TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published


An implementation of Bootstrap v4.3.1 breadcrumb components in LitElement.

Live demo

Go to live demo


Install via npm:

npm install @lit-element-bootstrap/button

Install via yarn:

yarn add @lit-element-bootstrap/button

Install via unpkg:



import all modules:

import '@lit-element-bootstrap/button';

import specific module (preferred):

import '@lit-element-bootstrap/button/bs-button.js';

import specific class:

// import specific class from all modules
import { BsButton } from '@lit-element-bootstrap/button';

// import specific class
import { BsButton } from '@lit-element-bootstrap/button/bs-button.js';

All buttons share common functionality via a mixin

import { BsButtonMixin } from "@lit-element-bootstrap/button/bs-button-mixin.js";

To use context themes import the appropiated CSS and include it to the styles array:

import { BsButtonPrimaryCss } from '@lit-element-bootstrap/button/css/bs-button-primary.css.js';

static get styles() {
    return [

For button sizes and block behaviour import appropiated CSS and include it to the styles array:

import { BsButtonSizeCss } from '@lit-element-bootstrap/button/css/bs-button-size.css.js';
import { BsButtonBlockCss } from '@lit-element-bootstrap/button/css/bs-button-block.css.js';

static get styles() {
    return [


Buttons with context

<bs-button context="primary">Primary</bs-button>
<bs-button context="secondary">Secondary</bs-button>
<bs-button context="success">Success</bs-button>
<bs-button context="danger">Danger</bs-button>
<bs-button context="warning">Warning</bs-button>
<bs-button context="info">Info</bs-button>
<bs-button context="light">Light</bs-button>
<bs-button context="dark">Dark</bs-button>
<bs-button context="link">Link</bs-button>


Button variations

<bs-button-link context="primary">Link</bs-button-link>
<bs-button context="primary" type="submit">Button</bs-button>
<bs-button-input context="primary" label="Input"></bs-button-input>
<bs-button-input context="primary" label="Submit"></bs-button-input>
<bs-button-input context="primary" label="Reset"></bs-button-input>


Outline buttons

<bs-button context="primary" outline>Primary</bs-button>
<bs-button context="secondary" outline>Secondary</bs-button>
<bs-button context="success" outline>Success</bs-button>
<bs-button context="danger" outline>Danger</bs-button>
<bs-button context="warning" outline>Warning</bs-button>
<bs-button context="info" outline>Info</bs-button>
<bs-button context="light" outline>Light</bs-button>
<bs-button context="dark" outline>Dark</bs-button>


Button sizes

<bs-button context="primary" size="large">Large button</bs-button>
<bs-button context="secondary" size="large">Large button</bs-button>
<bs-button context="primary" size="small">Small button</bs-button>
<bs-button context="secondary" size="small">Small button</bs-button>


Block buttons

<bs-button context="primary" size="large" block>Block level button</bs-button>
<bs-button context="secondary" size="large" block>Block level button</bs-button>


Active state

<bs-button-link context="primary" active>Primary</bs-button-link>
<bs-button-link context="secondary" active>Secondary</bs-button-link>
<bs-button-link context="success" active>Success</bs-button-link>
<bs-button-link context="danger" active>Danger</bs-button-link>
<bs-button-link context="warning" active>Warning</bs-button-link>
<bs-button-link context="info" active>Info</bs-button-link>
<bs-button-link context="light" active>Light</bs-button-link>
<bs-button-link context="dark" active>Dark</bs-button-link>
<bs-button-link link active>Link</bs-button-link>


Disabled state

<bs-button context="primary" disabled>Primary</bs-button>
<bs-button context="secondary" disabled>Secondary</bs-button>
<bs-button context="success" disabled>Success</bs-button>
<bs-button context="danger" disabled>Danger</bs-button>
<bs-button context="warning" disabled>Warning</bs-button>
<bs-button context="info" disabled>Info</bs-button>
<bs-button context="light" disabled>Light</bs-button>
<bs-button context="dark" disabled>Dark</bs-button>
<bs-button link disabled>Link</bs-button>


Toggle state

<bs-button context="primary" toggle>Primary toggle</bs-button>

Toggle state

<bs-button context="primary" toggle>Primary toggle</bs-button>


Tag Class
<bs-button> BsButton
<bs-button-link> BsButtonLink
<bs-button-input> BsButtonInput


Method Returns Description
activate() void asynchronously sets the button in activate state
deactivate() void asynchronously removes activate state
disable() void asynchronously sets the button in disable state
enable() void asynchronously removes disable state


Event Description
bs-button-click Fired when button is clicked
bs-button-focusout Fired button loses focus


Component Name Description
bs-button slot Place button content
bs-button-link slot Place link content



Property Description Default value
--btn-text-color button text color -
--btn-bg-color button background color -
--btn-bd-width button border width 1px
--btn-bd-style button border style solid
--btn-bd-color button border color transparent
--btn-bd-top-left-radius button border top left radius 0.25rem
--btn-bd-top-right-radius button border top right radius 0.25rem
--btn-bd-bottom-right-radius button border bottom right radius 0.25rem
--btn-bd-bottom-left-radius button border bottom left radius 0.25rem
--btn-display button display inline-block
--btn-font-weight button font weight 400
--btn-text-align button text align center
--btn-white-space button white space nowrap
--btn-vertical-align button vertical align middle
--btn-width button width -
--btn-height button height -
--btn-flex button flex -
--btn-pd-top button padding top 0.375rem
--btn-pd-bottom button padding bottom 0.375rem
--btn-pd-left button padding left 0.75rem
--btn-pd-right button padding right 0.75rem
--btn-font-size button font size 1rem
--btn-line-height button line height 1.5
--btn-position button position -
--btn-mg-top button margin top -
--btn-mg-right button margin right -
--btn-mg-left button margin left -
--btn-mg-bottom button margin bottom -
--btn-display-after button ::after display -
--btn-width-after button ::after width -
--btn-height-after button ::after height -
--btn-margin-left-after button ::after margin left -
--btn-vertical-align-after button ::after vertical align -
--btn-content-after button ::after content -
--btn-border-top-after button ::after border top -
--btn-border-right-after button ::after border right after -
--btn-border-bottom-after button ::after border bottom -
--btn-border-left-after button ::after border left -
--btn-margin-left-empty-after button ::after:empty margin left -
--btn-display-before button ::before display -
--btn-width-before button ::before width -
--btn-height-before button ::before height -
--btn-margin-left-before button ::before margin left -
--btn-vertical-align-before button ::before vertical align -
--btn-content-before button ::before content -
--btn-border-top-before button ::before border top -
--btn-border-right-before button ::before border right -
--btn-border-bottom-before button ::before border bottom -
--btn-border-left-before button ::before border left -
--btn-text-color-hover button hover text color #212529
--btn-text-decoration-hover button hover text decoration none
--btn-z-index-hover button hover z-index -
--btn-bd-color-hover button hover border color -
--btn-box-shadow-hover button hover box shadow -
--btn-bg-color-hover button hover background color -
--btn-box-shadow-focus button focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.25)
--btn-text-color-focus button focus text color -
--btn-z-index-focus button focus z-index -
--btn-bg-color-focus button focus background color -
--btn-bd-color-focus button focus border color -
--btn-text-color-disabled button disabled text color -
--btn-bg-color-disabled button disabled background color -
--btn-bd-color-disabled button disabled border color -
--btn-opacity-disabled button disabled opacity 0.65
--btn-pointer-events-disabled button disabled pointer-events none
--btn-text-color-active button active text color -
--btn-bg-color-active button active background color -
--btn-bd-color-active button active border color -
--btn-box-shadow-active-focus button active focus box-shadow -
--btn-z-index-active button active z-index -


Property Description Default value
--primary-color primary color to use --primary if present, otherwise #007bff
--btn-primary-text-color primary text color #fff
--btn-primary-bg-color primary background color --primary-color
--btn-primary-bd-color primary border color --primary-color
--btn-primary-text-color-hover primary hover text color #fff
--btn-primary-bg-color-hover primary hover background color #0069d9
--btn-primary-bd-color-hover primary hover border color #0062cc
--btn-primary-bd-color-focus primary focus border color #0062cc
--btn-primary-bg-color-focus primary focus background color #0069d9
--btn-primary-text-color-focus primary focus text color #fff
--btn-primary-box-shadow-focus primary focus box shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(38, 143, 255, 0.5)
--btn-primary-text-color-disabled primary disabled text color #fff
--btn-primary-bg-color-disabled primary disabled background color --primary-color
--btn-primary-bd-color-disabled primary disabled border color --primary-color
--btn-primary-text-color-active primary active text color #fff
--btn-primary-bg-color-active primary active background color #0062cc
--btn-primary-bd-color-active primary active border color #005cbf
--btn-primary-box-shadow-active-focus primary active focus box shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.5)
--btn-outline-primary-text-color primary outline text color --primary-color
--btn-outline-primary-bg-color primary outline background color transparent
--btn-outline-primary-bd-color primary outline border color --primary-color
--btn-outline-primary-text-color-hover primary outline hover text color #fff
--btn-outline-primary-bg-color-hover primary outline hover background color --primary-color
--btn-outline-primary-bd-color-hover primary outline hover border color --primary-color
--btn-outline-primary-box-shadow-focus primary outline focus box shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.5)
--btn-outline-primary-text-color-disabled primary outline disabled text color --primary-color
--btn-outline-primary-bg-color-disabled primary outline disabled background color transparent
--btn-outline-primary-text-color-active primary outline active text color #fff
--btn-outline-primary-bg-color-active primary outline active background color --primary-color
--btn-outline-primary-bd-color-active primary outline active border color --primary-color
--btn-outline-primary-box-shadow-active-focus primary outline active focus box shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.5)


Property Description Default value
--secondary-color secondary color to use --secondary if present, otherwise #6c757d
--btn-secondary-text-color secondary text color #fff
--btn-secondary-bg-color secondary background color --secondary-color
--btn-secondary-bd-color secondary border color --secondary-color
--btn-secondary-text-color-hover secondary hover text color #fff
--btn-secondary-bg-color-hover secondary hover background color #5a6268
--btn-secondary-bd-color-hover secondary hover border color #545b62
--btn-secondary-bd-color-focus secondary focus border color #545b62
--btn-secondary-bg-color-focus secondary focus background color #5a6268
--btn-secondary-text-color-focus secondary focus text color #fff
--btn-secondary-box-shadow-focus secondary focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(108, 117, 125, 0.5)
--btn-secondary-text-color-disabled secondary disabled text color #fff
--btn-secondary-bg-color-disabled secondary disable background color --secondary-color
--btn-secondary-bd-color-disabled secondary disabled border color --secondary-color
--btn-secondary-text-color-active secondary active text color #fff
--btn-secondary-bg-color-active secondary active background color #545b62
--btn-secondary-bd-color-active secondary active border color #4e555b
--btn-secondary-box-shadow-active-focus secondary active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(108, 117, 125, 0.5)
--btn-outline-secondary-text-color secondary outline text color --secondary-color
--btn-outline-secondary-bg-color secondary outline background color transparent
--btn-outline-secondary-bd-color secondary outline border color --secondary-color
--btn-outline-secondary-text-color-hover secondary outline hover text color #fff
--btn-outline-secondary-bg-color-hover secondary outline hover background color --secondary-color
--btn-outline-secondary-bd-color-hover secondary outline hover border color --secondary-color
--btn-outline-secondary-box-shadow-focus secondary outline focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(108, 117, 125, 0.5)
--btn-outline-secondary-text-color-disabled secondary outline disabled text color --secondary-color
--btn-outline-secondary-bg-color-disabled secondary outline disabled background color #transparent
--btn-outline-secondary-text-color-active secondary outline active text color #fff
--btn-outline-secondary-bg-color-active secondary outline active background color --secondary-color
--btn-outline-secondary-bd-color-active secondary outline active border color --secondary-color
--btn-outline-secondary-box-shadow-active-focus secondary outline active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(108, 117, 125,0.5)


Property Description Default value
--success-color success color to use --success if present, otherwise #28a745
--btn-success-text-color success text color #fff
--btn-success-bg-color success background color --success-color
--btn-success-bd-color success border color --success-color
--btn-success-text-color-hover success hover text color #fff
--btn-success-bg-color-hover success hover background color #218838
--btn-success-bd-color-hover success hover border color #1e7e34
--btn-success-bd-color-focus success focus border color #1e7e34
--btn-success-bg-color-focus success focus background color #218838
--btn-success-text-color-focus success focus text color #fff
--btn-success-box-shadow-focus sucess focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.5)
--btn-success-text-color-disabled success disabled text color #fff
--btn-success-bg-color-disabled success disabled background color --success-color
--btn-success-bd-color-disabled success disabled border color --success-color
--btn-success-text-color-active success active text color #fff
--btn-success-bg-color-active success active background color #1e7e34
--btn-success-bd-color-active success active border color #1c7430
--btn-success-box-shadow-active-focus success active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.5)
--btn-outline-success-text-color success outline text color --success-color
--btn-outline-success-bg-color success outline background color transparent
--btn-outline-success-bd-color success outline border color --success-color
--btn-outline-success-text-color-hover success outline hover text color #fff
--btn-outline-success-bg-color-hover success outline hover background color --success-color
--btn-outline-success-bd-color-hover success outline hover border color --success-color
--btn-outline-success-box-shadow-focus success outline focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.5)
--btn-outline-success-text-color-disabled success outline disabled text color --success-color
--btn-outline-success-bg-color-disabled success outline disabled background color #transparent
--btn-outline-success-text-color-active success outline active text color #fff
--btn-outline-success-bg-color-active success outline active background color --success-color
--btn-outline-success-bd-color-active success outline active border color --success-color
--btn-outline-success-box-shadow-active-focus success outline active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.5)


Property Description Default value
--danger-color danger color to use --danger if present, otherwise #dc3545
--btn-danger-text-color danger text color #fff
--btn-danger-bg-color danger background color --danger-color
--btn-danger-bd-color danger border color --danger-color
--btn-danger-text-color-hover danger hover text color #fff
--btn-danger-bg-color-hover danger hover background color #c82333
--btn-danger-bd-color-hover danger hover border color #bd2130
--btn-danger-bd-color-focus danger focus border color #bd2130
--btn-danger-bg-color-focus danger focus background color #c82333
--btn-danger-text-color-focus danger focus text color #fff
--btn-danger-box-shadow-focus sucess focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.5)
--btn-danger-text-color-disabled danger disabled text color #fff
--btn-danger-bg-color-disabled danger disabled background color --danger-color
--btn-danger-bd-color-disabled danger disabled border color --danger-color
--btn-danger-text-color-active danger active text color #fff
--btn-danger-bg-color-active danger active background color #bd2130
--btn-danger-bd-color-active danger active border color #b21f2d
--btn-danger-box-shadow-active-focus danger active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.5)
--btn-outline-danger-text-color danger outline text color --danger-color
--btn-outline-danger-bg-color danger outline background color transparent
--btn-outline-danger-bd-color danger outline border color --danger-color
--btn-outline-danger-text-color-hover danger outline hover text color #fff
--btn-outline-danger-bg-color-hover danger outline hover background color --danger-color
--btn-outline-danger-bd-color-hover danger outline hover border color --danger-color
--btn-outline-danger-box-shadow-focus danger outline focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.5)
--btn-outline-danger-text-color-disabled danger outline disabled text color --danger-color
--btn-outline-danger-bg-color-disabled danger outline disabled background color #transparent
--btn-outline-danger-text-color-active danger outline active text color #fff
--btn-outline-danger-bg-color-active danger outline active background color --danger-color
--btn-outline-danger-bd-color-active danger outline active border color --danger-color
--btn-outline-danger-box-shadow-active-focus danger outline active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.5)


Property Description Default value
--warning-color warning color to use --warning if present, otherwise #ffc107
--btn-warning-text-color warning text color #212529
--btn-warning-bg-color warning background color --warning-color
--btn-warning-bd-color warning border color --warning-color
--btn-warning-text-color-hover warning hover text color #212529
--btn-warning-bg-color-hover warning hover background color #e0a800
--btn-warning-bd-color-hover warning hover border color #d39e00
--btn-warning-bd-color-focus warning focus border color #d39e00
--btn-warning-bg-color-focus warning focus background color #e0a800
--btn-warning-text-color-focus warning focus text color #fff
--btn-warning-box-shadow-focus sucess focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.5)
--btn-warning-text-color-disabled warning disabled text color #212529
--btn-warning-bg-color-disabled warning disabled background color --warning-color
--btn-warning-bd-color-disabled warning disabled border color --warning-color
--btn-warning-text-color-active warning active text color #212529
--btn-warning-bg-color-active warning active background color #d39e00
--btn-warning-bd-color-active warning active border color #c69500
--btn-warning-box-shadow-active-focus warning active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.5)
--btn-outline-warning-text-color warning outline text color --warning-color
--btn-outline-warning-bg-color warning outline background color transparent
--btn-outline-warning-bd-color warning outline border color --warning-color
--btn-outline-warning-text-color-hover warning outline hover text color #212529
--btn-outline-warning-bg-color-hover warning outline hover background color --warning-color
--btn-outline-warning-bd-color-hover warning outline hover border color --warning-color
--btn-outline-warning-box-shadow-focus warning outline focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.5)
--btn-outline-warning-text-color-disabled warning outline disabled text color --warning-color
--btn-outline-warning-bg-color-disabled warning outline disabled background color #transparent
--btn-outline-warning-text-color-active warning outline active text color #212529
--btn-outline-warning-bg-color-active warning outline active background color --warning-color
--btn-outline-warning-bd-color-active warning outline active border color --warning-color
--btn-outline-warning-box-shadow-active-focus warning outline active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.5)


Property Description Default value
--info-color info color to use --info if present, otherwise #17a2b8
--btn-info-text-color info text color #fff
--btn-info-bg-color info background color --info-color
--btn-info-bd-color info border color --info-color
--btn-info-text-color-hover info hover text color #fff
--btn-info-bg-color-hover info hover background color #138496
--btn-info-bd-color-hover info hover border color #117a8b
--btn-info-bd-color-focus info focus border color #117a8b
--btn-info-bg-color-focus info focus background color #138496
--btn-info-text-color-focus info focus text color #fff
--btn-info-box-shadow-focus sucess focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(23, 162, 184, 0.5)
--btn-info-text-color-disabled info disabled text color #fff
--btn-info-bg-color-disabled info disabled background color --info-color
--btn-info-bd-color-disabled info disabled border color --info-color
--btn-info-text-color-active info active text color #fff
--btn-info-bg-color-active info active background color #117a8b
--btn-info-bd-color-active info active border color #10707f
--btn-info-box-shadow-active-focus info active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(23, 162, 184, 0.5)
--btn-outline-info-text-color info outline text color --info-color
--btn-outline-info-bg-color info outline background color transparent
--btn-outline-info-bd-color info outline border color --info-color
--btn-outline-info-text-color-hover info outline hover text color #fff
--btn-outline-info-bg-color-hover info outline hover background color --info-color
--btn-outline-info-bd-color-hover info outline hover border color --info-color
--btn-outline-info-box-shadow-focus info outline focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(23, 162, 184, 0.5)
--btn-outline-info-text-color-disabled info outline disabled text color --info-color
--btn-outline-info-bg-color-disabled info outline disabled background color #transparent
--btn-outline-info-text-color-active info outline active text color #fff
--btn-outline-info-bg-color-active info outline active background color --info-color
--btn-outline-info-bd-color-active info outline active border color --info-color
--btn-outline-info-box-shadow-active-focus info outline active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(23, 162, 184, 0.5)


Property Description Default value
--light-color light color to use --light if present, otherwise #f8f9fa
--btn-light-text-color light text color #212529
--btn-light-bg-color light background color --light-color
--btn-light-bd-color light border color --light-color
--btn-light-text-color-hover light hover text color #212529
--btn-light-bg-color-hover light hover background color #e2e6ea
--btn-light-bd-color-hover light hover border color #dae0e5
--btn-light-bd-color-focus light focus border color #dae0e5
--btn-light-bg-color-focus light focus background color #e2e6ea
--btn-light-text-color-focus light focus text color #212529
--btn-light-box-shadow-focus sucess focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(216, 217, 219, 0.5)
--btn-light-text-color-disabled light disabled text color #212529
--btn-light-bg-color-disabled light disabled background color --light-color
--btn-light-bd-color-disabled light disabled border color --light-color
--btn-light-text-color-active light active text color #212529
--btn-light-bg-color-active light active background color #dae0e5
--btn-light-bd-color-active light active border color #d3d9df
--btn-light-box-shadow-active-focus light active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(216, 217, 219, 0.5)
--btn-outline-light-text-color light outline text color --light-color
--btn-outline-light-bg-color light outline background color transparent
--btn-outline-light-bd-color light outline border color --light-color
--btn-outline-light-text-color-hover light outline hover text color #212529
--btn-outline-light-bg-color-hover light outline hover background color --light-color
--btn-outline-light-bd-color-hover light outline hover border color --light-color
--btn-outline-light-box-shadow-focus light outline focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(248, 249, 250, 0.5)
--btn-outline-light-text-color-disabled light outline disabled text color --light-color
--btn-outline-light-bg-color-disabled light outline disabled background color #transparent
--btn-outline-light-text-color-active light outline active text color #212529
--btn-outline-light-bg-color-active light outline active background color --light-color
--btn-outline-light-bd-color-active light outline active border color --light-color
--btn-outline-light-box-shadow-active-focus light outline active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(248, 249, 250, 0.5)


Property Description Default value
--dark-color dark color to use --dark if present, otherwise #343a40
--btn-dark-text-color dark text color #fff
--btn-dark-bg-color dark background color --dark-color
--btn-dark-bd-color dark border color --dark-color
--btn-dark-text-color-hover dark hover text color #fff
--btn-dark-bg-color-hover dark hover background color #23272b
--btn-dark-bd-color-hover dark hover border color #1d2124
--btn-dark-bd-color-focus dark focus border color #1d2124
--btn-dark-bg-color-focus dark focus background color #23272b
--btn-dark-text-color-focus dark focus text color #fff
--btn-dark-box-shadow-focus sucess focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(52, 58, 64, 0.5)
--btn-dark-text-color-disabled dark disabled text color #fff
--btn-dark-bg-color-disabled dark disabled background color --dark-color
--btn-dark-bd-color-disabled dark disabled border color --dark-color
--btn-dark-text-color-active dark active text color #fff
--btn-dark-bg-color-active dark active background color #1d2124
--btn-dark-bd-color-active dark active border color #171a1d
--btn-dark-box-shadow-active-focus dark active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(52, 58, 64, 0.5)
--btn-outline-dark-text-color dark outline text color --dark-color
--btn-outline-dark-bg-color dark outline background color transparent
--btn-outline-dark-bd-color dark outline border color --dark-color
--btn-outline-dark-text-color-hover dark outline hover text color #fff
--btn-outline-dark-bg-color-hover dark outline hover background color --dark-color
--btn-outline-dark-bd-color-hover dark outline hover border color --dark-color
--btn-outline-dark-box-shadow-focus dark outline focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.5)
--btn-outline-dark-text-color-disabled dark outline disabled text color --dark-color
--btn-outline-dark-bg-color-disabled dark outline disabled background color #transparent
--btn-outline-dark-text-color-active dark outline active text color #fff
--btn-outline-dark-bg-color-active dark outline active background color --dark-color
--btn-outline-dark-bd-color-active dark outline active border color --dark-color
--btn-outline-dark-box-shadow-active-focus dark outline active focus box-shadow 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(52, 58, 64, 0.5)


Property Description Default value
--btn-link-text-color link text color #007bff
--btn-link-bg-color link background color transparent
--btn-link-font-weight link font weight 400
--btn-link-text-color-hover link hover text color #0056b3
--btn-link-bg-color-hover link hover background color transparent
--btn-link-bd-color-hover link hover border color transparent
--btn-link-text-decoration-hover link hover text decoration underline
--btn-link-text-color-disabled link disabled text color #6c757d
--btn-link-pointer-events-disabled link pointer-events-disabled none
--btn-link-text-decoration-focus link focus text decoration underline
--btn-link-box-shadow-focus link focus box-shadow none
--btn--link-bd-color-focus link focus border color transparent


Property Description Default value
--bs-btn-small-top-pd small padding top 0.25rem
--bs-btn-small-bottom-pd small padding bottom 0.25rem
--bs-btn-small-left-pd small padding left 0.5rem
--bs-btn-small-right-pd small padding right 0.5rem
--bs-btn-small-font-size small font size 0.875rem
--bs-btn-small-line-height small line-height 1.5
--bs-btn-small-bd-top-left-radius small top left border radius 0.2rem
--bs-btn-small-bd-top-right-radius small top right border radius 0.2rem
--bs-btn-small-bd-bottom-right-radius small bottom right radius 0.2rem
--bs-btn-small-bd-bottom-left-radius small bottom left radius 0.2rem
--bs-btn-large-top-pd large padding top 0.5rem
--bs-btn-large-bottom-pd large padding bottom 0.5rem
--bs-btn-large-left-pd large padding left 1rem
--bs-btn-large-right-pd large padding right 1rem
--bs-btn-large-font-size large font size 1.25rem
--bs-btn-large-line-height large line-height 1.5
--bs-btn-large-bd-top-left-radius large top left border radius 0.3rem
--bs-btn-large-bd-top-right-radius large top right border radius 0.3rem
--bs-btn-large-bd-bottom-right-radius large bottom right border radius 0.3rem
--bs-btn-large-bd-bottom-left-radius large bottom left border radius 0.3rem




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  • nik.christou