
5.3.0 • Public • Published

Standard Version

stop using npm version, use standard-version it rocks!

Automatic versioning, CHANGELOG generation, and conventional commit messages.

Based on bk-conventional-changelog and bk-conventional-recommended-bump.

How it works

When you're ready to release to npm:

  1. git checkout master; git pull origin master
  2. run standard-version
  3. git push --follow-tags origin; npm publish

standard-version does the following:

  1. bumps the version in package.json/bower.json (based on your commit history)
  2. uses conventional-changelog to update CHANGELOG.md using SportHeroesGroup's preset
  3. commits package.json (et al.) and CHANGELOG.md
  4. tags a new release


As npm run script

Install and add to devDependencies:

npm i --save-dev standard-version

Add an npm run script to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "release": "standard-version"

Now you can use npm run release in place of npm version.

This has the benefit of making your repo/package more portable, so that other developers can cut releases without having to globally install standard-version on their machine.

As global bin

Install globally (add to your PATH):

npm i -g standard-version

Now you can use standard-version in place of npm version.

This has the benefit of allowing you to use standard-version on any repo/package without adding a dev dependency to each one.

CLI Usage

First Release

To generate your changelog for your first release, simply do:

# npm run script
npm run release -- --first-release
# or global bin
standard-version --first-release

This will tag a release without bumping the version in package.json (et al.).

When ready, push the git tag and npm publish your first release. \o/

Cut a Release

If you typically use npm version to cut a new release, do this instead:

# npm run script
npm run release
# or global bin

As long as your git commit messages are conventional and accurate, you no longer need to specify the semver type - and you get CHANGELOG generation for free! \o/

After you cut a release, you can push the new git tag and npm publish (or npm publish --tag next) when you're ready.

Release as a pre-release

Use the flag --prerelease to generate pre-releases:

Suppose the last version of your code is 1.0.0, and your code to be committed has patched changes. Run:

# npm run script
npm run release -- --prerelease

you will get version 1.0.1-0.

If you want to name the pre-release, you specify the name via --prerelease <name>.

For example, suppose your pre-release should contain the alpha prefix:

# npm run script
npm run release -- --prerelease alpha

this will tag the version 1.0.1-alpha.0

Release as a target type imperatively like npm version

To forgo the automated version bump use --release-as with the argument major, minor or patch:

Suppose the last version of your code is 1.0.0, you've only landed fix: commits, but you would like your next release to be a minor. Simply do:

# npm run script
npm run release -- --release-as minor
# Or
npm run release -- --release-as 1.1.0

you will get version 1.1.0 rather than the auto generated version 1.0.1.

NOTE: you can combine --release-as and --prerelease to generate a release. This is useful when publishing experimental feature(s).

Prevent Git Hooks

If you use git hooks, like pre-commit, to test your code before committing, you can prevent hooks from being verified during the commit step by passing the --no-verify option:

# npm run script
npm run release -- --no-verify
# or global bin
standard-version --no-verify

Signing commits and tags

If you have your GPG key set up, add the --sign or -s flag to your standard-version command.

Lifecycle scripts

standard-version supports lifecycle scripts. These allow you to execute your own supplementary commands during the release. The following hooks are available and execute in the order documented:

  • prebump/postbump: executed before and after the version is bumped. If the prebump script returns a version #, it will be used rather than the version calculated by standard-version.
  • prechangelog/postchangelog: executes before and after the CHANGELOG is generated.
  • precommit/postcommit: called before and after the commit step.
  • pretag/posttag: called before and after the tagging step.

Simply add the following to your package.json to configure lifecycle scripts:

  "standard-version": {
    "scripts": {
      "prebump": "echo 9.9.9"

Skipping lifecycle steps

You can skip any of the lifecycle steps (bump, changelog, commit, tag), by adding the following to your package.json:

  "standard-version": {
    "skip": {
      "changelog": true

Committing generated artifacts in the release commit

If you want to commit generated artifacts in the release commit (e.g. #96), you can use the --commit-all or -a flag. You will need to stage the artifacts you want to commit, so your release command could look like this:

"prerelease": "webpack -p --bail",
"release": "git add <file(s) to commit> && standard-version -a"

Dry run mode

running standard-version with the flag --dry-run allows you to see what commands would be run, without committing to git or updating files.

# npm run script
npm run release -- --dry-run
# or global bin
standard-version --dry-run

CLI Help

# npm run script
npm run release -- --help
# or global bin
standard-version --help

Code usage

Use the silent option to stop standard-version from printing anything to the console.

var standardVersion = require('standard-version')

// Options are the same as command line, except camelCase
  noVerify: true,
  infile: 'docs/CHANGELOG.md',
  silent: true
}, function (err) {
  if (err) {
    console.error(`standard-version failed with message: ${err.message}`)
  // standard-version is done

Commit Message Convention, at a Glance


git commit -a -m "✴️ [FIX] (parsing) fixed a bug in our parser"


git commit -a -m "✅ [ADD] (parser) we now have a parser \o/"

breaking changes:

git commit -a -m "✅ [ADD] (new-parser) introduces a new parsing library
BREAKING CHANGE: new library does not support foo-construct"

other changes:

You decide, e.g., docs, chore, etc.

git commit -a -m "☑️ [DOC] fixed up the docs a bit"
git commit -a -m "🔄 [MOD] (controllers) Changed implementation"
git commit -a -m "🔀 [TEST] (services) Adjusted MemoryRange unit tests"

but wait, there's more!

Github usernames (@bcoe) and issue references (#133) will be swapped out for the appropriate URLs in your CHANGELOG.


Tell your users that you adhere to the Conventional Commits specification:

[![Conventional Commits](https://img.shields.io/badge/Conventional%20Commits-1.0.0-yellow.svg)](https://conventionalcommits.org)

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  • joethefkingfrypan