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On github at buffer-io.

Buffer write and read utilities.

BufferIO adds the following features to legacy NodeJS Class Buffer :

  • A BufferIO reader or writer keeps track of the offset for you.
  • You can specify then default endian-ness when instanciating the buffer (but can still use the other).
  • 64 bit integer support. We dont use any non standard NodeJS 12.x dependencies.
  • Function names are :
    • abbreviated to type name only (readand writeprefix have been removed).
    • aliased with a lowercase name (e.g. UInt8 => uint8, Int32BE => int32be, …).
  • A writer buffer automatically expands when you write passed the end.


npm install @imed.ch/buffer-io


const {
} = require('@imed.ch/buffer-io');


Build documentation with :

npm run docs

It will generate the documentation and open its html page. It's a shortcut of:

npm run generate-docs
npm run show-docs

Last command should open file ./docs/@imed.ch/buffer-io/<version>/index.html (e.g. ./docs/@imed.ch/buffer-io/1.0.0/index.html) in your browser.

Common Features

The following is common to BufferIOReader and BufferIOWriter (The examples only show reader).

reader.offset | writer.offset

Gets the current offset of the buffer

var buf = Buffer.from([0xFF, 0x02]); // [255, 2]
var reader = new BufferIOReader(buf);
console.log(reader.offset); // 0
reader.UInt8();  // => 255
reader.uint8();  // => 2
// => throws RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 1. Received 2
reader.uint8(1);  // => 2
reader.offset = 0;
reader.UInt8();  // => 255

Sets the current offset of the buffer
In most case you will set offset in the options parameter of read/write functions. But it is possible to set it manually with :

reader.offset = 3;
writer.offset = 4;

For a reader offset should be in range of [0..reader.length-1].

reader.eob() | writer.eob()

This function returns true if offset is set passed the end of buffer.

reader.skip(size) | writer.skip(size)

  • {number} size

Skips the current offset forward the specified bytes amount

var buf = Buffer.from([0xFF, 0x02]);
var reader = new BufferIOReader(buf);
console.log(reader.offset); // 0
console.log(reader.offset); // 2  

reader.skipTo(offset) | writer.skipTo(offset)

Alternate to reader.offset = offset.

  • {number} offset

Skips to the specified offset

var buf = Buffer.from([0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01]);
var reader = new BufferIOReader(buf);
console.log(reader.offset); // 0
reader.skipTo(3); // same as : reader.offset = 3;
console.log(reader.offset); // 3  

reader.Buffer() | writer.Buffer()

Will return the underlying buffer so you can perform actions directly on it

var buf = Buffer.from([0xFF, 0x02]);
var reader = new BufferIOReader(buf);
console.log(reader.Buffer()[1]); // 2

reader.trim() | writer.trim()

Will return a buffer slice from the start of the buffer to the current offset

var buf = Buffer.from([0xFF, 0x02]);
var reader = new BufferIOReader(buf);
console.log(reader.trim()); // [0xFF]
console.log(buf);           // [0xFF, 0x02]

reader/writer.isRangeError(size, offset)

if (!reader.isRangeError(size, offset)) data = reader.bytes({ length, offset });

Functions List (types)

This is the list of all functions to read and write data :

asstring, AsString, bigint64, BigInt64, bigint64be, BigInt64BE, bigint64le, BigInt64LE, biguint64, BigUInt64, biguint64be, BigUInt64BE, biguint64le, BigUInt64LE, bytes, Bytes, double, Double, doublebe, DoubleBE, doublele, DoubleLE, float, Float, float24_32, Float24_32, float24_32be, Float24_32BE, float24_32le, Float24_32LE, floatbe, FloatBE, floatle, FloatLE, ieee754, ieee754BE, ieee754be, ieee754LE, ieee754le, int, Int, int16, Int16, int16be, Int16BE, int16le, Int16LE, int32, Int32, int32be, Int32BE, int32le, Int32LE, int64, Int64, int64be, Int64BE, int64le, Int64LE, int8, Int8, intbe, IntBE, intle, IntLE, sfloat12_16, SFloat12_16, sfloat12_16be, SFloat12_16BE, sfloat12_16le, SFloat12_16LE, uint, UInt, uint16, UInt16, uint16be, UInt16BE, uint16le, UInt16LE, uint32, UInt32, uint32be, UInt32BE, uint32le, UInt32LE, uint64, UInt64, uint64be, UInt64BE, uint64le, UInt64LE, uint8, UInt8, uintbe, UIntBE, uintle, UIntLE, utf8, UTF8,

This list can be query with:

const { types } = require('@imed.ch/buffer-io');
types(); // => list of functions

// These are equivalent :
let type = 'uint8';

CAVEAT : Documentation below may not be complete but you find description of most function in the BufferIOReader[type] and BufferIOWriter[type] in NodeJS documentation.

Reader Usage

new BufferIOReader existingBuffer, [options]

Instanciate a new BufferIOReader with an internal buffer of the specified existingBuffer:

var reader = new BufferIOReader(yourBuffer, { offset: 0, bigEndian: false});

Example with reader.UInt8([offset])

var buf = Buffer.from([0xFF, 0x02]);
var reader = new BufferIOReader(buf);
console.log(reader.UInt8()); // 255
console.log(reader.UInt8()); // 2

Writer Usage

Requiring the writer in your project

const { BufferIOWriter } = require('@imed.ch/buffer-io');

new BufferIOWriter existingBuffer, [options]

Allocates a new BufferIOWriter with an internal buffer of the specified existingBuffer

var writer = new BufferIOWriter(existingBuffer, {offset: 0, bigEndian: false});

Any writer returns itself and therefore is chainable


is equivalent to :


Example with writer.UInt8(value, [offset])

var buf = Buffer.alloc(2);
var writer = new BufferIOWriter(buf);
console.log(buf); // [0xFF, 0x02]

Error Handling

Note that this module does not run any assertion and you have to deal with errors :

try {
    let str = reader.String({length: 5});
    writer.UInt32(/* value */ 87234, /* offset */ 15)
} catch(e) {
  if (e instanceof TypeError) {
    // statements to handle TypeError exceptions
  } else if (e instanceof RangeError) {
    // statements to handle RangeError exceptions
  } else {
    // statements to handle any unspecified exceptions
    logMyErrors(e); // pass exception object to error handler


API Signatures Summary

Basic rule

Writer 1st param is always the value to write. Then, both Writer and Reader take the same optional parameters in the same order:

writer[type]( value [, offset] [, ...rest] );
val = reader[type]( [, offset] [, ...rest] );

When there are extra params (...rest part) then functions accept to put all params in a unique object param:

// e.g. type AsString, UTF8, Bytes, ieee754
writer[type]( value [, { offset, ...rest }] );
val = reader[type]( [, { offset , ...rest } );

Parameter offset

Optional for all API (required for functions with extra-params). offset is the number of bytes to skip before starting to read/write the buffer. When missing the next operation take place at the current offset and the operation updates the offset for the reader/writer.

IMPORTANT : when you specify an offset argument the offset of reader/writer is NOT updated after the operation.

value = reader[type](offset);
value = reader[type]();

writer[type](value, offset);

where type is describes in the Functions list §.

Some functions take extra parameters

  • AsString({offset, length, encoding})

      length, // number of bytes to write (byte length ≠ char length depending on encoding)
      offset, // Number of bytes to skip before starting to write string.
      encoding, // The character encoding of string, default 'utf8'
    writer.AsString(value, {
      length, // number of bytes to write (byte length ≠ char length depending on encoding)
      offset, // Number of bytes to skip before starting to write string.
      encoding, // The character encoding of string, default 'utf8'
  • UTF8({offset, length}) or UTF8(offset, length) : same as AsString but encoding is enforced to utf8.

  • Bytes({offset, length}) or Bytes(offset, length)

    • length : number of bytes to write (note: byte length ≠ char length depending on encoding);
    • offset : index in buffer where to start writing. Default is current offset.
  • ieee754(value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) or ieee754({ value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes }) : (see usage on ieee754, ieee754LE and ieee754BE)

    val = reader.ieee754({offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes});
    writer.ieee754(val, {offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes});
    // or
    val = reader.ieee754(offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes);
    writer.ieee754(val, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes);


npm test


  • reader and writer functions optimisation:
// change that 
BigUInt64BE(offset) {
	return this._executeReadAndIncrement(8, Buffer.prototype.BigUInt64BE, offset);

// to this
const readBigUInt64BE = Buffer.prototype.BigUInt64BE; // outside class

BigUInt64BE(offset) { // in class
	return this._executeReadAndIncrement(8, readBigUInt64BE, offset);


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