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3.2.4 • Public • Published


Flock is a database agnostic migration library and command line tool.

Install and Initialization

npm install @launchfort/flock
./node_modules/.bin/flock init

NOTE: If you are upgrading from a previous version of flock then don't run the init command and instead use the upgrade command. See upgrading.

Writing a Migration

A migration is typically a Nodejs module that exports an up and down functions that accept a QueryInterface instance and return a Promise.

NOTE: Migrations can be anything you want them to be, so long as you configure the flock Migrator appropriately.

Where QueryInterface is the following

interface QueryInterface {
  query (queryObject: any): Promise<QueryResult>
  tableExists (tableName: string): Promise<boolean>
  columnExists (tableName: string, columnName: string): Promise<boolean>
  columnDataType (tableName: string, columnName: string): Promise<string|null>
interface QueryResult {
  rowCount: number
  rows: { [col: string]: any }[]

The QueryInterface#query method will have a unique signature provided by the flock plugin that implemented it. For example in flock-pg this method has the same signature as the pg module's Client#query method. Other flock plugins will likely have their own signature.

Here's an example migration that uses the flock-pg plugin.

// migrations/2018-01-01--001--create-table--user.js

exports.up = function (queryInterface) {
  const sql =
    id SERIAL,
    created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT current_timestamp,
    modified_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT current_timestamp,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)
  const query = { text: sql }
  return queryInterface.query(query)

exports.down = function (queryInterface) {
  const sql =
  const query = { text: sql }
  return queryInterface.query(query)

Programmatic Usage

The programmatic API for flock centers around the Migrator interface, that describes the behaviour of the controller responsible for performing migrations.

interface Migrator {
   * Retrieve the state for each migration.
  getMigrationState (): Promise<MigrationState[]>
   * Migrates all migrations before and including the specified migration ID
   * that have not been migrated yet. If no migration ID is specified then
   * migrates all migrations.
   * @param migrationId The migration to migrate down to
  migrate (migrationId?: string): Promise<{ schemaHasChanged: boolean }>
   * Rolls back the last migrated migration. If a migration ID is specified then
   * rolls back only the migration. If migration ID is '@all' then rolls back
   * all migrated migrations.
   * @param migrationId The migration to rollback or '@all' to rollback all migrated migrations
  rollback (migrationId?: string): Promise<void>
   * Runs a seed that will initialize the database with data.
  seed (): Promise<void>
  /** EventEmitter API */
  addListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
  on(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
  once(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
  prependListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
  prependOnceListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
  removeListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
  off(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
  removeAllListeners(event?: string | symbol): this;
  setMaxListeners(n: number): this;
  getMaxListeners(): number;
  listeners(event: string | symbol): Function[];
  rawListeners(event: string | symbol): Function[];
  emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean;
  eventNames(): Array<string | symbol>;
  listenerCount(type: string | symbol): number;
interface MigrationState {
  id: string
  migrated: boolean
  migratedAt?: Date

A Migrator has the same API as the Nodejs EventEmitter class and additional methods for running migrations. You don't have to implement this interface there is a default implementation DefaultMigrator class that flock exports for you.

interface Seed {
  // Where queryInterface is the same QueryInterface provided to migrations.
  run (queryInterface: QueryInterface): Promise<void>

class DefaultMigrator extends EventEmitter implements Migrator
  constructor (migrationProvider: MigrationProvider, dataAccessProvider: DataAccessProvider, seed?: Seed)

Where MigrationProvider and DataAccessProvider have these interfaces:

/** Provides Migration instances to a Migrator. */
interface MigrationProvider {
  /** Scans the file system or creates adhoc migrations. */
  provide (): Promise<Migration[]>

interface Migration {
  id: string
  up (queryInterface: QueryInterface): Promise<void>
  down (queryInterface: QueryInterface): Promise<void>

/** Provides DataAccess instances to a Migrator. */
interface DataAccessProvider {
  /** Open a new database connection and provides a DataAccess instance. */
  provide (): Promise<DataAccess>

 * Represents an open database connection.
interface DataAccess {
  /** Retrieve all migrations that have been migrated. */
  getMigratedMigrations (): Promise<{ id: string, migratedAt: Date }[]>
  /** Migrate the specified migration where action is the database queries to run. */
  migrate (migrationId: string, action: (queryInterface: QueryInterface) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>
  /** Rollback the specified migration where action is the database queries to run. */
  rollback (migrationId: string, action: (queryInterface: QueryInterface) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>
  /** Close the database connection. */
  close (): Promise<void>

/** Represents the interface migrations use to perform database queries. */
interface QueryInterface {
  /** Make a database query. The signature of this function will be unique for each flock plugin. */
  query (queryObject: any): Promise<QueryResult>
  tableExists (tableName: string): Promise<boolean>
  columnExists (tableName: string, columnName: string): Promise<boolean>
  columnDataType (tableName: string, columnName: string): Promise<string|null>

interface QueryResult {
  rowCount: number
  rows: { [col: string]: any }[]

Flock also exports a default implementation of a MigrationProvider that will scan a directory for Nodejs modules that you can use when configuring the DefaultMigrator.

class NodeModuleMigrationProvider implements MigrationProvider {
  constructor (dir = 'migrations', options?: { filter: (fileName: string) => boolean })

The NodeModuleMigrationProvider class will provide migrations sorted alphabetically instead of the order given by the file system, and the module ID will be the basename with no extension from the module file name.

Any file or folder the starts with _ or . will be ignored. Also common files will also be ignored: jpg|jpeg|gif|png|pdf|docx|doc|xml|txt|css|csv|xlsx|md.

Optionally you can specify a custom filter that can be used to ignore other file names by specifying the filter option.


// If migrations/ contains the modules `a`, `b` and `c`
const mp = new NodeModuleMigrationProvider('migrations')
const migrations = await mp.provide() // [ {id:'a', ...}, {id:'b', ...}, {id:'c', ...} ]

Full Programmitic Example

const { DefaultMigrator, NodeModuleMigrationProvider, QueryInterface } = require('@launchfort/flock')
const { DataAccessProvider } = require('flock-some-plugin')

// Optionally we can run our seed automatically when there are schema changes.
// class MyMigrator extends DefaultMigrator {
//   async migrate (migrationId: string = null) {
//     const { schemaHasChanged } = await super.migrate(migrationId)
//     // When migrating all migrations and there are schema changes then we seed
//     // automatically.
//     if (migrationId === null && schemaHasChanged) {
//       await this.seed()
//     }

//     return { schemaHasChanged }
//   }
// }

const dap = new DataAccessProvider({ migrationTableName: 'migration' })
const mp = new NodeModuleMigrationProvider('migrations')
const seed = null
// Optionally specify your seed that initializes the database with data.
// const seed = {
//   run (q: QueryInterface) {
//     // TODO: Seed the DB with data.
//     return Promise.resolve()
//   }
// }
// We can use our own MyMigrator if we want to run the seed on schema changes.
const migrator = new DefaultMigrator(mp, dap, seed)

Command Line

Read the docs.




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