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1.0.0-rc.9 • Public • Published


Adds the ability to use custom processors for properties in translation documents of intl-schematic.

npm i -s @intl-schematic/plugin-processors @intl-schematic/plugin-locale


This plugin requires @intl-schematic/plugin-locale to properly cache processors and supply correct formatting information!
It can work without the locale plugin (hence why it isn't included),
but in this case formatting will be limited to international format (ia locale)
and the results of processors will never be cached, which will hurt performance.
It's up to you to decide if that's okay for your specific use-case.

Define a translation document factory

const getDocument = () => ({
  price: {
    // Processor name - number - means "use Intl.NumberFormat"
    number: {
      // Intl.NumberFormat options
      style: "currency",
      currency: "USD",
      currencyDisplay: "symbol",
      trailingZeroDisplay: "stripIfInteger"

    // OR use the full processor name for clarity
    'intl/number': {
      // Intl.NumberFormat options
      style: "currency",
      currency: "USD",
      currencyDisplay: "symbol",
      trailingZeroDisplay: "stripIfInteger"

    input: 0 // fallback for user input
  birthday: {
    // Simple processor name - date - means "use Intl.DateTimeFormat"
    date: {
      // Intl.DateTimeFormat options
      year: "numeric",
      month: "short",
      day: "2-digit"

Create a translator function (t())

import { createTranslator } from 'intl-schematic';
import { LocaleProviderPlugin } from '@intl-schematic/plugin-locale';
import { ProcessorsPlugin } from '@intl-schematic/plugin-processors';
import { defaultProcessors } from '@intl-schematic/plugin-processors/default';

// Notice the plugins array parameter
const t = createTranslator(getDocument, [
  // Requires the LocaleProviderPlugin to cache processors properly,
  // but can work without it
  LocaleProviderPlugin(() => new Intl.Locale(navigator.language)),

  // Here, we will use the default processors,
  // but it's also possible to create custom processors

Use the translator function

console.log(t('birthday', new Date(1997, 7, 9))); // Aug 9, 1997

console.log(t('price', 123)); // US$123

// Optional intl format config override
console.log(t('price', 123, { currency: 'EUR' })); // €123

// Parameter auto-complete and type-checking!

// TS Error: Argument of type Date is not assignable to parameter of type number.
t('price', new Date());

// TS Error: Argument of type { lol: 'kek' } is not assignable to parameter of type Intl.NumberFormatOptions.
t('price', 42, { lol: 'kek' });

// TS Error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.

Document property format

In order to apply a processor to a specific key in a document, its value must be in the following format:

interface ProcessedProperty {
  [processorName: string]: unknown; // Processor parameter here
  input: unknown; // This value will be used as a fallback parameter


Full list processors included in the plugin:

  • intl/number - uses Intl.NumberFormat to format any number passed as a second argument to translator function;

    • example:
      const doc = {
        price: {
          // Full processor name for clarity
          'intl/number': {
            // Intl.NumberFormat options
            style: "currency",
            currency: "USD",
            currencyDisplay: "symbol",
            trailingZeroDisplay: "stripIfInteger"
          input: 0 // fallback for user input
  • intl/date - same as intl/number, but uses Intl.DateTimeFormat;

    • example:
      const doc = {
        birthday: {
          // Full processor name for clarity
          'intl/date': {
            // Intl.DateTimeFormat options
            year: "numeric",
            month: "short",
            day: "2-digit"
  • intl/display - adapts the DisplayNames formatter to the same interface, allowing easy translation of regions, languages, or currency names;

    • example:
      const doc = {
        language: {
          // Full processor name for clarity
          'intl/display': {
            // Intl.DisplayNames options
            type: "language",
            languageDisplay: "standard",
            style: "narrow"
  • intl/plural - adapts the PluralRules formatter to the same interface, accepts a map of the .select() method results (few, many, etc.) to the required translations, very small and simplistic;

    • example:
      const doc = {
        banana: {
          // Full processor name for clarity
          'intl/plural': {
            // a map of the select() method results to translations
            one: "банан",
            few: "банана",
            other: "бананов"
  • dictionary - allows to use the translation property as a dictionary, simplified variant of the nested plugin, but with a depth level of 1 and ability to define a fallback in case of a wrong key.

    • example:
      const doc = {
        variants: {
          dictionary: {
            a: "Variant A",
            b: "Varian B"
          input: {
            fallback: "No variant chosen!"

Processor API

A processor is defined as a simple function of the following format:

const myProcessor = (locale: Intl.Locale) => (
  (parameter: ProcessorParameter, key: string, document: Record<string, unknown>) => (
    (input: ProcessorInput, parameterOverride?: ProcessorParameter): string => {
      return 'processed value'

type ProcessorParameter = /* A parameter for your processor, must be defined directly in the document */;
type ProcessorInput = /* A parameter for your processor, can be supplied by the user or defined in the document */;

The curriyng here is used to enable efficient caching of the results of the processing that might be needed between each subsequent invocation of the processor.

There are two main types that govern a processor's behavior:

  • ProcessorParameter
    • must be directly defined in the translation document;
      for intl/number, for example, it's Intl.NumberFormatOptions.
  • ProcessorInput
    • can be supplied by the user when calling the translator function,
      a fallback can be defined in the translation document
      in case the user accidentally provides undefined or null

When defining a property in the translation document, simply use an object to define the value. In this object both types can be supplied via different keys: ProcessorParameter is supplied to the key with the name of the processor, while ProcessorInput is supplied to the input key.

When invoking the translator function, these parameters switch importance, as ProcessorInput is required as the second argument, while ProcessorParameter can optionally be supplied as the third argument to override the one defined in the document.


To use this plugins' property json schema, simply follow this instruction and reference it using the unpkg link:


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  • raiondesu