Astro-Notion provides components to build static websites using Astro and lets you use Notion as your main CMS tool.
To install @jesusdmedinac/astro-notion package, run the following command:
npm install @jesusdmedinac/astro-notion @notionhq/client
or you can use yarn instead.
- Log in to Notion.
- go to my-integrations and press New integration.
- Create new integration for your website in desired workspace. Only the permission to Read content is needed.
- Go to and click duplicate on the upper right corner to use it as a template.
- You could also create and use your own database(inline table). Make sure it has title, date, draft, and slug columns.
- Click share button on the upper right side and add the integration you created in step 3.
- Lastly, you need the database id. To find this, click share button again and click copy link on the bottom. Paste it in any text box and copy the 32 characters after your workspace name or
and the slash and before the question mark(?
For more detailed work-through, see this tutorial provided by Notion.
- Copy the Internal Integration Token and create a variable in
and name itNOTION_API_KEY
. - Copy the database id and create another variable in
. - Astro-notion uses
package to display images. Here is an example config code you can copy and use it.
// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import { astroImageTools } from 'astro-imagetools';
export default defineConfig({
publicDir: './public',
outDir: './dist',
vite: {
plugins: [
name: 'import.meta.url-transformer',
transform: (code, id) => {
if (id.endsWith('.astro'))
return code.replace(/import.meta.url/g, `"${id}"`);
ssr: {
external: ['svgo'],
experimental: { integrations: true },
integrations: [astroImageTools],
// astro-imagetools.config.mjs
// create astro-imagetools.config.mjs
// in your project root folder
import { defineConfig } from 'astro-imagetools/config';
export default defineConfig({
fallbackFormat: 'png',