
1.0.10 • Public • Published

Signed Cloud Server

Basic cloud storage in which contents are cryptographically signed, using distributed-storage as a co-dependency.

ki1r0y distributed-security securely stores public keys and encrypted private keys in the cloud. This package provides that cloud.

Requires NodeJS version 20 or higher.

To run stand-alone:

npm install
npm run background # or npm start. To stop, npm stop

Example of using distributed-security in the node REPL (run node in shell):

const { default: Security } = await import("@ki1r0y/distributed-security");
let device = await Security.create();
let me = await Security.create(device);

let encrypted = await Security.encrypt("A secret message", me);
let decrypted = await Security.decrypt(encrypted);
console.log(encrypted, decrypted);

let simpleSignature = await Security.sign("I did it my way.", me);
let simpleVerification = await Security.verify(simpleSignature);
console.log(simpleSignature, simpleVerification);

let auditableSignature = await Security.sign("I did it my way.", {team: me});
let auditableVerification = await Security.verify(auditableSignature);
console.log(auditableSignature, auditableVerification);

An in-browser example can be run locally from this server at http://localhost:59693/@ki1r0y/distributed-security/hello-world.html, and is running publically at https://ki1r0y.com/security-hello-world.html.

To include as middleware within another express-like server, see app.mjs.

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  • howard.stearns