A command-line interface for interacting with Knock.
$ npm install -g @knocklabs/cli
$ knock COMMAND
running command...
$ knock (--version)
@knocklabs/cli/0.1.19 linux-x64 node-v18.20.4
$ knock --help [COMMAND]
$ knock COMMAND
knock commit
knock commit get ID
knock commit list
knock commit promote
knock help [COMMAND]
knock layout get EMAILLAYOUTKEY
knock layout list
knock layout pull [EMAILLAYOUTKEY]
knock layout push [EMAILLAYOUTKEY]
knock layout validate [EMAILLAYOUTKEY]
knock partial get PARTIALKEY
knock partial list
knock partial pull [PARTIALKEY]
knock partial push [PARTIALKEY]
knock partial validate [PARTIALKEY]
knock translation get TRANSLATIONREF
knock translation list
knock translation pull [TRANSLATIONREF]
knock translation push [TRANSLATIONREF]
knock translation validate [TRANSLATIONREF]
knock whoami
knock workflow activate WORKFLOWKEY
knock workflow get WORKFLOWKEY
knock workflow list
knock workflow pull [WORKFLOWKEY]
knock workflow push [WORKFLOWKEY]
knock workflow run WORKFLOWKEY
knock workflow validate [WORKFLOWKEY]
Commit all changes in development environment.
$ knock commit --service-token <value> [--environment development] [-m <value>] [--force]
-m, --commit-message=<value> Use the given value as the commit message.
--environment=<option> [default: development] Committing changes applies to the development environment only,
use `commit promote` to promote changes to a subsequent environment.
<options: development>
--force Remove the confirmation prompt.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
See code: src/commands/commit/index.ts
Display a single commit
$ knock commit get ID --service-token <value> [--json]
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/commit/get.ts
Display all commits in an environment
$ knock commit list --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>] [--promoted] [--after <value>]
[--before <value>] [--limit <value>]
--after=<value> The cursor after which to fetch the next page.
--before=<value> The cursor before which to fetch the previous page.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--limit=<value> The total number of entries to fetch per page.
--[no-]promoted Show only promoted or unpromoted changes between the given environment and the subsequent
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/commit/list.ts
Promote one or all commits to the subsequent environment.
$ knock commit promote --service-token <value> [--to <value>] [--force] [--only <value>]
--force Remove the confirmation prompt.
--only=<value> The target commit id to promote to the subsequent environment
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--to=<value> The destination environment to promote all changes from the preceding environment.
See code: src/commands/commit/promote.ts
Display help for knock.
$ knock help [COMMAND...] [-n]
COMMAND... Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for knock.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Display a single email layout from an environment.
$ knock layout get EMAILLAYOUTKEY --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>]
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/layout/get.ts
Display all email layouts for an environment.
$ knock layout list --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>] [--hide-uncommitted-changes]
[--after <value>] [--before <value>] [--limit <value>]
--after=<value> The cursor after which to fetch the next page.
--before=<value> The cursor before which to fetch the previous page.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--limit=<value> The total number of entries to fetch per page.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/layout/list.ts
Pull one or more email layouts from an environment into a local file system.
$ knock layout pull [EMAILLAYOUTKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment <value>] [--layouts-dir <value>
--all] [--hide-uncommitted-changes] [--force]
--all Whether to pull all email layouts from the specified environment.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--force Remove the confirmation prompt.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--layouts-dir=<value> The target directory path to pull all email layouts into.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
See code: src/commands/layout/pull.ts
Push one or more email layouts from a local file system to Knock.
$ knock layout push [EMAILLAYOUTKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment development] [--layouts-dir <value>
--all] [-m <value> --commit]
-m, --commit-message=<value> Use the given value as the commit message
--all Whether to push all layouts from the target directory.
--commit Push and commit the layout(s) at the same time
--environment=<option> [default: development] Pushing an email layout is only allowed in the development
<options: development>
--layouts-dir=<value> The target directory path to find all layouts to push.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
See code: src/commands/layout/push.ts
Validate one or more layouts from a local file system.
$ knock layout validate [EMAILLAYOUTKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment development] [--layouts-dir <value>
--all Whether to validate all layouts from the target directory.
--environment=<option> [default: development] Validating a layout is only done in the development environment
<options: development>
--layouts-dir=<value> The target directory path to find all layouts to validate.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
See code: src/commands/layout/validate.ts
Display a single partial from an environment.
$ knock partial get PARTIALKEY --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>]
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/partial/get.ts
Display all partials for an environment.
$ knock partial list --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>] [--hide-uncommitted-changes]
[--after <value>] [--before <value>] [--limit <value>]
--after=<value> The cursor after which to fetch the next page.
--before=<value> The cursor before which to fetch the previous page.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--limit=<value> The total number of entries to fetch per page.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/partial/list.ts
Pull one or more partial from an environment into a local file system.
$ knock partial pull [PARTIALKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment <value>] [--partials-dir <value> --all]
[--hide-uncommitted-changes] [--force]
--all Whether to pull all partials from the specified environment.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--force Remove the confirmation prompt.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--partials-dir=<value> The target directory path to pull all partials into.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
See code: src/commands/partial/pull.ts
Push one or more partials from a local file system to Knock.
$ knock partial push [PARTIALKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment development] [--partials-dir <value>
--all] [-m <value> --commit]
-m, --commit-message=<value> Use the given value as the commit message
--all Whether to push all partials from the target directory.
--commit Push and commit the partial(s) at the same time
--environment=<option> [default: development] Pushing a partial is only allowed in the development environment
<options: development>
--partials-dir=<value> The target directory path to find all partials to push.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
See code: src/commands/partial/push.ts
Validate one or more partials from a local file system.
$ knock partial validate [PARTIALKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment development] [--partials-dir <value>
--all Whether to validate all partials from the target directory.
--environment=<option> [default: development] Validating a partial is only done in the development environment
<options: development>
--partials-dir=<value> The target directory path to find all partials to validate.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
See code: src/commands/partial/validate.ts
Display a single translation from an environment.
$ knock translation get TRANSLATIONREF --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>]
[--hide-uncommitted-changes] [--format json|po]
TRANSLATIONREF Translation ref is a identifier string that refers to a unique translation.
If a translation has no namespace, it is the same as the locale, e.g. `en`.
If namespaced, it is formatted as namespace.locale, e.g. `admin.en`.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--format=<option> [default: json] Specify the output format of the returned translations.
<options: json|po>
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/translation/get.ts
Display all translations for an environment.
$ knock translation list --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>] [--hide-uncommitted-changes]
[--after <value>] [--before <value>] [--limit <value>]
--after=<value> The cursor after which to fetch the next page.
--before=<value> The cursor before which to fetch the previous page.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--limit=<value> The total number of entries to fetch per page.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/translation/list.ts
Pull one or more translations from an environment into a local file system.
$ knock translation pull [TRANSLATIONREF] --service-token <value> [--environment <value>] [--translations-dir
<value> --all] [--hide-uncommitted-changes] [--force] [--format json|po]
TRANSLATIONREF Translation ref is a identifier string that refers to a unique translation.
If a translation has no namespace, it is the same as the locale, e.g. `en`.
If namespaced, it is formatted as namespace.locale, e.g. `admin.en`.
--all Whether to pull all translations from the specified environment.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--force Remove the confirmation prompt.
--format=<option> [default: json] Specify the output format of the returned translations.
<options: json|po>
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--translations-dir=<value> The target directory path to pull all translations into.
See code: src/commands/translation/pull.ts
Push one or more translations from a local file system to Knock.
$ knock translation push [TRANSLATIONREF] --service-token <value> [--environment development] [--translations-dir
<value> --all] [-m <value> --commit]
TRANSLATIONREF Translation ref is a identifier string that refers to a unique translation.
If a translation has no namespace, it is the same as the locale, e.g. `en`.
If namespaced, it is formatted as namespace.locale, e.g. `admin.en`.
-m, --commit-message=<value> Use the given value as the commit message
--all Whether to push all translations from the target directory.
--commit Push and commit the translation(s) at the same time
--environment=<option> [default: development] Pushing a translation is only allowed in the development
<options: development>
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--translations-dir=<value> The target directory path to find all translations to push.
See code: src/commands/translation/push.ts
Validate one or more translations from a local file system.
$ knock translation validate [TRANSLATIONREF] --service-token <value> [--environment development] [--translations-dir
<value> --all]
TRANSLATIONREF Translation ref is a identifier string that refers to a unique translation.
If a translation has no namespace, it is the same as the locale, e.g. `en`.
If namespaced, it is formatted as namespace.locale, e.g. `admin.en`.
--all Whether to validate all translations from the target directory.
--environment=<option> [default: development] Validating a translation is only done in the development
<options: development>
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--translations-dir=<value> The target directory path to find all translations to validate.
See code: src/commands/translation/validate.ts
Verify the provided service token.
$ knock whoami --service-token <value> [--json]
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/whoami.ts
Activate or deactivate a workflow in a given environment.
$ knock workflow activate WORKFLOWKEY --service-token <value> --environment <value> [--status true|false] [--force]
--environment=<value> (required) The environment to use.
--force Remove the confirmation prompt.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--status=<option> [default: true] The workflow active status to set.
<options: true|false>
Activate or deactivate a workflow in a given environment.
This immediately enables or disables a workflow in a given environment without
needing to go through environment promotion.
By default, this command activates a given workflow. Pass in the --status flag
with `false` in order to deactivate it.
See code: src/commands/workflow/activate.ts
Display a single workflow from an environment.
$ knock workflow get WORKFLOWKEY --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>]
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/workflow/get.ts
Display all workflows for an environment.
$ knock workflow list --service-token <value> [--json] [--environment <value>] [--hide-uncommitted-changes]
[--after <value>] [--before <value>] [--limit <value>]
--after=<value> The cursor after which to fetch the next page.
--before=<value> The cursor before which to fetch the previous page.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--limit=<value> The total number of entries to fetch per page.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/workflow/list.ts
Pull one or more workflows from an environment into a local file system.
$ knock workflow pull [WORKFLOWKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment <value>] [--workflows-dir <value>
--all] [--hide-uncommitted-changes] [--force]
--all Whether to pull all workflows from the specified environment.
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment to use.
--force Remove the confirmation prompt.
--hide-uncommitted-changes Hide any uncommitted changes.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--workflows-dir=<value> The target directory path to pull all workflows into.
See code: src/commands/workflow/pull.ts
Push one or more workflows from a local file system to Knock.
$ knock workflow push [WORKFLOWKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment development] [--workflows-dir <value>
--all] [-m <value> --commit]
-m, --commit-message=<value> Use the given value as the commit message
--all Whether to push all workflows from the target directory.
--commit Push and commit the workflow(s) at the same time
--environment=<option> [default: development] Pushing a workflow is only allowed in the development environment
<options: development>
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--workflows-dir=<value> The target directory path to find all workflows to push.
See code: src/commands/workflow/push.ts
Test run a workflow using the latest version from Knock.
$ knock workflow run WORKFLOWKEY --service-token <value> --recipients <value> [--environment <value>] [--actor
<value>] [--tenant <value>] [--data <value>]
--actor=<value> An actor id, or a JSON string of an actor object reference for the workflow run.
--data=<value> A JSON string of the data for this workflow
--environment=<value> [default: development] The environment in which to run the workflow
--recipients=<value> (required) One or more recipient user ids separated by comma, or a JSON string containing one
or more recipient object references for this workflow run.
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--tenant=<value> A tenant id for the workflow run.
See code: src/commands/workflow/run.ts
Validate one or more workflows from a local file system.
$ knock workflow validate [WORKFLOWKEY] --service-token <value> [--environment development] [--workflows-dir <value>
--all Whether to validate all workflows from the target directory.
--environment=<option> [default: development] Validating a workflow is only done in the development environment
<options: development>
--service-token=<value> (required) The service token to authenticate with.
--workflows-dir=<value> The target directory path to find all workflows to validate.
See code: src/commands/workflow/validate.ts