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run sdDeploy


-u | --targetusername TARGETUSERNAME Optional A username or alias for the target org. Overrides the default target org. Type: string

-c | --checkonly Optional Validates the deployed metadata and runs all Apex tests, but prevents the deployment from being saved to the org.

If you change a field type from Master-Detail to Lookup or vice versa, that change isn’t supported when using the --checkonly parameter to test a deployment (validation). This kind of change isn’t supported for test deployments to avoid the risk of data loss or corruption. If a change that isn’t supported for test deployments is included in a deployment package, the test deployment fails and issues an error.

If your deployment package changes a field type from Master-Detail to Lookup or vice versa, you can still validate the changes prior to deploying to Production by performing a full deployment to another test Sandbox. A full deployment includes a validation of the changes as part of the deployment process.

Note: A Metadata API deployment that includes Master-Detail relationships deletes all detail records in the Recycle Bin in the following cases.

1. For a deployment with a new Master-Detail field, soft delete (send to the Recycle Bin) all detail records before proceeding to deploy the Master-Detail field, or the deployment fails. During the deployment, detail records are permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin and cannot be recovered.

2. For a deployment that converts a Lookup field relationship to a Master-Detail relationship, detail records must reference a master record or be soft-deleted (sent to the Recycle Bin) for the deployment to succeed. However, a successful deployment permanently deletes any detail records in the Recycle Bin.

Type: boolean

-d | --deploydir DEPLOYDIR Optional The root of the directory tree that contains the files to deploy. The root must contain a valid package.xml file describing the entities in the directory structure. Required to initiate a deployment if you don’t use --zipfile. If you specify both --zipfile and --deploydir, a zip file of the contents of the --deploydir directory is written to the location specified by --zipfile.

Type: directory

-w | --wait WAIT Optional The number of minutes to wait for the command to complete. The default is –1 (no limit). 0

Type: minutes

-l | --testlevel TESTLEVEL Optional Specifies which level of deployment tests to run. Valid values are:

NoTestRun—No tests are run. This test level applies only to deployments to development environments, such as sandbox, Developer Edition, or trial orgs. This test level is the default for development environments.

RunSpecifiedTests—Runs only the tests that you specify in the --runtests option. Code coverage requirements differ from the default coverage requirements when using this test level. Executed tests must comprise a minimum of 75% code coverage for each class and trigger in the deployment package. This coverage is computed for each class and trigger individually and is different than the overall coverage percentage.

RunLocalTests—All tests in your org are run, except the ones that originate from installed managed packages. This test level is the default for production deployments that include Apex classes or triggers.

RunAllTestsInOrg—All tests in your org are run, including tests of managed packages.

If you don’t specify a test level, the default behavior depends on the contents of your deployment package. For more information, see “Running Tests in a Deployment” in the Metadata API Developer Guide.

Type: string
Permissible values are: NoTestRun, RunSpecifiedTests, RunLocalTests, RunAllTestsInOrg



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  • jsnyder147