Utility Library to securely handle verifiable presentations.
Verifiable-presentations provides methods to run operations over a collection of verifiable credentials and evidences, such as query for credential identifiers, search for claims, fetch claim values, and non-cryptographically and cryptographically secure verify the data against the proofs.
Usage example:
import { VerifiablePresentationManagerFactory } from '';
const secureRedundantManager = VerifiablePresentationManagerFactory.createSecureRedundantManager();
const artifacts = {
presentations: [
evidences: [
} as CredentialArtifacts;
let status = await secureRedundantManager.addCredentialArtifacts(artifacts);
status = await presentationManager.verifyAllArtifacts();
status = await presentationManager.purgeInvalidArtifacts();
const presentations = await secureRedundantManager.listPresentations();
const evidences = await secureRedundantManager.listEvidences();
let claims = await presentationManager.listClaims();
claims = await presentationManager.listPresentationClaims(presentations[0]);
const criteria = {
claimPath: 'contact.phoneNumber.countryCode'
claims = await presentationManager.findClaims(criteria);
const claimValue = await presentationManager.getClaimValue(claims[0]);
A class to allow easy extraction of PII from a DSR Response based on a specific dsrRequest implementation, with a given mapping and formatters specific to that DSR. It also allows generating a new Scope Request based on unique URL generation.
const mapping = {
first_name: { identifier: 'claim-cvc:Name.givenNames-v1' },
last_name: { identifier: 'claim-cvc:Name.familyNames-v1' },
date_of_birth: { identifier: 'claim-cvc:Document.dateOfBirth-v1' },
street: { identifier: 'claim-cvc:Identity.address-v1' },
const formatters = {
street: { format: claimValue => `${claimValue.street} ${claimValue.unit}` },
date_of_birth: { format: claimValue => `${claimValue.year}-${claimValue.month}-${}` },
const piiFactory = new PIIFactory(dsrRequest, mapping, formatters);
const eventsURL = 'https://testEvents';
const idvDid = 'did:ethr:0x1a88a35421a4a0d3e13fe4e8ebcf18e9a249dc5a';
const dsrResolver = {
id: '123',
// key pair generated purely for this test
signingKeys: {
xpub: '0414a08b13afa8d33c499ec828065775915ddf0301634d35e26c6cec4ad0f0f2b72c79e90357d47c7ba65a3c03bb22ac7e273c5d01494448a155df8a28da33b48d',
xprv: 'a4947aa34ce507e995a60a455582d97f3fd1163eba3dd990ea1541a8fa049828',
const urlGeneratorFn = evidenceName => `https://<test cloud provider>/<unique Id>/${evidenceName}.json`;
// generate a DSR
const dsr = await piiFactory.generateDSR(eventsURL, idvDid, dsrResolver, urlGeneratorFn);
// extract PII from a DSR response
const extractedPII = await piiFactory.extractPII(dsrResponse);
For more detailed working examples, please, refer to the tests in index.test.ts