Redis storage adapter for Keyv
Redis storage adapter for Keyv.
TTL functionality is handled directly by Redis so no timestamps are stored and expired keys are cleaned up internally.
npm install --save keyv @keyv/redis
const Keyv = require('keyv')
const keyv = new Keyv('redis://user:pass@localhost:6379')
keyv.on('error', handleConnectionError)
Any valid Redis
options will be passed directly through.
const keyv = new Keyv('redis://user:pass@localhost:6379', { disable_resubscribing: true })
Or you can manually create a storage adapter instance and pass it to Keyv:
const KeyvRedis = require('@keyv/redis')
const Keyv = require('keyv')
const keyvRedis = new KeyvRedis('redis://user:pass@localhost:6379')
const keyv = new Keyv({ store: keyvRedis })
Or reuse a previous Redis instance:
const KeyvRedis = require('@keyv/redis')
const Redis = require('ioredis')
const Keyv = require('keyv')
const redis = new Redis('redis://user:pass@localhost:6379')
const keyvRedis = new KeyvRedis(redis)
const keyv = new Keyv({ store: keyvRedis })
keyv © Luke Childs, Released under the MIT License.
Maintained by Kiko Beats and Jytesh, with help from contributors.