
3.0.0 • Public • Published


This library provides a simple caching utility in an abstract manner.

It can be used independently in any javascript project, however, since the abstraction layer locustjs-cache provides, it is best used in conjuction with an IoC container or DI container such as @locustjs/locator.



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This is the abstract class that defines structure/API of all Cache classes.



config is an optional configuration with the following structure that could be used by child classes based on their discretion:

    "duration": number  // default validity duration of cahced items


Method Result Description
getEntry(key) CacheItem returns cache item entry in the cache based on its key.
getItem(key, fnCondition?) any (cached value) returns a cached value based on its key. The get operation can be performed conditionally using the fnCondition function which is explained a little further.
setItem(key, value, duration?) void adds a new cache item into cache with specified duration. if duration is not specified, config.duration will be used for given cache item. If an item already exists in the cache with the same key, it is overwritten unconditionally. In order to perform an add/update operation, developers should use addOrUpdate method.
addOrUpdate(key, value, fnUpdate, duration) any (cached value) adds a new item into the cache with given value and key if an item does not already exist with the given key; Otherwise, it updates the existing cache entry with the new value based on the fnUpdate function.
getOrSet(key, fnCondition, value, duration?) any (cached value) returns a cached value if it already exists in the cahe. It adds a new item into cache if such item does not exist. The get operation can be conditional by specifying fnCondition function. This is explained a little further.
exists(key) boolean checks whether an item with given key exists in the cache.
remove(key) boolean removes a cached item with given key and returns true if succeeded (item was existing) or false (otherwise)
contains(value, fnEqualityComparer?) boolean looks in the cache for the given value and returns true if it finds a cach entry with this value or false (otherwise). If fnEqualityComparer function specified, it uses that in order to find cached entry when comparing given value with a cached value upon iterating over cached entries.
clean() void cleans cache; removes items that are invalid (expired) and are wasting memory.
clear() void clears out the cache (removes all entries).
getDuration(duration) number This is a helper protected method that is inherited to sub-classes. It validates given duation value. a zero or lower than zero value indicates that the item is expired.


Property Description
config configuration passed to cache class constructor.
length Number of items in the cache.


  1. There is no restriction in the format or type of cache keys. It is upon CacheBase sub-classes to approve/reject any value based on their implementaton. Normally, string values are used for cache keys, however, numbers could also be used. It is important though to know that, in order for the application -that depends on CacheBase abstraction- to work correctly, cache implementations should have a consistent behavior (use the same key type/format) regarding cache entries' keys. This is a developer concern not a locustjs-cache concern.
  2. Signature of fnCondition function in getItem() or getOrSet() is as follows:
function fnCondition(cache: CacheBase, entry: CacheItem): boolean

The fnCondition function enables developer to conditionally get items based on a custom business. This way, validity of cached items are bound to the custom business logic. If fnCondition does not return true, cached item is assumed invalid.

CacheBase sub-classes are expected follow the following rules regrding fnCondition function.

  • They should call this function upon finding a cached value when getItem/getOrSet is called.
  • Upon invokation, they should pass their instance reference together with the found cached value to fnCondition.
  • They should invalidate the cache entry if fnCondition returns false.
  1. fnEqualityComparer function in contains() method has the following signature:
function fnEqualityComparer(valueA, valueB): boolean

By default, contains() method should use === when comparing values.

  1. In addOrUpdate method, fnUpdate has the following signature:
function fnUpdate(cache: CacheBase, oldValue: any, currentValue: any): any


Default implementation of CacheBase. It stores cached items in an internal array in memory. Cache entries are stored as CacheItem instances.


Defines structure of cache entries. Its structure is as follows:

    "key": string,  // cache key
    "value": any,   // cached value
    "createdDate": date,    // date/time when cache entry was stored in the cache
    "lastHit": date,    // date/time when cache entry was last hit
    "hits": number, // how many times the item was last hit (requested)
    "duration": number  // how long cached value can be assumed valid and stay in the cache (in milliseconds)

CacheItem has the following methods:

Method Result Description
isValid() boolean Specifies whether cache entry is valid (not expired) or not.
setValue(value, duration) void sets value and duration of current entry to given value and duration.
hit() void updates current cache entry's number of hits and lastHit field. It is used by CacheDefault and is called whenever an existing cache item is requested by user in getItem or getOrSet methods.
invalid() void Invalidates cache entry.


This is a no-cache implementation of CacheBase that does not store anything and its getItem always returns null. It can be used for testing or when application intends to disable caching.


Example 1: Normal getItem/setItem, no condition

const user = {
    id: '123',
    username: 'john.doe',
    email: 'john@doe.com'

const cache = new CacheDefault({ duration: 5000 });

cache.setItem(user.id, user);

const u = cache.getItem(user.id);

console.log(cache.length);     // 1
console.log(cache.exists(user.id));     // true

Example 2: contains()

const user = {
    id: '123',
    username: 'john.doe',
    email: 'john@doe.com'

const cache = new CacheDefault({ duration: 5000 });

cache.setItem(user.id, user);

console.log(cache.contains(user));     // false
console.log(cache.contains(user, (ua, ub) => ua.id === ub.id));     // true

Example 3: conditional getItem

const cache = new CacheDefault({ duration: 5000 });

cache.setItem('key1', 2134);
cache.setItem('key2', 1001);

let x = cache.getItem('key2', c => c.exists('key1'));

console.log(cache.exists('key2'));     // true
console.log(x); // 1001


x = cache.getItem('key2', c => c.exists('key1'));

console.log(cache.exists('key2'));     // false
console.log(x); // undefined

One usecase that conditional getItem() is useful is when we have a parent/child relationship. We can get child entities from cache conditionally. The condition in such scenario would be if their parent is still in the cache and its lastupdate prop matches the local parent we already have in our child.

Example 4: conditional getItem, async

async function doSomething() {
    const cache = new CacheDefault({ duration: 5000 });

    async function getChildById(id) {
        const result = await cache.getItem(`child-${id}`, (c, child) => new Promise(res => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                const p = c.getItem(`parent-${child.parent.id}`)

                if (!p) {
                } else {
                    if (p.lastUpdate != child.parent.lastUpdate) {
                    } else {
            }, 2000);

        return result;

    const parent = {
        id: 1001,
        name: 'Parent',
        lastUpdate: new Date()
    const child = {
        id: 2134,
        name: 'Child',
        parent: { ...parent }

    cache.setItem(`parent-${parent.id}`, parent);
    cache.setItem(`child-${child.id}`, child);

    // child's parent exists in cache and its lastUpdate matches child's parent lastUpdate.

    if (x) {
        console.log(`child ${x.id} is in cache`);   // this line will be executed
    } else {
        console.log(`child ${x.id} is not in cache`);

    // Scenario 1: parent is removed from cache

    x = await getChildById(2134);

    if (x) {
        console.log(`child ${x.id} is in cache`);
    } else {
        console.log(`child ${x.id} is not in cache`);    // this line will be executed

    // --------------------------------------------
    // Scenario 2: parent is updated and put again in cache

    parent.lastUpdate = new Date()

    cache.setItem(`parent-${parent.id}`, parent);

    x = await getChildById(2134);

    // parent exists in cache this time, however, its lastUpdate does not match with child's parent.

    if (x) {
        console.log(`child ${x.id} is in cache`);
    } else {
        console.log(`child ${x.id} is not in cache`);    // this line will be executed

    // in both scenarios, child will not be returned by cache.

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  • mansoor-omrani