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Personal eslint-config

This is my personal flat config for eslint for use in typescript projects.

This config is based on the AirBnB style guide, tweaked slightly for personal use case. You can click on any rule to view its corresponding eslint page.

There is still testing to be done mind you.


  • security
  • eslint - recommended
  • import (Compat issue, WIP)
  • tslint

Rule changes

Below is a list of the rules either changed, or omitted, with a reason for the change:

Deprecations and redundancies

  • no-const-assign: Typescript checker enforces this by default.
  • no-new-object - This rule is deprecated since ESLint v8.50.0, and they suggest using the new no-object-constructor rule instead.
  • prefer-destructuring - Changed the array options to false, as that does seem to bring up some indexing issues.
  • no-useless-escape - This rule is present in the extension of eslint:recommended.
  • wrap-iife - This rule is deprecated since ESLint V8.53.0, and is not a concern when ES6 modules are involved.
  • no-dupe-class-members - This rule is present in the extension of eslint:recommended.
  • no-undef - This rule is present in the extension of eslint:recommended.
  • no-unused-vars - This rule is present in the extension of eslint:recommended.
  • no-case-declarations - This rule is present in the extension of eslint:recommended.
  • camelcase - I opted to ignore this check, as I use my own style conventions when writing, and will have that uploaded somewhere.

Out of scope rules

The following rules are best handled by formatters like prettier, to avoid clashing with external libraries, and to allow some encapsulation.


Requires ES2018 support minimum



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  • lil_we3zy