- Bundlers e.g. @vercel/ncc.
ncc build ./src/main.ts -o dist -m && cp -r ./node_modules/@indiebase/nest-stoplight-elements/views .
This library depends on the forked stoplight-elements, and provides some new features.
- Upload multiple files.
const app = await NestFactory.create<NestFastifyApplication>(
new FastifyAdapter(),
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
.setTitle('indiebase REST API')
.setDescription('Stoplight Elements Test API ')
const doc = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options, {
include: [TestModule],
await StoplightElementsModule.setup('/docs', app, doc, {
logo: 'https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45007226/220814748-96ec88ec-673d-4d38-abae-dce7d7c6695f.png',
- favicon - Website favicon.
- auth - Authorization handler
auth(req) {
return req['Authorization'];
- apiDescriptionUrl - OpenAPI document URL, supporting http://, https://, and - documents containing $ref to other http(s) documents.
- apiDescriptionDocument - OpenAPI document, provided as YAML string, JSON string, or JavaScript object.
- basePath - Helps when using router: 'history' but docs are in a subdirectory like https://example.com/docs/api.
- hideInternal - Pass "true" to filter out any content which has been marked as internal with x-internal.
- hideTryIt - Pass true to hide the Try It feature.
- hideSchemas - Pass true to hide the schemas in the Table of Contents, when using the sidebar layout.
- hideExport - Pass true to hide the Export button on overview section of the documentation.
- tryItCorsProxy - Pass the URL of a CORS proxy used to send requests to the Try It feature. The provided URL is pre-pended to the URL of an actual request.
- tryItCredentialPolicy - Use to fetch the credential policy for the Try It feature. Options are: omit (default), include, and same-origin.
- layout - There are two layouts for Elements:
- sidebar - (default) Three-column design with a sidebar that can be resized.
- stacked - Everything in a single column, making integrations with existing websites that have their own sidebar or other columns already.
- logo - URL to an image that displays as a small square logo next to the title, above the table of contents.
- router - Determines how navigation should work:
- hash - uses the hash portion of the URL to keep the UI in sync with the URL.
- memory - keeps the history of your "URL" in memory (doesn't read or write to the address bar).