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0.3.2 • Public • Published

Vue Forms

Simple Vue form state management library (no validation, etc).

npm install @kendallroth/vue-simple-forms --save


  • Create reactive Vue data for forms
  • Track basic form fields
  • Help prevent leaving a route with unsaved changes


NOTE: The previous FormCreateMixin has been removed as it did not support TypeScript!


The createForm function handles creating the reactive data and flags from the field keys and initial values. The form name/key and fields (with intial values) can be specified when adding the data to the component.

import { createForm } from "@kendallroth/vue-simple-forms";

const fields = { email: "", password: "" };

const vm = new Vue({
  data() {
    testForm: createForm(fields, { calculateChanged: false }),

// Indicate loading
// Indicate submitting

Alternatively, TypeScript users will benefit from vue-property-decorator integration:

import { createForm } from "@kendallroth/vue-simple-forms";
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator";

export default class Form extends Vue {
  testForm = createForm({ ... });

  mounted() {
    this.testForm.setValues({ ... });



createForm accepts several arguments to configure the form.

Property Type Default Description
fields Object Form fields and initial values
options Object Form configuration options
options.calculateChanged boolean true Whether changed flag is calculated (performance)
options.flags Object {} Custom flags and initial values (set with setFlag())

Mixin Data

The form object (name specified by mixin options) provides a simple API, particularly the field values and form flags. There are several additional utility methods to control the flags.

Property Description
_initial Initial field values
flags Form state flags
fields Form field values
getValues() Get form values
setFlag(flag, value) Set a form flag (only use for custom flags!)
setInitial(values) Set the initial form values
setLoading(isLoading) Set the loading flag
setSubmitting(isSubmitting) Set the submitting flag
setValues(values, setInitial = false) Set the form values (update initial values by default)
reset() Reset the form to initial values

NOTE: Included form flags are handled internally and should not be modified with setFlags() method!

Form Flags

The form flags are computed from the form state and should not be modified directly; instead, use their corresponding utility methods.

Property Description Method
changed Whether form has changed (comparison of values to initial values)
disabled Whether form is disabled (either submitting or loading)
loading Whether form is loading setLoading()
submitting Whether form is submitting setSubmitting()

[DEPRECATED] FormCreateMixin

NOTE: This has been deprecated in favour of the fully typed createForm.



The FormGuardMixin provides helpers to prevent leaving a form (managed by createForm) with unsaved data. These helpers can be utilized by the component to allow the user to handle the route change or cancellation based on the provided properties. The mixin checks the changed flag of a form (or forms) created by the createForm.

import { createForm, FormGuardMixin } from "@kendallroth/vue-simple-forms";

const vm = new Vue({
  data() {
    sampleForm: createForm(...),
    formGuards: [this.sampleForm],
  mixins: [FormLeaveGuardMixin],
  template: `
        text="Are you sure? There are unsaved changes!"

Alternatively, TypeScript users will benefit from vue-property-decorator integration:

import { createForm, FormGuardMixin } from "@kendallroth/vue-simple-forms";
import { Component, Mixins } from "vue-property-decorator";

  template: `
        text="Are you sure? There are unsaved changes!"
export default class Form extends Mixins(FormGuardMixin) {
  testForm = createForm({ ... });
  formGards = [this.testForm]

  mounted() {
    this.testForm.setValues({ ... });



FormGuardMixin accepts a configuration data variable.

Property Type Description
formGuards Form[] Form objects created by createForm

Mixin Data

The FormGuardMixin provides a computed property to control a confirmation dialog (or other form) and a callback to handle leaving or remaining at the form.

Property Description
isFormGuardActive Whether the leave route protection is active/shown
onFormLeave(shouldLeave) Confirmation callback (from dialog, etc)

[DEPRECATED] FormLeaveGuardMixin

NOTE: This has been deprecated in favour of the fully typed FormGuardMixin.


Plugin development can be aided by installing this package locally (through file path) in another project.

cd project-with-dependency

# Relative path depends on location from "depending" project
npm install ../vue-simple-forms

This project can be started and will automatically rebuild on file changes:

npm run build:dev

See this link for information on using TypeScript with Babel. In summary, TypeScript is used for type checking but Babel is used for transpilation!

NOTE: Coverage tests are currently broken after the switch to TypeScript, and some had to be disabled!


Project boilerplate from: flexdinesh/npm-module-boilerplate



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  • kendallroth