
0.2.0 • Public • Published

React Unicons thinline

1000+ Pixel-perfect vector icons as React Components. These icons are designed by Iconscout.

Getting Started

You can easily install react-unicons-thinline using npm.

npm install --save @iconscout/react-unicons-thinline

Or using yarn

yarn add @iconscout/react-unicons-thinline


Use individual icons

import React from "react";
import UitStar from "@iconscout/react-unicons-thinline/icons/uit-star";

const App = () => {
  return <UitStar size="140" color="#61DAFB" />;

export default App;

You can customize icons as below:

<Unicons.UitStar size="140" color="#61DAFB" />

Usage as full Package

import React from "react";
import * as Unicons from "@iconscout/react-unicons-thinline";

const App = () => {
  return <Unicons.UitStar />;

export default App;

PRO Icons

If you've subscribed to Unicons PRO, you can request your own NPM Token to get an access to all the PRO icons as NPM Package.

More ways


We will be happy to have community support for Unicons. Feel free to fork and create pull requests. We have given a small roadmap above so that you can help us build these features.

Icon Requests

We've created a thread at Iconscout Community where you can request for new icons. And we'll be happy to design them in upcoming weeks.


Unicons are Open Source icons and licensed under Apache 2.0. You're free to use these icons in your personal and commercial project. We would love to see the attribution in your app's about screen, but it's not mandatory.

React Unicons by <a href="https://iconscout.com/">Iconscout</a>

Package Sidebar


npm i @iconscout/react-unicons-thinline

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Unpacked Size

766 kB

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Last publish


  • iconscout-team
  • tarunmangukiya