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Welcome to @kluntje/js-utils 👋

Version License: Apache 2.0

Kluntje/js-utils is a collection of really usefull js functions that can be imported in any project and speed up your daily javascript tasks.


npm install @kuntje/js-utils


import { inViewport } from '@kluntje/js-utils/lib/dom-helpers';
const inView = inViewport(document.querySelector("#teaser"));

// You can also import from top level. But this is not suitable for three shaking!
import { domHelpers } from "@kluntje/js-utils";
const inView = domHelpers.inViewport(document.querySelector("#teaser"));



fetchJSON(url, [options])Promise.<T>

Calls API and returns JSON as Promise


hasElement(array, element)boolean

checks, if element is in given array


checks, whether given Array exists and has at least one element

mergeArraysBy(array1, array2, checker)Array.<T>

merge two given arrays by the given checker function

pushIfNew(array, newElement)Array.<T>

pushes new Element to given array, if its not already in it

removeItem(array, itemToRemove)Array.<T>

removes specific Item from array and return new array


addDays(date, daysToAdd, [zeroHours])Date

Adds given amount of days to given date


Optionally Adds leading Zero to Numbers < 10

isEqualDate(dateA, dateB)boolean

Checks whether given dates are equal


Helper to make date parsing cross browser compatible Some browsers (e.g. Safari) need the GMT offset part to be in format "+00:00" This helper makes sure that any present GMT offset follows that format and can safely be parsed: Date.parse("2020-01-01T12:13:14.000+0200") // throws error in Safari Date.parse("2020-01-01T12:13:14.000+02:00") // succes


addClass(elements, ...classNames)

adds given classes to one or multiple elements

find(parent, selector)Element | null

returns the first child of a specific parent matching the given selector

findAll(parent, selector)Array.<Element>

returns all children of a specific parent matching the given selector

callback(node, index, nodeList)

returns current mediaQuery-name. e.g. "MQ2"


returns innerText of given Element

getParent(element, parentSelector)Element | null

returns parent of specific class, if found


returns a random String to be used as ID

hasChild(parent, childSelector)boolean

returns if a specific parent has a child matching the given selector

hasClass(element, className)boolean

returns if a specific element has given class

inViewport(element, [parent])boolean

checks, whether an element is in the viewport


checks, if target is NodeList

onEvent(target, events, handler, context, [options])

adds event with given parameters

removeChildren(parent, selector)

removes all children of a specific parent matching the given selector

removeClass(elements, ...classNames)

removes given class from element

removeEvent(target, events, handler, context, [options])

removes event with given parameters

toggleClass(elements, className, add)

toggles given class on given element


resolves Promise after given timeout

waitForAnimationEnd(el, [animationName])Promise

returns a promise which resolves after the animationend event

waitForEvent(target, eventName, timeout)Promise.<void>

waits for given event for a (optional) max-timeout


Promise that resolves, when the given component is initialized

waitForTransitionEnd(el, [propertyName])Promise

returns a promise which resolves after the transitionend event


debounce(callback, [wait])function

returns a debounced function which when called multiple of times each time it waits the waiting duration and if the method was not called during this time, the last call will be passed to the callback.


generates a decorator factory for the provided helper function. helper function should have this signature: (Function, ...args: any[]) => Function

throttle(callback, [wait])function

returns a throttled function which when called, waits the given period of time before passing the last call during this time to the provided callback. call .cancel() on the returned function, to cancel the callback invocation.


getValue(obj, path)*

returns nested value without throwing an error if the parent doesn't exist

isEqual(arg1, arg2)boolean

compare two arguments, for object their toString values are compared


checks if provided argument is an object which has at least one entry in it.

naiveClone(arg)Nullable.<T> | Array.<T>

returns a deep link of the provided argument


returns the argument wrapped in an array if it isn't array itself


returns stringified value for the given argument



removes all multi Whitespaces and Newlines in given string


returns number of words in a given text


removes all Whitespaces in given string


removes all Newlines in given string


removes multi Whitespaces in given string


function to convert texts to camelCase for example ti generate attribute names


converts the provided string to a kebab case (kebab-case)


ensureHttpProtocol(url, useHttp)string

Ensures that the given url has an http protocol. If the url does not have an http protocol, it will be prepended with https://. If the url already has an http protocol, it will be returned as is. If the protocol should be http instead of https, you can pass in the optional parameter useHttp as true.


returns a string without the http or https protocol



callback : function

iterates over all nodes in a node list (necessary because IE11 doesn't support .forEach * for NodeLists)

fetchJSON(url, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<T>

Calls API and returns JSON as Promise

Kind: global function

Param Type
url string
[options] RequestInit


// use with async/await
const myApiResponse = await fetchJSON("https://some.api/path")


// use as normal promise
fetchJSON("https://some.api/path").then((data) => console.log("myData:", data));

hasElement(array, element) ⇒ boolean

checks, if element is in given array

Kind: global function

Param Type
array Array.<T>
element T


const fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];

if (hasElement(fruits, "Apple")) {
  console.log("You got an Apple");

isFilledArray(array) ⇒ boolean

checks, whether given Array exists and has at least one element

Kind: global function

Param Type
array Array.<T>


const myBooks = await fetchJSON("https://my-book-store.api/books");
if (isFilledArray(myBooks)) {
  console.log(`${myBooks.length} Books found!`)
} else {
  console.log("Sorry, no Books found");

mergeArraysBy(array1, array2, checker) ⇒ Array.<T>

merge two given arrays by the given checker function

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
array1 Array.<T>
array2 Array.<T>
checker function

if this function returns true for a specific element combination the elements are getting merged


const defaultUsers = [
    name: "Admin",
    mail: "admin@company.com"
    name: "CI",
    mail: "ci@company.com"

const projectUsers = [
    name: "Admin",
    mail: "admin@company.com"
    name: "User1",
    mail: "user-one@company.com"
    name: "User2",
    mail: "user-two@company.com"

const userList = mergeArraysBy(defaultUsers, projectUsers, (defaultUser, array) => {
  return !array.some((projectUser) => projectUser.mail === defaultUser.mail)

// userList
// [
//   {
//     "name": "CI",
//     "mail": "ci@company.com"
//   },
//   {
//     "name": "Admin",
//     "mail": "admin@company.com"
//   },
//   {
//     "name": "User1",
//     "mail": "user-one@company.com"
//   },
//   {
//     "name": "User2",
//     "mail": "user-two@company.com"
//   }
// ] 

pushIfNew(array, newElement) ⇒ Array.<T>

pushes new Element to given array, if its not already in it

Kind: global function

Param Type
array Array.<T>
newElement T


const fruitStore = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
const newFruit = getInputValue(...)
const newFruitStore = pushIfNew(fruitStore, newFruit);

removeItem(array, itemToRemove) ⇒ Array.<T>

removes specific Item from array and return new array

Kind: global function

Param Type
array Array.<T>
itemToRemove T


const fruitStore = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
const newFruitStore = removeItem(fruitStore, "Apple"); // ["Banana", "Orange", "Mango"]

addDays(date, daysToAdd, [zeroHours]) ⇒ Date

Adds given amount of days to given date

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
date Date
daysToAdd number
[zeroHours] boolean false

set time to 0:00:00


const today = new Date();
const tomorrow = addDays(today, 2);

addLeadingZero(inNumber) ⇒ string

Optionally Adds leading Zero to Numbers < 10

Kind: global function

Param Type
inNumber number


const today = new Date();
const formattedDateSting = `${addLeadingZero(today.getDate())}.${addLeadingZero(today.getMonth() + 1)}.${today.getFullYear()}`;

isEqualDate(dateA, dateB) ⇒ boolean

Checks whether given dates are equal

Kind: global function

Param Type
dateA Date
dateB Date


const dateA = new Date(2020, 1, 29, 22, 30);
const dateB = new Date(2020, 1, 29, 18, 20);
isEqualDate(dateA. dateB); // true

sanitizeDateGMTOffset(date) ⇒ string

Helper to make date parsing cross browser compatible Some browsers (e.g. Safari) need the GMT offset part to be in format "+00:00" This helper makes sure that any present GMT offset follows that format and can safely be parsed: Date.parse("2020-01-01T12:13:14.000+0200") // throws error in Safari Date.parse("2020-01-01T12:13:14.000+02:00") // succes

Kind: global function
Returns: string -

correctly formatted date

Param Type Description
date string

date string to be sanitized for parsing


sanitizeDateGMTOffset("2020-01-01T12:13:14.000+0200") // "2020-01-01T12:13:14.000+02:00"

addClass(elements, ...classNames)

adds given classes to one or multiple elements

Kind: global function

Param Type
elements Element | Iterable.<Element> | NodeListOf.<Element> | null
...classNames string


const button = document.querySelector('.button');
addClass(button, 'my-button');


const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input');
addClass(inputs, 'my-button');

find(parent, selector) ⇒ Element | null

returns the first child of a specific parent matching the given selector

Kind: global function

Param Type
parent Element | Document | null
selector string


const input = find(document, 'input');

findAll(parent, selector) ⇒ Array.<Element>

returns all children of a specific parent matching the given selector

Kind: global function

Param Type
parent Element | Document | null
selector string


const inputs = findAll(document, 'input');

callback(node, index, nodeList)

Kind: global function

Param Type
node Node
index Number
nodeList NodeListOf.<T>

getCurrentMQ(mediaQueries) ⇒ string

returns current mediaQuery-name. e.g. "MQ2"

Kind: global function
Returns: string -

  • mediaQuery name e.g. MQ1
Param Type
mediaQueries Array.<MQDefinition>


const myMqs = [
    name: 'MQ2',
    query: '(min-width: 769px)'
    name: 'MQ1',
    query: '(min-width: 0px)'

const curMQ = getCurrentMQ(myMqs);

getInnerText(el) ⇒ string

returns innerText of given Element

Kind: global function

Param Type
el HTMLElement


const myArticle = document.querySelector('article');
const articleText = getInnerText(myArticle);

getParent(element, parentSelector) ⇒ Element | null

returns parent of specific class, if found

Kind: global function

Param Type
element Element
parentSelector string


const myText = document.querySelector('p');
const myArticle = getParent(myText, 'article');

getUniqueID() ⇒ string

returns a random String to be used as ID

Kind: global function

hasChild(parent, childSelector) ⇒ boolean

returns if a specific parent has a child matching the given selector

Kind: global function

Param Type
parent Element
childSelector string


const article = document.querySelector('article');
if (hasChild(article, '.cta')) console.log('please click');

hasClass(element, className) ⇒ boolean

returns if a specific element has given class

Kind: global function

Param Type
element Element
className string


const cta = document.querySelector('button');
if (hasClass(cta, 'primary')) console.log("primary")

inViewport(element, [parent]) ⇒ boolean

checks, whether an element is in the viewport

Kind: global function

Param Type
element Element
[parent] Element


const image = document.querySelector('image');
if (inViewport(image)) image.setAttribute('src', image.dataset('src'));

isNodeList(target) ⇒ boolean

checks, if target is NodeList

Kind: global function

Param Type
target any

onEvent(target, events, handler, context, [options])

adds event with given parameters

Kind: global function

Param Type
target EventTarget | null
events string | Array.<string>
handler function
context Context
[options] AddEventListenerOptions


const buttons = findAll(document, 'button);
onEvent(buttons, 'click', () => console.log('button clicked'), this);

removeChildren(parent, selector)

removes all children of a specific parent matching the given selector

Kind: global function

Param Type
parent Element
selector string


const article = find('article);
removeChildren(article, '.ad');

removeClass(elements, ...classNames)

removes given class from element

Kind: global function

Param Type
elements Element | Iterable.<Element> | NodeListOf.<Element> | null
...classNames string


const button = document.querySelector('.button');
removeClass(button, 'active');


const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input');
removeClass(inputs, 'active');

removeEvent(target, events, handler, context, [options])

removes event with given parameters

Kind: global function

Param Type
target HTMLElement | Iterable.<HTMLElement>
events string | Array.<string>
handler function
context Context
[options] AddEventListenerOptions


const buttons = findAll(document, 'button);
removeEvent(buttons, 'click', () => console.log('button clicked'), this);

toggleClass(elements, className, add)

toggles given class on given element

Kind: global function

Param Type
elements Element | Iterable.<Element> | NodeListOf.<Element> | null
className string
add boolean


const button = find(document, 'button');
onEvent(button, 'click', () => toggleClass(button, 'active'), this);

waitFor(timeout) ⇒ Promise.<void>

resolves Promise after given timeout

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
timeout number

timeout in milliseconds


addClass(button, 'animate');
waitFor(300).then(() => removeClass(button, 'animate'));


addClass(button, 'animate');
await waitFor(300);
removeClass(button, 'animate');

waitForAnimationEnd(el, [animationName]) ⇒ Promise

returns a promise which resolves after the animationend event

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
el HTMLElement | SVGElement

DOM Element which has the css animation

[animationName] string

keyframes' name. e.g. "slideOut"


  await waitForAnimationEnd(el, "fade-out");
  // css:
  // .hide {
  //   animation: fade-out 0.5s forwards;
  // }

waitForEvent(target, eventName, timeout) ⇒ Promise.<void>

waits for given event for a (optional) max-timeout

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
target EventTarget
eventName string
timeout number

timeout in milliseconds


addClass(button, 'animate');
waitForEvent(button, 'transitionend', 500).then(() => removeClass(button, 'animate'));


addClass(button, 'animate');
await waitForEvent(button, 'transitionend', 500);
removeClass(button, 'animate');

waitForInitialization(component) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Promise that resolves, when the given component is initialized

Kind: global function

Param Type
component Component


waitForInitialization(my-input).then(() => my-input.value = 'Hello World');


await  waitForInitialization(my-input);
my-input.value = 'Hello World';

waitForTransitionEnd(el, [propertyName]) ⇒ Promise

returns a promise which resolves after the transitionend event

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
el HTMLElement | SVGElement

DOM Element which has the css transition

[propertyName] string

transition's propertyName. e.g. "width"


  await waitForTransitionEnd(menu, "transform");
  await waitForTransitionEnd(input, "opacity");

debounce(callback, [wait]) ⇒ function

returns a debounced function which when called multiple of times each time it waits the waiting duration and if the method was not called during this time, the last call will be passed to the callback.

Kind: global function
Debounce(100): scrollHandler(event) { // ... } }

Param Type Default Description
callback function

function to be called after the last wait period

[wait] number 0

waiting period in ms before the callback is invoked if during this time the debounced method was not called


const debounced = debounce(console.log, 500);
  if (neverMind) debonced.cancel();
  // logs only "Hey", and when `neverMind === false`, doesn't log anything.

  // or instead of decorator on class methods
  Class Component {
    constructor() {
      window.addEventListener("resize", this.resizeHandler);
      window.addEventListener("scroll", this.scrollHandler);

    resizeHandler = debounce(event => {
      // event handlers logic
    }, 100);

    // or when the decorator is imported:

decoratorGenerator(func) ⇒ function

generates a decorator factory for the provided helper function. helper function should have this signature: (Function, ...args: any[]) => Function

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
func function

function to be wrapped with a decorator factory

throttle(callback, [wait]) ⇒ function

returns a throttled function which when called, waits the given period of time before passing the last call during this time to the provided callback. call .cancel() on the returned function, to cancel the callback invocation.

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
callback function

function to be caled after the last wait period

[wait] number 0

waiting period in ms before the callback is invoked if during this time the debounced method was not called


window.addEventListener("resize", throttle(updateSlider, 100));

getValue(obj, path) ⇒ *


returns nested value without throwing an error if the parent doesn't exist

Kind: global function
Returns: * -

  • returned the found value or undefined
Param Type Description
obj Object

object to be looked for value

path string

a string with dot separated levels: e.g "a.b"


const obj = {
  a: {
    b: {
      c: 1
    d: true
getValue(obj, "a.b") === {c: 1};
getValue(obj, "a.f") === undefined;

isEqual(arg1, arg2) ⇒ boolean

compare two arguments, for object their toString values are compared

Kind: global function

Param Type
arg1 T
arg2 T


if (!isEqual(oldState, newState)) console.log('state changed');

isFilledObject(obj) ⇒ boolean

checks if provided argument is an object which has at least one entry in it.

Kind: global function

Param Type
obj any


isFilledObject({ k: "v" }) === true;
isFilledObject({}) === false;
isFilledObject("text") === false;

naiveClone(arg) ⇒ Nullable.<T> | Array.<T>

returns a deep link of the provided argument

Kind: global function

Param Type
arg Nullable.<T> | Array.<T>


const state = naiveClone(initialState);

toArray(arg) ⇒ Array.<T>

returns the argument wrapped in an array if it isn't array itself

Kind: global function

Param Type
arg T | Array.<T>


const apple = "Apple";
const fruits = toArray(apple); // ["Apple"] 

toString(arg) ⇒ string

returns stringified value for the given argument

Kind: global function

Param Type
arg *


const submitData = toString(formData);

getCleanString(inputString) ⇒ string

removes all multi Whitespaces and Newlines in given string

Kind: global function

Param Type
inputString string


const article = find(document, 'aricle');
const text = getCleanString(article.innerText);

getWordCount(text) ⇒ number

returns number of words in a given text

Kind: global function

Param Type
text string


const article = find(document, 'aricle');
const articleWords = getWordCount(article.innerText);

removeAllBS(inputString) ⇒ string

removes all Whitespaces in given string

Kind: global function

Param Type
inputString string


removeAllBS('Hello My  World  '); // HelloMyWorld

removeAllNL(inputString) ⇒ string

removes all Newlines in given string

Kind: global function

Param Type
inputString string


const article = find(document, 'aricle');
const textString = removeAllNL(article.innerText);

removeMultiBS(inputString) ⇒ string

removes multi Whitespaces in given string

Kind: global function

Param Type
inputString string


removeMultiBS('Hello My      World'); // Hello My World

toCamelCase(str) ⇒ string

function to convert texts to camelCase for example ti generate attribute names

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
str string

sequence of letters, dashes and spaces to be converted to camelCase


toCamelCase("some-text") === "someText";
toCamelCase("some other text") === "someOtherText";

toKebabCase(str) ⇒ string

converts the provided string to a kebab case (kebab-case)

Kind: global function

Param Type
str string


toKebabCase("keyValuePair") === "key-value-pair"

ensureHttpProtocol(url, useHttp) ⇒ string

Ensures that the given url has an http protocol. If the url does not have an http protocol, it will be prepended with https://. If the url already has an http protocol, it will be returned as is. If the protocol should be http instead of https, you can pass in the optional parameter useHttp as true.

Kind: global function

Param Type Default
url string
useHttp boolean false


const url = 'https://www.google.com';
const result = ensureHttpProtocol(url);
// => 'https://www.google.com'

const url = 'www.google.com';
const result = ensureHttpProtocol(url);
// => 'https://www.google.com'

const url = 'http://www.google.com';
const result = ensureHttpProtocol(url);
// => 'http://www.google.com'

removeHttpProtocol(url) ⇒ string

returns a string without the http or https protocol

Kind: global function

Param Type
url string


const url = 'https://www.google.com';
const result = removeHttpProtocol(url);
// => 'www.google.com'

callback : function

iterates over all nodes in a node list (necessary because IE11 doesn't support .forEach * for NodeLists)

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Default
nodeList NodeListOf.<T>
[context] any window


const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
forEachNode(buttons, (button, idx) => addClass(button, `my-button--${idx}`))


👤 Frederik Riewerts frederik.riewerts@gmail.com

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