TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

6.0.20 • Public • Published

Infinite Table

One Table — Infinite Applications

InfiniteTable Logo

Infinite Table is the modern DataGrid for building React apps — faster.

Infinite Table for React configured with grouping, multi-selection, aggregations and custom styling.

Table Of Contents

🤔 What is Infinite Table?

Infinite Table is a React DataGrid component for displaying virtualized tabular data. It helps you display huge datasets and get the most out of them by providing you the right tools to do so:

📦 Installation

npm install @infinite-table/infinite-react --save

Our approach with the InfiniteTable is to go documentation first. From our developer experience we know that most software products lack a good documentation. So we want to be different and start with the documentation first since our purpose is to have an outstanding documentation that developers can actually use.

Visit our docs and getting-started guide

❤️ TypeScript

It's fully typed and offers you great developer experience to help you get up and running quickly

The TypeScript typings file is included in the npm package - you don't have to download an additional @types package.

🏢 Enterprise-ready

Infinite Table is ready to power your enterprise apps, as it supports advanced data fetching, filtering, sorting, grouping, pivoting, aggregations, row & cell selection, live pagination, lazy loading - all of those with support for both client-side and server-side implementations.

You can choose to leverage our built-in implementations in the browser or you can process your data on the server with full support from our-side.

🔒 Secure by default

We take security seriously and we're not installing any dependencies. No extra fluff to slow down your code or make installs less secure.

🚫 No dependencies

We don't depend on any external package, so you can be sure that you're not introducing any security vulnerabilities in your app.

📦 Small bundle size

Our bundle size is under 300kB and we're keeping it small.

🧪 Automated end-to-end tests

Our releases are automated and we have end-to-end tests that ensure we're delivering to our standards. Real-browser tests help us move with confidence and continue to ship great features.

🎨 Themable

Infinite Table is fully customizable, via CSS variables. It ships with both a light and a dark theme - you have to import the CSS file from the package.

import "@infinite-table/infinite-react/index.css"

This file includes both the light and the dark themes.

🚀 Releases

We release often - see what each release contains here. Due to our automated releases which have integrated tests, we're confident that we're delivering the best possible experience to our users.

📑 License

Both Open and Commercial License

For commercial license and support, see our Pricing page.

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npm i @infinite-table/infinite-react

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Commercial & Open Source

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4.22 MB

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  • inf-table-admin