You can also try our NGX LOADER INDICATOR. You can also try our NGX COPYPASTE.
documentation with examples
You can see the fullKwsoft Fork
This repository is only for internal usage at and not published to the public npm registry!
The repository is forked from JSDaddy/ngx-mask.
The fork:
- fixes bugs:
- hopefully fixes issues 1009 / 1015 for angular 13 by backporting fix commit from original repo into our v13-hotfix branch
- configures the kwsoft npm registry
Build and Publish
At the moment there is no CICD build setup. Therefore, to build and publish the library to the internal @kwsoft registry follow these steps:
- Verify
npm run test
,npm run lint
run successfully - Verify demo application at
npm start
starts and works - Adapt the version in the
files - Build the library:
ng build --prod --project ngx-mask-lib
- Go to the
folder:cd .\dist\ngx-mask-lib\
- Run
npm publish --access public
(use yourAD
$ npm install --save ngx-mask
Import ngx-mask module in Angular app.
With default mask config options
import { NgxMaskModule, IConfig } from 'ngx-mask'
export const options: Partial<null|IConfig> | (() => Partial<IConfig>) = null;
imports: [
Passing in your own mask config options
import { NgxMaskModule, IConfig } from 'ngx-mask'
const maskConfig: Partial<IConfig> = {
validation: false,
imports: [
Or using a function to get the config:
const maskConfigFunction: () => Partial<IConfig> = () => {
return {
validation: false,
imports: [
Then, just define masks in inputs.
<input type="text" mask="<here goes your mask>" />
<input type="text" [mask]="<here goes a reference to your component's mask property>" />
Also, you can use mask pipe.
<span>{{phone | mask: '(000) 000-0000'}}</span>
For separator you can add thousandSeparator
<span>{{value | mask: 'separator':','}}</span>
mask | example |
9999-99-99 | 2017-04-15 |
0*.00 | 2017.22 |
000.000.000-99 | 048.457.987-98 |
AAAA | 0F6g |
SSSS | asDF |
LLLL | asdf |
Mask Options
You can define your custom options for all directives (as object in the mask module) or for each (as attributes for directive). If you override this parameter, you have to provide all the special characters (default one are not included).
specialCharacters (string[ ])
We have next default characters:
character |
- |
/ |
( |
) |
. |
: |
space |
+ |
, |
@ |
[ |
] |
" |
' |
<input type="text" [specialCharacters]="[ '[' ,']' , '\\' ]" mask="[00]\[000]" />
Input value: 789-874.98
Masked value: [78]\[987]
patterns ({ [character: string]: { pattern: RegExp, optional?: boolean})
We have next default patterns:
code | meaning |
0 | digits (like 0 to 9 numbers) |
9 | digits (like 0 to 9 numbers), but optional |
A | letters (uppercase or lowercase) and digits |
S | only letters (uppercase or lowercase) |
U | only letters uppercase |
L | only letters lowercase |
<input type="text" [patterns]="customPatterns" mask="(000-000)" />
and in your component
public customPatterns = { '0': { pattern: new RegExp('\[a-zA-Z\]')} };
Input value: 789HelloWorld
Masked value: (Hel-loW)
Custom pattern for this
You can define custom pattern and specify symbol to be rendered in input field.
pattern = {
B: {
pattern: new RegExp('\\d'),
symbol: 'X',
prefix (string)
You can add prefix to you masked value
<input type="text" prefix="+7" mask="(000) 000 00 00" />
suffix (string)
You can add suffix to you masked value
<input type="text" suffix="$" mask="0000" />
dropSpecialCharacters (boolean | string[])
You can choose if mask will drop special character in the model, or not, default value is true
<input type="text" [dropSpecialCharacters]="false" mask="000-000.00" />
Input value: 789-874.98
Model value: 789-874.98
showMaskTyped (boolean)
You can choose if mask is shown while typing, or not, default value is false
<input mask="(000) 000-0000" prefix="+7" [showMaskTyped]="true" />
allowNegativeNumbers (boolean)
You can choose if mask will allow the use of negative numbers. The default value is false
<input type="text" [allowNegativeNumbers]="true" mask="separator.2" />
Input value: -10,000.45
Model value: -10000.45
placeHolderCharacter (string)
If the showMaskTyped
parameter is enabled, this setting customizes the character used as placeholder. Default value is _
<input mask="(000) 000-0000" prefix="+7" [showMaskTyped]="true" placeHolderCharacter="*" />
clearIfNotMatch (boolean)
You can choose clear the input if the input value not match the mask, default value is false
Pipe with mask expression and custom Pattern ([string, pattern])
You can pass array of expression and custom Pattern to pipe.
<span>{{phone | mask: customMask}}</span>
and in your component
customMask: [string, pattern];
pattern = {
P: {
pattern: new RegExp('\\d'),
this.customMask = ['PPP-PPP', this.pattern];
Repeat mask
You can pass into mask pattern with brackets.
<input type="text" mask="A{4}" />
Thousand separator
You can divide your input by thousands, by default will seperate with a space.
<input type="text" mask="separator" />
For separate input with dots.
<input type="text" mask="separator" thousandSeparator="." />
For using decimals enter .
and how many decimals to the end of your input to separator
<input type="text" mask="separator.2" />
Input value: 1234.56
Masked value: 1 234.56
Input value: 1234,56
Masked value: 1.234,56
Input value: 1234.56
Masked value: 1,234.56
<input type="text" mask="separator.2" thousandSeparator="." />
<input type="text" mask="separator.2" thousandSeparator="," />
<input type="text" mask="separator.0" thousandSeparator="." />
<input type="text" mask="separator.0" thousandSeparator="," />
For limiting decimal precision add .
and the precision you want to limit too on the input. 2 is useful for currency. 0 will prevent decimals completely.
Input value: 1234,56
Masked value: 1.234,56
Input value: 1234.56
Masked value: 1,234.56
Input value: 1234,56
Masked value: 1.234
Input value: 1234.56
Masked value: 1,234
<input type="text" mask="separator.2" separatorLimit="1000" />
For limiting the number of digits before the decimal point you can set separatorLimit
value to 10, 100, 1000 etc.
Input value: 12345678,56
Masked value: 1.234,56
Time validation
You can validate your input as 24 hour format.
<input type="text" mask="Hh:m0:s0" />
Date validation
You can validate your date.
<input type="text" mask="d0/M0/0000" />
leadZeroDateTime (boolean)
If the leadZeroDateTime
parameter is true
, skipped symbols of date or time will be replaced by 0
. Default value is false
<input type="text" mask="d0/M0/0000" [leadZeroDateTime]="true" />
Input value: 422020
Masked value: 04/02/2020
<input type="text" mask="Hh:m0:s0" [leadZeroDateTime]="true" />
Input value: 777
Masked value: 07:07:07
Percent validation
You can validate your input for percents.
<input type="text" mask="percent" suffix="%" />
FormControl validation
You can validate your formControl
, default value is true
<input type="text" mask="00 00" [validation]="true" />
Secure input
You can hide symbols in input field and get the actual value in formcontrol
<input placeholder="Secure input" [hiddenInput]="true" mask="XXX/X0/0000" />
IP valid mask
<input mask="IP" />
CPF_CNPJ valid mask
<input mask="CPF_CNPJ" />
Dynamic valid mask
You can pass into mask pattern with ||
<input mask="000.000.000-00||00.000.000/0000-00" />
<input mask="(00) 0000-0000||(00) 0 0000-0000" />
Function maskFilled
<input mask="0000" (maskFilled)="maskFilled()" />