
0.7.0 • Public • Published



We recommend visiting our official react-native setup guide https://docs.joyfill.io/docs/react-native.

Project Requirements

Note userAccessTokens & identifiers will need to be stored on your end (usually on a user and set of existing form field-based data) in order to interact with our API and UI Components effectively

  • React and React DOM v17+
  • React-Native v0.70.0+

Install Dependency

React-Native CLI (bare)

$ npm install @joyfill/components-react-native@latest react-native-webview react-native-svg @react-native-community/datetimepicker --save
$ cd ios && pod install
$ yarn add @joyfill/components-react-native@latest react-native-webview react-native-svg @react-native-community/datetimepicker
$ cd ios && pod install

Expo (managed)

$ npx expo install @joyfill/components-react-native@latest react-native-webview react-native-svg @react-native-community/datetimepicker

Implement your code

For full examples please see https://docs.joyfill.io/docs/react-native.

Below is a usable example of our react-native document native embedded. This will show a readonly or fillable depending on the mode form to your users. The document (form) shown is based on your documentId.

Make sure to replace the userAccessToken and documentId. Note that documentId is just for this example, you can call our List all documents endpoint and grab an ID from there.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Dimensions, View } from 'react-native';
import { joyfillRetrieve } from './api.js';
import { JoyDoc, getDefaultDocument } from '@joyfill/components-react-native';

const screenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width;

const userAccessToken = '<REPLACE_ME>';
const documentId = '<REPLACE_ME>';

function Document() {

  const [doc, setDoc] = useState(getDefaultDocument());

  // retrieve the document from our api (you can also pass an initial documentId into JoyDoc)
  useEffect(() => {
    const response = await joyfillRetrieve(documentId, userAccessToken).then(doc => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <View style={{flex: 1}}>
        onChange={(changelogs, doc) => {
          console.log('onChange doc: ', doc);
        onUploadAsync={async (params, fileUploads) => {
          // to see a full utilization of upload see api.js -> examples
          console.log('onUploadAsync: ', fileUploads);

export default Document;

JoyDoc Params

  • mode: 'fill' | 'readonly'

    • Required*
    • Enables and disables certain JoyDoc functionality and features.
    • Options
      • fill is the mode where you simply input the field data into the form
      • readonly is the mode where everything in the form is set to read-only.
  • doc: object

    • The JoyDoc JSON object to load into the SDK. Must be in the JoyDoc JSON data structure.
    • The SDK uses object reference equality checks to determine if the doc or any of its internal pages or fields have changed in the JSON. Ensure you’re creating new object instances when updating the document, pages, or fields before passing the updated doc JSON back to the SDK. This will ensure your changes are properly detected and reflected in the SDK.
  • initialPageId: string

    • Specify the initial page to display in the form.
    • Utilize the _id property of a Page object. For instance, page._id.
    • If page is not found within the doc it will fallback to displaying the first page in the pages array.
  • view: 'mobile' | 'desktop'

    • Enables you to set the active view. Defaults to mobile. Only PDF deskop page view are supported right now. If the active page does not have a PDF view then it will default back to using the mobile view.
  • navigation: object

    • Display/hide page and view navigation.
    • Defaults to { pages: true }
    • Set the pages property to true (display) or false (hide). For instance, {pages: false} hides the page navigation.
    • Set the views property to true (display) or false (hide). For instance, {views: false} hides the views (mobile and primary) navigation options.
  • onChange: (changelogs: object_array, doc: object) => {}

    • Used to listen to any field change events.
    • changelogs: object_array
    • doc: object
      • Fully updated JoyDoc JSON structure with changes applied.
  • onFocus: (params: object, e: object) => {}

    • Used to listen to field focus events.
    • params: object
      • Specifies information about the focused field.
    • e: object
      • Element helper methods.
      • blur: Function
        • Triggers the field blur event for the focused field.
        • If there are pending changes in the field that have not triggered the onChange event yet then the e.blur() function will trigger both the change and blur events in the following order: 1) onChange 2) onBlur.
        • If the focused field utilizes a modal for field modification, ie. signature, image, tables, etc. the e.blur() will close the modal.
  • onBlur: (params: object) => {}

    • Used to listen to field focus events.
    • params: object
      • Specifies information about the blurred field.
  • theme: object

    • Specify custom theme properties.
    • Sample theme object { fontFamily: { regular: "Ariel", bold: "Ariel-bold" }, button: { primary: { fontWeight: "bold", borderRadius: "10px", ... } }
    • The button primary, secondary, and danger support the React Native Supported Styles
    • fontFamily: object
      • fontFamily.regular: string
      • fontFamily.bold: string
      • Apply custom font family to display text.
      • IMPORTANT: If you're using a custom font, you are responsible to ensure the fonts are loaded before rendering the component. Could result in an error if font is not loaded properly before render.
    • button: object
      • button.primary: object
        • Specifies styles for primary field buttons.
      • button.secondary: object
        • Specifies styles for secondary internal field buttons.
      • button.danger: object
        • Specifies styles for delete buttons.

SDK Helper Methods

  • getDefaultDocument
    • Get a default Joyfill Document object
  • getDefaultTemplate
    • Get a default Joyfill Template object
  • getDocumentFromTemplate: ( template: object )
    • Generate a Joyfill Document object from a Joyfill Template object
  • duplicate: ( original: object, defaults: object )
    • Duplicate a Joyfill Document or Template object.
  • duplicatePage: ( original: object, fileId: string, pageId: string )
    • Duplicate a Joyfill Document or Template Page object.
    • Returns: { doc: object, changelogs: array }
      • doc fully updated Document or Template with the page added
      • changelogs array of changelogs for new duplicate page.
  • applyLogic: ( items: object_array, fields: object_array, fieldLookupKey: string )
    • Apply show/hide logic to pages and fields for external filtering.
    • Wrapper around @joyfill/conditional-logic library. View library

Field Events

  • Text, Textarea, Number
    • onFocus(params: object, e: object) is fired when the field is focused.
    • onChange is fired when the field value is modified.
    • onBlur is fired when the field is blurred.
  • Date, Dropdown
    • onFocus is fired when the field is pressed and selection modal is displayed.
    • onChange is fired when the field value is modified.
    • onBlur is fired when the field is blurred and the selection modal is closed.
  • Multiselect
    • onFocus is fired when an option is selected or unselected for the first time on the field.
    • onChange is fired when an option is selected or unselected in the field.
  • Chart
    • onFocus is fired when “view” button is pressed and modal is displayed.
    • onChange is fired when the field value is modified.
    • onBlur is fired when modal is closed.
  • Image
    • onFocus is fired when “view” button is pressed and modal is displayed.
      • An empty image field that is focused will also trigger the onUploadAsync request.
      • A populated image field that is focused will trigger the image modal to open.
    • onChange is fired when the field images are uploaded or removed.
    • onBlur is fired when modal is closed.
  • Signature
    • onFocus is fired when open modal button is pressed and modal is displayed.
    • onChange is fired when the field value is modified.
    • onBlur is fired when the modal is closed.
  • Table
    • onFocus is fired when “view” button is pressed and modal is displayed.
    • onBlur is fired when modal is closed.
    • Table Cells
      • Text Cell
        • onFocus is fired when the cell is focused.
        • onChange is fired when the cell value is modified.
        • onBlur is fired when the cell is blurred
      • Dropdown Cell
        • onFocus is fired when the cell is pressed and selection modal is displayed.
        • onChange is fired when the field value is modified.
        • onBlur is fired when the cell is blurred and the selection modal is closed.
      • Image Cell
        • onFocus is fired cell is pressed and modal is displayed.
        • onChange is fired when the cell images are uploaded or removed.
        • onBlur is fired when modal is closed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: JoyDoc SDK onFocus, onChange and onBlur events are not always called in the same order. Two different fields can be triggering events at the same time. For instance, if you have Field A focused and then focus on Field B, the Field B onFocus event could be fired before the Field A onBlur event. Always check the event params object ids to match up the associated field events.




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  • jeremypagley
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