
0.1.0-beta.3 • Public • Published

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Business Logic for the Events Services system, wrapped around FirebaseWrapper, to be shared between Back and Front End. This particular library only provides the business "logic" - not browser services.



Business Logic for the Event Services system, wrapped around FirebaseWrapper, to be shared between Back and Front End. This particular library only provides the business "logic" - not browser services.


A collection of Business logic and database functions. Sahred between ReactJS frontEnd and NodeJS BackEnd


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to Commodity Matrials users


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to LineItem Matrials users


"Payment Descriptor" handling operations. These descriptors represent paymentMethods, each tied to an individual user. These do not particularly represent a paymentProvider - they are meant as an abstraction above a specific payment processor.


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to individual users


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to Products


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to product creation stages users


Shared constants and symbols


Business Logic for the Event Services system, wrapped around FirebaseWrapper, to be shared between Back and Front End. This particular library only provides the business "logic" - not browser services.

ESBusiness.databasePromise(firebase, config, thisLogger) ⇒ Promise.Firebase

all-in-one wrapper for a solid subset of CLIENT-SIDE Firebase functions, with a consistent interface. There is a parallel set for ADMIN-SIDE functions as well. Call/initialize with Firebase Configuration settings in an object as described below

Kind: static method of ESBusiness

Param Type Description
firebase Firebase
config FirebaseConfigObject Firebase Admin object
thisLogger callback


//this specifically loads ALL the subsections, specifically for
//the Browser.  See later (tbd) notes for NodeJS

import FirebaseWrapper from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
FirebaseWrapper(config); //see below
export * from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";

ESBusiness~FirebaseConfigObject : object

only authDomain, databaseURL and storageBucket are present when called from a cloud environment

Kind: inner typedef of ESBusiness

Name Type Description
apiKey string required api Key from Firebase Console,
appId string required app ID from Firebase Console
projectId string required Firebase projectID from Firebase console
authDomain string (optional) auth domain from Firebase Console
databaseURL string (optional) Firestore database URL from Firebase console
storageBucket: string (optional) URL of Firestore Storage Bucket
messagingSenderId: string (optional) ID for Messaing service from Firebase Console
measurementId: string (optional) Analytics/Measurement ID from Firebase Console
mapsAPIKey string (optional) App ID for Google Maps API, from Google


A collection of Business logic and database functions. Sahred between ReactJS frontEnd and NodeJS BackEnd


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to Commodity Matrials users

Commodities.createCommodity ⇒ Promise.Commodity

Kind: static constant of Commodities

Param Type Description
commodity Commodity minimal record of user account
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.deleteCommodity(commodity, person) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Kind: static method of Commodities

Param Type Description
commodity CommodityDefault
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.deleteCommodityById(commodity, person) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Kind: static method of Commodities

Param Type Description
commodity CommodityDefault minimal record of user account
commodity.Id string record Id of account
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.updateCommodityByID(commodity, person) ⇒ promise.Commodity

writes record back to database. Assumes only Id is valid

Kind: static method of Commodities
Returns: promise.Commodity - a copy of the data written

Param Type Description
commodity Commodity a partially-populated commodity record for updates
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.updateCommodity(commodity, person) ⇒ promise.Commodity

writes record back to database. Assumes only Id is valid

Kind: static method of Commodities
Returns: promise.Commodity - a copy of the data written

Param Type Description
commodity Commodity a partially-populated commodity record for updates
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.knownCommodity(Id, person) ⇒ Promise.boolean

Checks if this is a known Commodity Id

Kind: static method of Commodities
Returns: Promise.boolean - true is this Id is in database

Param Type Description
Id string Id value to check
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.fetchCommodities(person) ⇒ Array.Commodity

Fetches ALL Commodity records. Not very useful

Kind: static method of Commodities

Param Type Description
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.fetchCommoditiesPaginated(limit, person) ⇒ PaginatedFetch

Fetchs an object to fetch pages of commodity data, ascending by name, "limit" at a time

Kind: static method of Commodities
Returns: PaginatedFetch - object with pagination methods

Param Type Description
limit number
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.fetchCommodity(commodityId, person) ⇒ Promise.Commodity

Fetches a single Commodity record by Id

Kind: static method of Commodities

Param Type Description
commodityId string
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.fetchCommodityName(commodityId, person) ⇒ Promise.string

Fetches and returns the summarized name from a Commodity record

Kind: static method of Commodities
Returns: Promise.string - the summarized name from the record

Param Type Description
commodityId string
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)

Commodities.summarizeCommodity(commodity) ⇒ string

Returns a standardized formatted name string

Kind: static method of Commodities
Returns: string - formatted name string

Param Type
commodity Commodity

Commodities~CommodityDefault : Commodity

Kind: inner constant of Commodities
Default: {"Id":null,"refPath":null,"description":null,"unit":null,"rate":0,"HighValue":true,"image":null}
Read only: true

Commodities~CommodityDefaultForm : Commodity

Kind: inner constant of Commodities
Default: {"description":"text","unit":"lookup:units","rate":"number","HighValue":"boolean","image":"url"}
Read only: true

Commodities~Commodity : object

a record

Kind: inner typedef of Commodities

Name Type Description
Id string Id of document (redundant for convenience)
refPath string if from database, full path to document
description string description, e.g. "Wire, Silver, Sterling, 20ga"
unit string usage/measurement unit (for unit conversion)
rate number the per unit cost of this commodity
HighValue boolean boolean flag to indicate "High Value" (lower markup) commodities
image url a reference image for the commodity

Commodities~PaginatedFetch : object

An object to allow for paginating a table read from Firestore. REQUIRES a sorting choice

Kind: inner typedef of Commodities

Name Type Description
Query Query that forms basis for the table read
limit number page size
snapshot QuerySnapshot last successful snapshot/page fetched
status enum status of pagination object
PageForward method pages the fetch forward
PageBack method pages the fetch backward


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to LineItem Matrials users

LineItems.createLineItem ⇒ Promise.LineItem

Kind: static constant of LineItems

Param Type Description
lineItem LineItem minimal record of user account
product Product minimal record of product this lineItem belongs to

LineItems.deleteLineItem(lineItem) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Kind: static method of LineItems

Param Type
lineItem LineItemDefault

LineItems.deleteLineItemById(lineItem, minimal) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Kind: static method of LineItems

Param Type Description
lineItem LineItemDefault minimal record of lineItem in question
lineItem.Id string record Id of account
minimal Product record of product this lineItem belongs to

LineItems.updateLineItemByID(lineItem, product) ⇒ promise.LineItem

writes record back to database. Assumes only Id is valid

Kind: static method of LineItems
Returns: promise.LineItem - a copy of the data written

Param Type Description
lineItem LineItem a minimal lineItem record for updates
product Product minimal record of product this lineItem belongs to

LineItems.updateLineItem(lineItem, product) ⇒ promise.LineItem

writes record back to database. Assumes only Id is valid

Kind: static method of LineItems
Returns: promise.LineItem - a copy of the data written

Param Type Description
lineItem LineItem a partially-populated lineItem record for updates
product Product minimal record of product this lineItem belongs to

LineItems.knownLineItem(Id, product) ⇒ Promise.boolean

Checks if this is a known LineItem Id

Kind: static method of LineItems
Returns: Promise.boolean - true is this Id is in database

Param Type Description
Id string Id value to check
product Product minimal record of product this lineItem belongs to

LineItems.fetchLineItems() ⇒ Array.LineItem

Fetches ALL LineItem records. Not very useful

Kind: static method of LineItems

LineItems.fetchProductLineItems(product, stage) ⇒ Array.LineItem

Fetches ALL LineItem records for a specific product. Not very useful

Kind: static method of LineItems

Param Type Description
product Product minimal record of product this lineItem belongs to
stage Stage optional stage selection, to get a subset of the line items

LineItems.paginateProductLineItems(product, stage, limit) ⇒ PaginatedFetch

Fetchs an object to fetch pages of lineItem data, ascending by name, "limit" at a time

Kind: static method of LineItems
Returns: PaginatedFetch - object with pagination methods

Param Type Description
product Product
stage Stage optional stage selection, to get a subset of the line items
limit number

LineItems.fetchLineItem(lineItemId, product) ⇒ Promise.LineItem

Fetches a single LineItem record by Id

Kind: static method of LineItems

Param Type Description
lineItemId string
product Product minimal record of product this lineItem belongs to

LineItems.fetchLineItemName(lineItemId, product) ⇒ Promise.string

Fetches and returns the summarized name from a LineItem record

Kind: static method of LineItems
Returns: Promise.string - the summarized name from the record

Param Type Description
lineItemId string
product Product minimal record of product this lineItem belongs to

LineItems.summarizeLineItem(lineItem) ⇒ string

Returns a standardized formatted name string

Kind: static method of LineItems
Returns: string - formatted name string

Param Type
lineItem LineItem

LineItems~LineItemDefault : LineItem

Kind: inner constant of LineItems
Default: {"Id":null,"refPath":null,"stage":"fabrication","commodity":null,"description":null,"unit":null,"rate":0,"amount":0,"HighValue":true,"image":null}
Read only: true

LineItems~LineItemDefaultForm : LineItem

Kind: inner constant of LineItems
Default: {"product":"lookup","stage":"lookup","commodity":"lookupLink","description":"text","unit":"lookup:units","rate":"number","amount":"number","HighValue":"boolean","image":"url"}
Read only: true

LineItems~LineItem : object

a record

Kind: inner typedef of LineItems

Name Type Description
Id string Id of document (redundant for convenience)
refPath string if from database, full path to document
stage string "fabrication", "wholesale", or other to be defined
commodity null | string Id of a commodity item/material (optional)
description string | null description, e.g. "Wire, Silver, Sterling, 20ga"
unit string | null usage/measurement unit (for unit conversion)
rate number the per unit cost of this lineItem
amount number amount of material/item useed
HighValue boolean boolean flag to indicate "High Value" (lower markup) commodities
timestamp datetime initial time of creation for sorting
image url | null a reference image for the lineItem

LineItems~PaginatedFetch : object

An object to allow for paginating a table read from Firestore. REQUIRES a sorting choice

Kind: inner typedef of LineItems

Name Type Description
Query Query that forms basis for the table read
limit number page size
snapshot QuerySnapshot last successful snapshot/page fetched
status enum status of pagination object
PageForward method pages the fetch forward
PageBack method pages the fetch backward


"Payment Descriptor" handling operations. These descriptors represent paymentMethods, each tied to an individual user. These do not particularly represent a paymentProvider - they are meant as an abstraction above a specific payment processor.

Payment.ERROR_TYPES : Object

Kind: static constant of Payment

Payment.PaymentDefault : PaymentData

Kind: static constant of Payment

Payment.paymentDescriptor : PaymentDescriptorType

Kind: static constant of Payment

Payment.receiptDefault : ReceiptType

Kind: static constant of Payment

Payment.createPaymentRecord(account, batch) ⇒ Promise.<(WriteBatch|Transaction|void)>

Creates the Organization Payment information document

Kind: static method of Payment
Returns: Promise.<(WriteBatch|Transaction|void)> - WriteBatch, Transaction or Void

Param Type Description
account AccountObject
batch WriteBatch | Transaction batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch


Saves a payment data record to a given account (organization * or* person) ALL OF fans, artists and venues save the payment data in the same collection name under the parent, with the SAME Id as the parent PaymentData COMES FROM payement processor, and should INCLUDE the record Id and refPath

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
paymentData PaymentDataRecord

Payment.fetchPayment(account, paymentData)

fetches a paymentData record from the database for an account ALL OF fans, artists and venues, etc save the payment data in the same collection name under the parent, with the SAME Id as the parent

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountType
paymentData Promise.PaymentData

Payment.fetchPaymentByPerson(accountId, type, paymentData)

fetches a paymentData record from the database for an account when only accountID and type are known ALL OF fans, artists and venues save the payment data in the same collection name under the parent, with the SAME Id as the parent

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
accountId string
type string
paymentData Promise.PaymentData

Payment.addPaymentDescriptor(account, descriptor, batch) ⇒ Promise.PaymentDescriptorType

Adds a specific paymentDescriptor to an account payment data

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type Description
account AccountType
account.Id string
account.refPath string
descriptor PaymentDescriptorType
descriptor.paymentMethod string
descriptor.fingerprint string
descriptor.label string
batch WriteBatch | Transaction batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch

Payment.savePaymentDescriptor(descriptor) ⇒ Promise.PaymentDescriptorType

Saves a modified paymentDescriptor back to the database

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
descriptor PaymentDescriptorType
descriptor.Id string
descriptor.refPath string

Payment.removePaymentDescriptor(account, descriptor) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Removes a paymentDescriptor from an account's paymentData

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountType
descriptor PaymentDescriptorType

Payment.fetchPaymentDescriptors(account) ⇒ Promise.Array.PaymentDescriptor

fetch all customer card records IN OUR DATABASE (not payment database)

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountType
account.refPath string

Payment.listPDSummaries(account) ⇒ Promise.Array.PDSummary

fetch the front-end list of paymentDescriptors

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountType
account.Id string
account.refPath string

Payment.fetchLatestPDSummary(account) ⇒ Promise.PaymentDescriptorType

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountType
account.Id string
account.refPath string

Payment.fetchPDByFingerprint(account, fingerprint) ⇒ Promise.<PDSummary>

retreives a PD, given the account Id and Type

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountType
fingerprint string

Payment.fetchPDByOwnerType(accountId, type, fingerprint) ⇒ Promise.<PDSummary>

retreives a PD, given the account Id and Type

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
accountId string
type string
fingerprint string

Payment.replaceDefaultPDSummary(account, PDSummary) ⇒ Promise.AccountObject

Copies a PDSummary tobe the new default (convenience function)

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountType
PDSummary PDSummary

Payment.saveReceiptRecord(account, receipt, batch) ⇒ Promise.ReceiptType

Savess a Receipt to an account

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type Description
account AccountType
receipt ReceiptType
batch WriteBatch | Transaction batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch

Payment.updateReceipt(receipt) ⇒ Promise.ReceiptType

Updates a (changed?) Receipt record

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
receipt ReceiptType

Payment.saveReceiptRecordByOwnerType(ownerId, type, receipt, batch) ⇒ Promise.ReceiptType

Saves a new receipt to an account referrred by ID and type

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type Description
ownerId string
type string either ORGANIZATIONS or PEOPLE
receipt ReceiptType
batch WriteBatch | Transaction batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch

Payment.anyReceiptsByMonthStamp(account, monthStamp) ⇒ Promise.Array.ReceiptType

Fetches an array of receipts in any particular month by monthStampt

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountObject
monthStamp dateString

Payment.saveReceiptRecordByChild(child, receipt, batch) ⇒ Promise.ReceiptType

Saves a receipt by a child record reference

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type Description
child RecordDocument
receipt ReceiptType
batch WriteBatch | Transaction batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch

Payment.fetchReceiptsFiltered(account, filterArray, sortArray, limit) ⇒ Promise.Array.ReceiptType

Fetches receipts based on a filter set

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountObject
account.refPath string
filterArray Array.filterObject
sortArray Array.sortObject
limit number

Payment.fetchProblemReceipts(account) ⇒ Promise.Array.ReceiptType

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountObject
account.refPath string

Payment.fetchPledgeTicketReceipt(pledgeTicket) ⇒ Promise.ReceiptType

Fetches the receipt for a pledgeTicket

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
pledgeTicket PledgeTicket

Payment.markReceiptFromPledgeTicket(pledgeTicket, label) ⇒ Promise.ReceiptType

Changes the paidQ label on a receipt associated with a pledgeTicket

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
pledgeTicket pledgeTicketType
label string

Payment.markReceipt(receipt, label) ⇒ Promise.ReceiptType

Changes the paidQ label on a receipt associated with a pledgeTicket

Kind: static method of Payment

Param Type
receipt receiptType
label string

Payment~fetchReceipt(account, receiptId) ⇒ Promise.ReceiptType

Kind: inner method of Payment

Param Type
account AccountObject
account.refPath string
receiptId string

Payment~PaymentData : object

Kind: inner typedef of Payment

Name Type
Id string
payment_gateway string
status string

Payment~PaymentDescriptorType : object

Kind: inner typedef of Payment

Name Type Description
Id string document Id of this Card Descriptor (same as fingerprint)
paymentMethod string Id of payment system card item
fingerprint string Unique hash of card info - for checking uniqueness
label string Brand & last4, or other descriptive
expiry string expiry date of payment method (if any)
timestamp timestamp last create or modify server time

Payment~PDSummary : object

Kind: inner typedef of Payment

Name Type Description
Id string document Id of this Card Descriptor
label string Brand & last4, or other descriptive

Payment~ReceiptType : object

Kind: inner typedef of Payment

Name Type Description
Id string same Id as the associated pledgeTicket
amount number
payment object
link string Id of associated payment_intent
paidQ string string describing status
description string supplemental information

Payment~AccountObject : OrganizationType | PersonObject

Kind: inner typedef of Payment


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to individual users

People.createPerson ⇒ Promise.PersonObject

Kind: static constant of People

Param Type Description
person PersonObject minimal record of user account

People.deletePerson(person) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Kind: static method of People

Param Type
person PersonObject

People.deletePersonById(person) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Kind: static method of People

Param Type Description
person PersonObject minimal record of user account
person.Id string record Id of account

People.buildPersonRecords(user) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Builds a Person record from the authentication "user" data

Kind: static method of People

Param Type
user User
user.isAnonymous boolean
user.displayName string
user.photoURL string
user.email string
user.phoneNumber string

People.updatePersonByID(person) ⇒ promise.PeopleObject

writes record back to database. Assumes only Id is valid

Kind: static method of People
Returns: promise.PeopleObject - a copy of the data written

Param Type Description
person PeopleObject a p[artially-populated people record for updates]

People.updatePerson(person) ⇒ promise.PeopleObject

writes record back to database. Assumes only Id is valid

Kind: static method of People
Returns: promise.PeopleObject - a copy of the data written

Param Type Description
person PeopleObject a p[artially-populated people record for updates]

People.knownPerson(Id) ⇒ Promise.boolean

Checks if this is a known PersonObject Id

Kind: static method of People
Returns: Promise.boolean - true is this Id is in database

Param Type Description
Id string Id value to check

People.fetchPeople() ⇒ Array.PeopleObject

Fecthes ALL people records. Not very useful

Kind: static method of People

People.fetchPeoplePaginated(limit) ⇒ PaginatedFetch

Fetchs an object to fetch pages of people data, ascending by name, "limit" at a time

Kind: static method of People
Returns: PaginatedFetch - object with pagination methods

Param Type
limit number

People.fetchAnonymousPaginated(limit) ⇒ PaginatedFetch

Fetchs an object to fetch pages of anonymous people data, ascending by name, "limit" at a time

Kind: static method of People
Returns: PaginatedFetch - object with pagination methods

Param Type
limit number

People.fetchPerson(personId) ⇒ Promise.PeopleObject

Fetches a single PeopleObject record by Id

Kind: static method of People

Param Type
personId string

People.fetchPersonName(personId) ⇒ Promise.string

Fetches and returns the summarized name from a PeopleObject record

Kind: static method of People
Returns: Promise.string - the summarized name from the record

Param Type
personId string

People.fetchPersonEmail(personId) ⇒ Promise.string

Fetches and returns the email from a PeopleObject record

Kind: static method of People
Returns: Promise.string - the email from the record

Param Type
personId string

People.fetchPersonPaymentById(personId) ⇒ Promise.PaymentData

Fetches the PaymentRecord for a person using just the ID

Kind: static method of People

Param Type
personId string

People.fetchUserByEmail(email) ⇒ Promise.PeopleObject

Fetch a People record by their email

Kind: static method of People

Param Type
email string

People.fetchFullPerson(personIdentifier) ⇒ Promise.PeopleObject

fetches a full person object (address, payment, private, etc) given EITHER just the Id, OR a PersonObject

Kind: static method of People

Param Type
personIdentifier string | PersonObject
personIdentifier.Id string

People.summarizePerson(person) ⇒ string

Returns a standardized formatted name string

Kind: static method of People
Returns: string - formatted name string

Param Type
person PeopleObject

People.fetchPersonFromChild(child) ⇒ Promise.PeopleObject

Fetches a PersonObject from any child record in any branch

Kind: static method of People

Param Type
child RecordDocument

People.personFromId(personId) ⇒ PeopleObject

builds a minimal PeopleObject from an Id

Kind: static method of People

Param Type
personId string

People~PeopleDefault : PersonObject

Kind: inner constant of People
Default: {"Id":null,"refPath":null,"name":null,"email":null,"tel":null,"isAnonymous":true,"payment_method":null,"admin_status":null}
Read only: true

People~PeopleDefaultForm : PersonObject

Kind: inner constant of People
Default: {"name":"text","email":"email","tel":"tel"}
Read only: true

People~PersonObject : object

Kind: inner typedef of People

Name Type Description
Id string Id of document from storage
refPath string if from database, full path to document
first_name string could be "Anonymous"
last_name string
isAnonymous boolean flag indicating auto-generated Anonymous user account
image url URL (possibly in app storage) of User image
region string User home region, from fixed list
[social_links] url array of user social account links
bio string user-maintained biography
website url URL to user personal website
payment_method string summary string of user payment method. Not secure, not source-of-truth
payment PaymentData when "full account"

People~PaginatedFetch : object

An object to allow for paginating a table read from Firestore. REQUIRES a sorting choice

Kind: inner typedef of People

Name Type Description
Query Query that forms basis for the table read
limit number page size
snapshot QuerySnapshot last successful snapshot/page fetched
status enum status of pagination object
PageForward method pages the fetch forward
PageBack method pages the fetch backward


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to Products

Product.saveProduct(person) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Saves a Product object to the database

Kind: static method of Product

Param Type Description
person Person minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)


Name Type
product Product

Product~ProductDefault : Product

Kind: inner constant of Product
Default: {"Id":null,"refPath":null,"name":""}
Read only: true

Product~ProductDefaultForm : Product

Kind: inner constant of Product
Default: {"name":"text"}
Read only: true

Product~Product : object

a record

Kind: inner typedef of Product

Name Type Description
Id string Id of document (redundant for convenience)
refPath string if from database, full path to document
name number name for the Product


Typedefs, constants, support functions and database operations related to product creation stages users

Stages.saveStage(parent) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Saves a default Stage Settings object to the database

Kind: static method of Stages

Param Type Description
parent Person | Product minimal record of person this commodity belongs to (if any)


Name Type
stage Stage

Stages~StageDefault : Stage

Kind: inner constant of Stages
Default: {"Id":null,"refPath":null,"base":2.5,"highValue":1.5,"overhead":5,"rate":20,"unit":"hour","hours":0,"minutes":0,"stage":"fabrication"}
Read only: true

Stages~StageDefaultForm : Stage

Kind: inner constant of Stages
Default: {"base":"number","highValue":"number","overhead":"number","rate":"number","unit":"lookup","hours":"number","minutes":"number","stage":"lookup"}
Read only: true

Stages~Stage : object

a record

Kind: inner typedef of Stages

Name Type Description
Id string Id of document (redundant for convenience)
refPath string if from database, full path to document
base number Multiplier/Markup from this stage to the next
highValue number Multiplier/Markup for hgih value materials/items from this stage to the next
overhead number unit charge for business overhead
rate number unit charge for direct labor expenses
unit string lookup unit of measure for overhead and rate
hours number actual hours of labor at this stage
minutes number actual minutes of labor at this stage
stage number lookup name of corresponding production stage


Shared constants and symbols

Boilerplate.recordByIdAndType ⇒ AccountType

creates and returns a minimal record from an Id and type

Kind: static constant of Boilerplate

Param Type
Id string
Type string

© 2020-2023 Tracy Hall / Dreams and Logic Inc / SaltSweetSpirits




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