
2.0.2 • Public • Published


Counter plugin with countdown and progress bar, flexible and easily customizable

Before start

  1. Download ZIP
  2. First, copy and paste counter.js in your project, and link to it before the closing </body> element.
  3. Next, you need to copy and paste css into your project. We can include both SASS or CSS file.

Getting Setup

Instance the plugin, pass right configuration and call start() method.

Note: This plugin does not need jQuery.

  let counter = new Counter({
    "container": "#counter",
    "start": "2019/12/01 00:00:00",
    "end": "2020/12/11 16:30:00"


This is the basic template, but through the data attributes, which you find in the code below, you can create another template


<div class="i-counter" id="counter">
    <h3 class="i-counter__title" data-counter="title">
      Remaining time offered
    <div class="i-counter__progressbar" data-counter="progressbar">
      <div class="i-counter__progressbar-line">
        <span class="i-counter__progressbar-line-missing" data-counter="missing"></span>
        <span class="i-counter__progressbar-line-past" data-counter="past">
      <div class="i-counter__progressbar-percentage" data-counter="progressbar_percentage">
        <span class="i-counter__progressbar-percentage-missing" data-counter="missing_percentage">0%</span>
        <span class="i-counter__progressbar-percentage-past" data-counter="past_percentage">0%</span>
    <div class="i-counter__countdown">
      <div class="i-counter__countdown-time" data-counter="countdown">
          <p class="i-counter__countdown-value" data-counter="days">0</p>
          <label class="i-counter__countdown-label" data-counter="days_label">days</label>
          <p class="i-counter__countdown-value" data-counter="hours">0</p>
          <label class="i-counter__countdown-label" data-counter="hours_label">hours</label>
          <p class="i-counter__countdown-value" data-counter="minutes">0</p>
          <label class="i-counter__countdown-label" data-counter="minutes_label">min</label>
          <p class="i-counter__countdown-value" data-counter="seconds">0</p>
          <label class="i-counter__countdown-label" data-counter="seconds_label">sec</label>
      <p class="i-counter__expired-alert" data-counter="expired_alert">Time out</p>

Other examples of how you can use the plug-in, creating your own template

Data attribute

Below the data attributes to use in your template


  • main counter title: data-counter: "title"
  • expired message: data-counter: "expired_alert"


  • progressbar container: data-counter: "progressbar",
  • missing field: data-counter="missing",
  • past field: data-counter="past",
  • progressbar percentage container: data-counter="progressbar_percentage",
  • missing percentage: data-counter="missing_percentage",
  • past percentage: data-counter="past_percentage",


  • countdown container: data-counter="countdown",
  • days text: data-counter="days",
  • days label: data-counter: "days_label",
  • hours text: data-counter="hours",
  • hours label: data-counter: "hours_label",
  • minutes text: data-counter="minutes",
  • minutes label: data-counter: "minutes_label",
  • seconds text: data-counter="seconds",
  • seconds label: data-counter: "seconds_label"


Other options are available besides the mandatory ones

property type required default notes
container string yes undefined This field is mandatory
start string yes undefined The format to be used is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
end string yes undefined The format to be used is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
progressbar boolean no true To show or not the progress bar. The field is not mandatory, but by default it is true
progressbar_percentage boolean no true To show or not the progress bar. The field is not mandatory, but by default it is true
countdown boolean no true To show or not the progress bar. The field is not mandatory, but by default it is true
add_class_to_parent string no undefined Just to customizing counter
bg_color string no undefined In the css there is the basic color of the plugin, but with this property you can pass a class to overwrite the base color
labels object no "Days", "Hours", "Min", "Sec" If nothing is passed the default is "Days", "Hours", "Min", "Sec". This is the object you expect: { "days": "", "hours": "", "minutes": "", "seconds": "" }
expired_alert "string" no Time out if no value is passed, the default value is the one passed in the default column
title "string" no undefined The "title" can be statically inserted into the template or dynamically by enhancing the "title" property and inserting the data attribute "data-counter = 'title'" into the template

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  • iladiro