
    "name": "developer",
    "target": "developer",
    "data": {
        "fromContext": "usersettings",
        "luigiRoute": "developer"
    "pattern": "settings",
    "name": "settings",
    "target": "settings",
    "data": {
        "fromVirtualTreeRoot": true
    "pattern": "products/{productId}/sites/{siteId}",
    "name": "site",
    "target": "site",
    "data": {
        "fromVirtualTreeRoot": {
            "truncate": "*/sites"

​ If data "data": {"luigiRoute": "/app1/products"} is defined on a route, Luigi Client will be called with:


with data: { fromVirtualTreeRoot: true }, Luigi Client API will be called in this way:

    luigiClient.linkManager().fromVirtualTreeRoot().withoutSync().navigate({route url});

with data: { preventBrowserHistory: true }, Luigi Client API will be called in this way:

    luigiClient.linkManager().withoutSync().withOptions({ preventHistoryEntry: true }).navigate({route url});

IF you are navigating inside the same route.

Additionally, it is possible to truncate the URL. Everything before and including the specified value is truncated from the URL. For example, all but /{sitesId} are removed from the URL with the above configuration. ​ More information about Luigi's linkManager can be found here. ​ ​ ​

Auto routing for modals

​ Similarly to other views, modals which have a modalPathParam which can trigger a change in the URL when navigation occurs. In the UI5 router of your Luigi app, you can enable auto-routing for modals using these parameters:

  • updateModalDataPath - if set to true, the URL will be updated automatically every time the user navigates within a modal.
  • addHistoryEntry - if set to true, changes in the modal will also add a history element in the history of the tab. ​ For example:
    "pattern": "products/{productId}",
    "name": "product",
    "target": "product",
    "data": {
        "updateModalDataPath": true,
        "addHistoryEntry": true,


​ If you are using view groups in your Luigi configuration, this library provides a view which you can use as a Luigi preloadUrl attribute in your configuration. The route to this view is https://your.domain.name/__luigi_preload_view__

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