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5.3.3 • Public • Published

Landonline OpenLayers map (Lolol)

This library has been designed to wrap a domain agnostic OpenLayers map component to behave more like a React component. This gives the advantages of creating a separation of concerns between the host application and the map component. In addition, isolating the map enables provides a component for more targeted automated testing.


A number of stories have been created to demonstrate the capabilities and usage of this component. These can be found here


A component LolOpenLayersMap was created, based on the map created as part of the survey application. This manages a native openlayers Map object, which is associated with a <div> in the DOM.

  * Properties for {@link LolOpenLayersMap}
  export interface LolOpenLayersMapProps {
    /** children will be inserted into the DOM after the `map` div */
    children?: ReactNode;
    /** Defines the view with initial viewport coordinates, projection and scale */
    view: LolOpenLayersViewDef;
    /** Provide a setter to put the openlayers `Map` into state or global */
    setMap?: (map: Map) => void;
    /** Defines the Tile, VectorTile and Vector layers that make up the map */
    layers: LolOpenLayersLayerDef[];
    /** Group layers into a collection that are handled together in Openlayers,
     * see https://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/module-ol_layer_Group-LayerGroup.html
    layerGroup?: LolOpenLayersLayerGroupDef;
    /** Indicated if the map component should manage the loading indicator */
    useLoadingIndicator?: boolean;
    /** Use the QueryClient of the parent - required if using queries*/
    queryClient?: QueryClient;
    /** Buffer the default zoom to bufferfactor, e.g. 1.1 leaves a 10% margin, default is 1.05 **/
    bufferFactor?: number;
    /** Interactions for draw **/
    drawInteraction?: LolOpenLayersDrawInteraction;
    /** Interactions for snap **/
    snapInteraction?: LolOpenLayersSnapInteraction;
    /** Interactions for modify **/
    modifyInteraction?: LolOpenLayersModifyInteraction;
    /** For testing, mock the map rather than using Openlayers **/
    mock?: boolean;
    /** Enable an openlayers Overlay which can have its element accessed (to set contents, etc)
    * with mapContext.getOverlayRef
    * https://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/module-ol_Overlay-Overlay.html
    withOverlay?: boolean;
    /** Show default zoom control or not */
    withDefaultZoom?: boolean;
    /** disable zoom on double click */
    disableDoubleClickZoom?: boolean;
    /** Map z index */
    mapZIndex?: number;
    /** enable auto placement */
    enableAutoPlacement?: boolean;
    /** Show only placed labels, hide unplaced */
    showOnlyPlacedLabels?: boolean;

  * React wrapper for the openlayers https://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/ library
  * to render interactive maps
  * @param props The React properties
  export const LolOpenLayersMap = (props: LolOpenLayersMapProps): JSX.Element

Layers within the map can be defined as LolOpenLayersLayerDef which has subclasses:

  • LolOpenLayersTileLayerDef: defines a tile layer, used for basemap, has LolOpenLayersXYZSourceDef to define a source against e.g. services.arcgisonline.com
  • LolOpenLayersVectorTileLayerDef: defines a vector tile layer, has LolOpenLayersMVTSourceDef to define a source for use with Geoserver.
  • LolOpenLayersVectorLayerDef: defines a vector layer. Source feature data can be loaded using LolOpenLayersFeatureSourceDef directly from an array of IFeatureSource, from a React query or loaded from state.


A context LolOpenLayersMapContext allows components at any level to interact with the state of the map.

export type LolOpenLayersMapContextType = {
  /** The status (visibility, etc) of each layer */
  layerStatus: (layerName: string) => ILayerStatus;
  setLayerStatus: (layerName: string, layerStatus: ILayerStatus) => void;
  /** The features dispalyed on a vector layer */
  featureData: (layerName: string) => IFeatureSource[] | undefined;
  setFeatureData: (layerName: string, features: IFeatureSource[]) => void;
  /** Ids of features that are selected, can be changed using set or interactively in the map */
  setFeatureSelect: (layerName: string, selectIds: number[]) => void;
  featureSelect: (layerName: string) => number[];
  /** Incrementing this causes the map to zoom to fit identified layers */
  zoomToFit: number;
  setZoomToFit: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>;
  /** The resolution (e.g. scale) of the map */
  mapResolution: number;
  setMapResolution: (r: number) => void;

  /** Used by LolOpenLayersMap to reflect when features have been changed */
  featuresChanged: (layerName: string) => boolean;
  clearFeaturesChanged: (layerName: string) => void;
  clearFeatureSelectChanged: (layerName: string) => void;
  featureSelectChanged: (layerName: string) => boolean;


Using a local copy

If you want to work on this module in the context of your app (e.g https://github.com/linz/landonline-survey) some tweakage is needed: [ Don't commit these, the pipeline won't like it ]

  • Checkout this repo, branch and edit as desired.
  • In your app:
  • npm i --legacy-peer-deps -S <path>\landonline-openlayers-map
  • npm link --legacy-peer-deps -S <path>\landonline-openlayers-map\node_modules\react

(The last step ensures that React uses the version in lolmap and we don't get a hook error. And fixing react-dates might avoid this).

Alternatively, use npm pack in this module to create a tgz file and import this into the application/module by a file:// path.


This library uses the loglevel package for logging.

To enable logging from a caller, use e.g:


To add logs inside the library, import and use log.


This library uses semantic-release to manage version numbers.

The commit message on master drives the release:

Commit message Release type
fix(landonline-openlayers-map): fix a bug with no API change Patch Fix Release
feat(landonline-openlayers-map): enhance with no breaking change Minor Feature Release
perf(landonline-openlayers-map): make a breaking change

BREAKING CHANGE: The graphiteWidth option has been removed.
The default graphite width of 10mm is always used for performance reasons.
Major Breaking Release
(Note that the BREAKING CHANGE: token must be in the footer of the commit)


This is required because we use eslint-config-react-app which uses babel-preset-react-app which was causing warning

One of your dependencies, babel-preset-react-app, is importing the
"@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object" package without
declaring it in its dependencies. This is currently working because
"@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object" is already in your
node_modules folder for unrelated reasons, but it may break at any time.

is not maintianed anymore. It is thus unlikely that this bug will
ever be fixed. Add "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object" to
your devDependencies to work around this error. This will make this message
go away.

If we remove eslint-config-react-app can safely be removed @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object



This upgrades OpenLayers to 7.5.2

The following changes in the caller may be required:

  • Enumerated types have been replaced by allowable string types in Openlayers, so you may need to enum constants to strings and remove the type ref


    • GeometryType
    • OverlayPositioning
    • IconAnchorUnits
  • The options to some constructors now need a cast:

    • DrawOptions
    • CanvasTextAlign
  • The Map component calls ResizeObserver which is not implemented in jest-dom.

    You should include the resize-observer-polyfill NPM module and add in setupTests.ts: global.ResizeObserver = require("resize-observer-polyfill");




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  • linzds
  • blacha
  • philals