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1.1.1 • Public • Published


Command Line Tool for all things Kimono

oclif Version Downloads/week License


$ npm install -g @kimonocloud/cli
$ kimono COMMAND
running command...
$ kimono (-v|--version|version)
@kimonocloud/cli/1.1.1 darwin-x64 node-v14.6.0
$ kimono --help [COMMAND]
  $ kimono COMMAND


kimono autocomplete [SHELL]

display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ kimono autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ kimono autocomplete
  $ kimono autocomplete bash
  $ kimono autocomplete zsh
  $ kimono autocomplete --refresh-cache

See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

kimono config

Initialize and set Defaults for CLI Tool

  $ kimono config

See code: src/commands/config.ts

kimono help [COMMAND]

display help for kimono

  $ kimono help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

kimono interop:clouds [CLOUD_ID]

List your Interop Clouds or a Single Cloud [CLOUD_ID]

  $ kimono interop:clouds [CLOUD_ID]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

See code: src/commands/interop/clouds.ts

kimono interop:clouds:search [OBJECT_ID]

List your Interop Clouds

  $ kimono interop:clouds:search [OBJECT_ID]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --name=name                    Search by Cloud Name

  -u, --userdata=userdata            Search by User Data

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

See code: src/commands/interop/clouds/search.ts

kimono interop:courses:disable

Disable Scoping for Courses

  $ kimono interop:courses:disable

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  --file=file                        The path to the csv input file

See code: src/commands/interop/courses/disable.ts

kimono interop:courses:list

List Course scopes for a Tenant

  $ kimono interop:courses:list

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  --file=file                        The path to the csv input file

See code: src/commands/interop/courses/list.ts

kimono interop:courses:set

Set Course scopes for a Tenant

  $ kimono interop:courses:set

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  --file=file                        The path to the csv input file

See code: src/commands/interop/courses/set.ts

kimono interop:ingestions [OBJECT_ID]

List a tenant's ingestions

  $ kimono interop:ingestions [OBJECT_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/interop/ingestions.ts

kimono interop:integrations [INTEGRATION_ID]

List your Integrations or a single integration [INTEGRATION_ID]

  $ kimono interop:integrations [INTEGRATION_ID]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

See code: src/commands/interop/integrations.ts

kimono interop:tenants [TENANT_ID]

List your Interop Tenants

  $ kimono interop:tenants [TENANT_ID]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

See code: src/commands/interop/tenants.ts

kimono plugins

list installed plugins

  $ kimono plugins

  --core  show core plugins

  $ kimono plugins

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono plugins:install PLUGIN...

installs a plugin into the CLI

  $ kimono plugins:install PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN  plugin to install

  -f, --force    yarn install with force flag
  -h, --help     show CLI help
  -v, --verbose

  Can be installed from npm or a git url.

  Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.

  e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a user-installed plugin with a 'hello' command 
  will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in 
  the CLI without the need to patch and update the whole CLI.

  $ kimono plugins:add

  $ kimono plugins:install myplugin 
  $ kimono plugins:install https://github.com/someuser/someplugin
  $ kimono plugins:install someuser/someplugin

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono plugins:link PLUGIN

links a plugin into the CLI for development

  $ kimono plugins:link PLUGIN

  PATH  [default: .] path to plugin

  -h, --help     show CLI help
  -v, --verbose

  Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.

  e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a linked plugin with a 'hello' 
  command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.

  $ kimono plugins:link myplugin

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...

removes a plugin from the CLI

  $ kimono plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN  plugin to uninstall

  -h, --help     show CLI help
  -v, --verbose

  $ kimono plugins:unlink
  $ kimono plugins:remove

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono plugins:update

update installed plugins

  $ kimono plugins:update

  -h, --help     show CLI help
  -v, --verbose

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono rostering:courses [COURSE_ID]

Returns a list of courses from a tenant, or a single course [COURSE_ID]

  $ kimono rostering:courses [COURSE_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/courses.ts

kimono rostering:orgs [ORG_ID]

Returns a List of Orgs from the Tenant, a single org [ORG_ID]

  $ kimono rostering:orgs [ORG_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/orgs.ts

kimono rostering:persons [PERSON_ID]

Returns a list of Persons from the Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:persons [PERSON_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/persons.ts

kimono rostering:schools [SCHOOL_ID]

Returns a List of Schools from the Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:schools [SCHOOL_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/schools.ts

kimono rostering:sectionmemberships [MEMBERSHIP_ID]

Returns a list of Section Memberships from a tenant

  $ kimono rostering:sectionmemberships [MEMBERSHIP_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/sectionmemberships.ts

kimono rostering:sections [SECTION_ID]

Returns a list of Course Sections from a tenant

  $ kimono rostering:sections [SECTION_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/sections.ts

kimono rostering:sections:students [SECTION_ID]

Returns the List of Students within a Section

  $ kimono rostering:sections:students [SECTION_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/sections/students.ts

kimono rostering:students [STUDENT_ID]

Returns a List of Students from the Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:students [STUDENT_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/students.ts

kimono rostering:students:sections [STUDENT_ID]

Returns a List of Student's sections

  $ kimono rostering:students:sections [STUDENT_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/students/sections.ts

kimono rostering:teachers [TEACHER_ID]

Returns a List of Teachers from a Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:teachers [TEACHER_ID]

  -A, --allData                      Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders  Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV output, ex
                                     column_header:mapping => 'firstName:first.name' || 'updated at:$sys.updated_at'

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --clientId=clientId            Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -j, --json                         exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                  Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                     Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                    [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret    Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                The Id of the Kimono Tenant or Actor

  -x, --extended                     show extra columns

  --columns=columns                  only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                        hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                      do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml             output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince        Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after the provided date, ex,

See code: src/commands/rostering/teachers.ts

kimono update [CHANNEL]

update the kimono CLI

  $ kimono update [CHANNEL]

See code: @oclif/plugin-update

kimono help [COMMAND]

display help for kimono

  $ kimono help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

kimono interop:clouds

List your Interop Clouds

  $ kimono interop:clouds

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/interop/clouds.ts

kimono interop:clouds:search

List your Interop Clouds

  $ kimono interop:clouds:search

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -f, --force

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --name=name                                                   Search by Cloud Name

  -u, --userdata=userdata                                           Search by User Data

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/interop/clouds/search.ts

kimono interop:ingestions

List a tenant's ingestions

  $ kimono interop:ingestions

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/interop/ingestions.ts

kimono interop:ingestions:info

Info about an ingestion

  $ kimono interop:ingestions:info

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -i, --ingestion=ingestion                                         (required) The ID of the Ingestion

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               (required) The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/interop/ingestions/info.ts

kimono interop:integrations

List your Integrations

  $ kimono interop:integrations

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/interop/integrations.ts

kimono interop:integrations:info

Info about an Integration

  $ kimono interop:integrations:info

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -i, --integration=integration                                     the Id of the integration

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/interop/integrations/info.ts

kimono interop:tenants

List your Interop Tenants

  $ kimono interop:tenants

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -f, --force

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/interop/tenants.ts

kimono interop:tenants:info [OBJECT]

Get Info for a specific Interop Tenant

  $ kimono interop:tenants:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/interop/tenants/info.ts

kimono plugins

list installed plugins

  $ kimono plugins

  --core  show core plugins

  $ kimono plugins

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono plugins:install PLUGIN...

installs a plugin into the CLI

  $ kimono plugins:install PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN  plugin to install

  -f, --force    yarn install with force flag
  -h, --help     show CLI help
  -v, --verbose

  Can be installed from npm or a git url.

  Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.

  e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a user-installed plugin with a 'hello' command 
  will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in 
  the CLI without the need to patch and update the whole CLI.

  $ kimono plugins:add

  $ kimono plugins:install myplugin 
  $ kimono plugins:install https://github.com/someuser/someplugin
  $ kimono plugins:install someuser/someplugin

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono plugins:link PLUGIN

links a plugin into the CLI for development

  $ kimono plugins:link PLUGIN

  PATH  [default: .] path to plugin

  -h, --help     show CLI help
  -v, --verbose

  Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.

  e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a linked plugin with a 'hello' 
  command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.

  $ kimono plugins:link myplugin

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...

removes a plugin from the CLI

  $ kimono plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN  plugin to uninstall

  -h, --help     show CLI help
  -v, --verbose

  $ kimono plugins:unlink
  $ kimono plugins:remove

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono plugins:update

update installed plugins

  $ kimono plugins:update

  -h, --help     show CLI help
  -v, --verbose

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

kimono rostering:courses

Returns a list of courses from a tenant

  $ kimono rostering:courses

  -A, --allData                                                     Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/courses.ts

kimono rostering:courses:info [OBJECT]

Returns a single Course Object from a specific tenant

  $ kimono rostering:courses:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/courses/info.ts

kimono rostering:orgs

Returns a List of Orgs from the Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:orgs

  -A, --allData                                                     Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/orgs.ts

kimono rostering:orgs:info [OBJECT]

Returns a single Org Object from a specific tenant

  $ kimono rostering:orgs:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/orgs/info.ts

kimono rostering:persons

Returns a list of Persons from the Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:persons

  -A, --allData                                                     Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/persons.ts

kimono rostering:persons:info [OBJECT]

Returns a single Person Object from a specific tenant

  $ kimono rostering:persons:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/persons/info.ts

kimono rostering:schools

Returns a List of Schools from the Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:schools

  -A, --allData                                                     Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/schools.ts

kimono rostering:schools:info [OBJECT]

Returns a single School Object from a specific tenant

  $ kimono rostering:schools:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/schools/info.ts

kimono rostering:sectionmemberships

Returns a list of Section Memberships from a tenant

  $ kimono rostering:sectionmemberships

  -A, --allData                                                     Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/sectionmemberships.ts

kimono rostering:sectionmemberships:info [OBJECT]

Returns a single Enrollment Object from a specific tenant

  $ kimono rostering:sectionmemberships:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/sectionmemberships/info.ts

kimono rostering:sections

Returns a list of Course Sections from a tenant

  $ kimono rostering:sections

  -A, --allData                                                     Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               (required) The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/sections.ts

kimono rostering:sections:info [OBJECT]

Returns a single Course Section Object from a specific tenant

  $ kimono rostering:sections:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/sections/info.ts

kimono rostering:sections:students [OBJECT]

Returns the List of Students within a Section

  $ kimono rostering:sections:students [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/sections/students.ts

kimono rostering:students

Returns a List of Students from the Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:students

  -A, --allData                                                     Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/students.ts

kimono rostering:students:info [OBJECT]

Returns a single Student Object from a specific tenant

  $ kimono rostering:students:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/students/info.ts

kimono rostering:students:sections [OBJECT]

Returns a List of Student's sections

  $ kimono rostering:students:sections [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/students/sections.ts

kimono rostering:teachers

Returns a List of Teachers from a Tenant

  $ kimono rostering:teachers

  -A, --allData                                                     Retrieve all pages of Data

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/teachers.ts

kimono rostering:teachers:info [OBJECT]

Returns a single Teacher Object from a specific tenant

  $ kimono rostering:teachers:info [OBJECT]

  -C, --customHeaders=customHeaders                                 Define an Array of custom mappings for Table and CSV
                                                                    output, ex column_header:mapping =>
                                                                    'firstName:first.name' || 'updated

  -H, --apiHost=api.us2.kimonocloud.com|api.us2.kimonoplatform.com  [default: api.us2.kimonocloud.com] Override the
                                                                    Default Base API URL

  -I, --clientId=clientId                                           Client Id for OAuth2 Authentication

  -h, --help                                                        show CLI help

  -j, --json                                                        exports response data in json format

  -k, --apiKey=apiKey                                               API Key for Basic Auth

  -l, --limit=limit                                                 [default: 25] Sets the object count limit

  -n, --norollup                                                    Removes all rolled up data from Objects

  -o, --object=object                                               The Kimono ID of the object

  -p, --page=page                                                   [default: 0] Sets the start page for List Api

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret                                   Client Secret for OAuth2 Authentication

  -t, --tenant=tenant                                               The ID of the Tenant

  -x, --extended                                                    show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                             output is csv format

  --filter=filter                                                   filter property by partial string matching, ex:

  --no-header                                                       hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                                     do not truncate output to fit screen

  --sort=sort                                                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --updatedSince=updatedSince                                       Returns objects where the $sys.updated_at is after
                                                                    the provided date, ex, 2019-10-18

  --useLocal                                                        Connect to a local instance of Kimono [DEV Only]

See code: src/commands/rostering/teachers/info.ts

kimono update [CHANNEL]

update the kimono CLI

  $ kimono update [CHANNEL]

See code: @oclif/plugin-update



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