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0.3.13 • Public • Published


This module contains a component that reports metrics of Node.js, LoopBack framework, and your application to Prometheus.

Stability: ⚠️Experimental⚠️

Experimental packages provide early access to advanced or experimental functionality to get community feedback. Such modules are published to npm using 0.x.y versions. Their APIs and functionality may be subject to breaking changes in future releases.


npm install --save @loopback/extension-metrics

Basic use

The component should be loaded in the constructor of your custom Application class.

Start by importing the component class:

import {MetricsComponent} from '@loopback/extension-metrics';

In the constructor, add the component to your application:


By default, Metrics route is mounted at /metrics. This path can be customized via Metrics configuration as follows:

  endpoint: {
    basePath: '/metrics',
  defaultMetrics: {
    timeout: 5000,

Metrics Collected

There are three types of metrics being collected by this component:

  1. Node.js metrics - built-in by https://github.com/siimon/prom-client
  2. LoopBack method invocations - built-in by this module using an interceptor
  3. Metrics by the application code or other modules - instrumentations are required

Pull vs Push

Prometheus supports two modes to collect metrics:

  • pull - scraping from metrics http endpoint exposed by the system being monitored
  • push - pushing metrics from the system being monitored to a push gateway

See https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/faq/#why-do-you-pull-rather-than-push

Try it out

git clone https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-next
npm install
npm run build
cd examples/metrics-prometheus
npm run demo

Open http://localhost:9090 to load Prometheus web UI.

/metrics endpoint

http://localhost:3000/metrics returns metrics in plain text format. It includes information for the Node.js process as well as LoopBack method invocations.

Example of plain text data
# HELP process_cpu_user_seconds_total Total user CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_user_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_user_seconds_total 0.132181 1564508354524
# HELP process_cpu_system_seconds_total Total system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_system_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_system_seconds_total 0.023608999999999998 1564508354524
# HELP process_cpu_seconds_total Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_seconds_total 0.15578999999999998 1564508354524
# HELP process_start_time_seconds Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
# TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge
process_start_time_seconds 1564508343
# HELP process_resident_memory_bytes Resident memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_resident_memory_bytes gauge
process_resident_memory_bytes 61800448 1564508354524
# HELP nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds Lag of event loop in seconds.
# TYPE nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds gauge
nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds 0.002172946 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_active_handles Number of active libuv handles grouped by handle type. Every handle type is C++ class name.
# TYPE nodejs_active_handles gauge
nodejs_active_handles{type="WriteStream"} 2 1564508354524
nodejs_active_handles{type="Server"} 1 1564508354524
nodejs_active_handles{type="Socket"} 2 1564508354524
# HELP nodejs_active_handles_total Total number of active handles.
# TYPE nodejs_active_handles_total gauge
nodejs_active_handles_total 5 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_active_requests Number of active libuv requests grouped by request type. Every request type is C++ class name.
# TYPE nodejs_active_requests gauge
# HELP nodejs_active_requests_total Total number of active requests.
# TYPE nodejs_active_requests_total gauge
nodejs_active_requests_total 0 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_heap_size_total_bytes Process heap size from node.js in bytes.
# TYPE nodejs_heap_size_total_bytes gauge
nodejs_heap_size_total_bytes 27545600 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_heap_size_used_bytes Process heap size used from node.js in bytes.
# TYPE nodejs_heap_size_used_bytes gauge
nodejs_heap_size_used_bytes 23788272 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_external_memory_bytes Nodejs external memory size in bytes.
# TYPE nodejs_external_memory_bytes gauge
nodejs_external_memory_bytes 1234918 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes Process heap space size total from node.js in bytes.
# TYPE nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes gauge
nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes{space="read_only"} 524288 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes{space="new"} 1048576 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes{space="old"} 16900096 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes{space="code"} 688128 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes{space="map"} 1576960 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes{space="large_object"} 6758400 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes{space="code_large_object"} 49152 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_total_bytes{space="new_large_object"} 0 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes Process heap space size used from node.js in bytes.
# TYPE nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes gauge
nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes{space="read_only"} 31712 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes{space="new"} 9584 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes{space="old"} 15723128 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes{space="code"} 377600 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes{space="map"} 918480 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes{space="large_object"} 6726408 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes{space="code_large_object"} 3456 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_used_bytes{space="new_large_object"} 0 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes Process heap space size available from node.js in bytes.
# TYPE nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes gauge
nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes{space="read_only"} 492264 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes{space="new"} 1038368 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes{space="old"} 1105240 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes{space="code"} 285952 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes{space="map"} 657072 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes{space="large_object"} 0 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes{space="code_large_object"} 0 1564508354526
nodejs_heap_space_size_available_bytes{space="new_large_object"} 1047952 1564508354526
# HELP nodejs_version_info Node.js version info.
# TYPE nodejs_version_info gauge
nodejs_version_info{version="v12.4.0",major="12",minor="4",patch="0"} 1
# HELP loopback_invocation_duration_seconds method invocation
# TYPE loopback_invocation_duration_seconds gauge
# HELP loopback_invocation_duration_histogram method invocation histogram
# TYPE loopback_invocation_duration_histogram histogram
# HELP loopback_invocation_total method invocation counts
# TYPE loopback_invocation_total counter
loopback_invocation_total 1
# HELP loopback_invocation_duration_summary method invocation summary
# TYPE loopback_invocation_duration_summary summary



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