IoRedis storage module for node-ts-cache.
An IoRedis instance must be created and passed to the library. See for available options.
yarn add @ioki/node-ts-cache @ioki/node-ts-cache-storage-ioredis ioredis
import { Cache, CacheContainer } from "@ioki/node-ts-cache"
import { IoRedisStorage } from "@ioki/node-ts-cache-storage-ioredis"
import IoRedis from "ioredis"
const ioRedisInstance = new IoRedis({
port: 6379, // Redis port
host: "", // Redis host
family: 4, // 4 (IPv4) or 6 (IPv6)
password: "auth",
db: 0
const userCache = new CacheContainer(new IoRedisStorage(ioRedisInstance))
class MyService {
@Cache(userCache, { ttl: 60 })
public async getUsers(): Promise<string[]> {
return ["Max", "User"]