TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.0.45 • Public • Published

#Huz Api / Scalar Type

Handles primitive/scalar types as plain, array, map or map of


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const {arrayType, objectType} = require('@huzapi/scalar-type');

Shared Options

Name Type Default cast castArray castMap Info
log boolean true [x] [x] [x] logs when a problem
error boolean false [x] [x] [x] throws when a problem
mandatory boolean false [x] [o] [o] problem if null
unique boolean false [o] [x] [o] removes duplicated items in array
keepNullItems boolean false [o] [x] [o] keeps null items in array (default: remove nulls)
minItems integer null [o] [x] [o] problem if array size is less than
maxItems integer null [o] [x] [o] problem if array size is greater than
keepNullValues boolean false [o] [o] [x] keeps null values in map (default: remove nulls)
minKeys integer null [o] [o] [x] problem if object key size is less than
maxKeys integer null [o] [o] [x] problem if object key size is greater than



  • Returns a string in any event ==> string|null
  • Trims texts (else noTrim:true)
  • Converts empty string to null (else noTrim:true)

Specific Options

Name Type Default cast castArray castMap Info
noTrim boolean false [x] [x] [x] ignore trim (except uuidType)
minLength integer null [x] [x] [x] problem if text length is less than (except uuidType)
maxLength integer null [x] [x] [x] problem if text length is greater than (except uuidType)
pattern string null [x] [x] [x] for only codeType and namerType

Most Used Function

  • stringType.is(value: any): boolean
  • stringType.cast(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): string|null
  • stringType.castArray(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Array<string> // or Array<string|null> with keepNullItems:true
  • stringType.castMap(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Record<string, string> // or Record<string, string|null> with keepNullValues:true
  • stringType.castMapOf(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Record<string, any>


Call Result
stringType.cast(undefined) null
stringType.cast(5) "5"
stringType.cast(true) "true"
stringType.cast(" ") null
stringType.cast(" foo bar ") "foo bar"
stringType.cast([" foo"]) "foo"
stringType.cast({id:5}) "5" id property is special
stringType.cast(() => 5) "5"
stringType.cast(" foo bar ", {noTrim:true}) " foo bar "
stringType.cast("foo bar", {error: true, minLength:10}) throws
stringType.cast("foo bar", {minLength:10}) logs
stringType.cast(" ", {error: true, mandatory:true}) throws
stringType.cast({a:1}) logs
stringType.castArray(null) []
stringType.castArray("foo bar ") ["foo bar"]
stringType.castArray([5,true," foo bar", () => 4.5, {id:5}, null]) ["5", "true", "foo bar", "4.5", "5"]
stringType.castMap(null) {}
stringType.castMap({k1: 5, k2: true, k3: " foo bar", k4: () => 4.5, k5: {id:5}, k6: null}) {k1: "5", k2: "true", k3: "foo bar", k4: "4.5", k5: "5"}


  • Returns a number in any event ==> number|null
  • Converts infinite numbers to null
  • Converts nan numbers to null
  • Floors if number is float for only intType

Specific Options

Name Type Default cast castArray castMap Info
def integer null [x] [x] [x] if null use default value
min integer null [x] [x] [x] problem if value is less than
max integer null [x] [x] [x] problem if value is greater than

Most Used Function

  • intType.is(value: any): boolean
  • intType.cast(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): number|null
  • intType.castArray(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Array<number> // or Array<number|null> with keepNullItems:true
  • intType.castMap(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Record<string, number> // or Record<string, number|null> with keepNullValues:true
  • intType.castMapOf(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Record<number, any>


Call Result
intType.cast(undefined) null
intType.cast("foo", {def:4}) 4
intType.cast("5") 5
intType.cast(true) 1
intType.cast(false) 0
intType.cast({id:5}) 5 id property is special
intType.cast(() => 5) 5
intType.cast([5]) 5
intType.cast(5.3) 5
intType.cast(" foo bar ", {def: 5}) 5
intType.cast("foo", {def: 5}) 5
intType.cast("foo", {mandatory:true}) logs
intType.cast("5.3", {min:6, error: true}) throws
intType.castArray(undefined) []
intType.castArray("5") [5]
intType.castArray([5,null]) [5]
intType.castArray(["5",null], {keepNullItems: true}) [5, null]
intType.castMap(undefined) {}
intType.castMap({k1:5, k2: null}) {k1: 5}
intType.castMap({k1:{id:5}, k2: null}, {keepNullValues: true}) {k1: 5, k2: null}


  • Returns a boolean in any event ==> boolean|null
  • Converts most-used text to boolean [ true, t, yes, y, on, false, f, no, n, off ]
  • Converts positive numbers to true
  • Converts negative and zero numbers to false

Specific Options

Name Type Default cast castArray castMap Info
def boolean null [x] [x] [x] if null use default value

Most Used Function

  • boolType.is(value: any): boolean
  • boolType.cast(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): boolean|null
  • boolType.castArray(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Array<boolean> // or Array<boolean|null> with keepNullItems:true
  • boolType.castMap(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Record<string, boolean> // or Record<string, boolean|null> with keepNullValues:true


Call Result
boolType.cast(undefined) null
boolType.cast(5) true
boolType.cast(-1) false
boolType.cast("on") true
boolType.cast("off") false
boolType.cast(() => "t") true
boolType.cast(["yes"]) true
boolType.cast(" foo bar ", {def: false}) false
boolType.cast("foo", {mandatory:true}) logs
boolType.castArray(undefined) []
boolType.castArray("5") [true]
boolType.castArray(["on",null]) [true]
boolType.castArray(["off",null], {keepNullItems: true}) [false, null]
boolType.castMap(undefined) {}
boolType.castMap({k1:5, k2: null}) {k1: true}
boolType.castMap({k1:false, k2: null}, {keepNullValues: true}) {k1: false, k2: null}


  • Returns a function in any event ==> function|null
  • Checks argument size if need
  • Supports default function if null

Specific Options

Name Type Default cast castArray castMap Info
def Function null [x] [x] [x] if null use default value
min integer null [x] [x] [x] problem if argument size is less than
max integer null [x] [x] [x] problem if argument size is greater than

Most Used Function

  • functionType.is(value: any): boolean
  • functionType.cast(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Function|null
  • functionType.castArray(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Array<Function> // or Array<Function|null> with keepNullItems:true
  • functionType.castMap(value: any, opt?: Options, req?: Request): Record<string, Function> // or Record<string, Function|null> with keepNullValues:true


Call Result
functionType.cast(undefined) null
functionType.cast(undefined, {def: () => 'foo'}) () => 'foo'
functionType.cast((p1) => 2 * p1, {min: 2}) logs
functionType.cast("foo", {mandatory:true, error: true}) throws "foo" is not a function
functionType.castArray(undefined) []
functionType.castArray([() => 'foo',null]) [() => 'foo']
functionType.castArray([() => 'foo',null], {keepNullItems: true}) [() => 'foo', null]
functionType.castMap(undefined) {}
functionType.castMap({k1:() => 'foo', k2: null}) {k1: () => 'foo'}
functionType.castMap({k1:() => 'foo', k2: null}, {keepNullValues: true}) {k1: () => 'foo', k2: null}

Other Types

  • @todo
  • dateType

    Converts any date related (string, number, integer array, Date, Moment) value Date type

    • Date
    • Date[] | Array<Date>
    • {[key: string]: Date} | Record<string, Date>
  • isoDatetimeType [format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:ii:ss.eee.Z]

    Converts any date related (string, number, integer array, Date, Moment) value ISO Datetime format

    • string
    • string[] | Array<string>
    • {[key: string]: string} | Record<string, string>
  • isoDateType [format: yyyy-mm-dd]

    Converts any date related (string, number, integer array, Date, Moment) value ISO Date format

    • string
    • string[] | Array<string>
    • {[key: string]: string} | Record<string, string>
  • isoTimeType [format: HH:ii:ss.eee.Z]

    Converts any date related (string, number, integer array, Date, Moment) value ISO Time format

    • string
    • string[] | Array<string>
    • {[key: string]: string} | Record<string, string>
  • momentType

    Converts any date related (string, number, integer array, Date, Moment) value Moment class

    • Moment
    • Moment[] | Array<Moment>
    • {[key: string]: Moment} | Record<string, Moment>
  • regExpType

    Validates Regexp (also converts string to RegExp)

    • RegExp
    • RegExp[] | Array<RegExp>
    • {[key: string]: RegExp} | Record<string, RegExp>
  • anyType

    For anonymous scalar type usage

    • any
    • any[] | Array<any>
    • {[key: string]: any} | Record<string, any>
  • arrayType

    For anonymous array usage

    • any[] | Array<any>
    • any[][] | Array<Array<any>>
    • {[key: string]: any[]} | Record<string, Array<any>>
  • objectType

    For anonymous object (also be called as map or record) usage

    • {[key: string]: any} | Record<string, any>
    • {[key: string]: any}[] | Array<Record<string, any>>
    • {[key: string]: {[sub: string]: any}} | Record<string, Record<string, any>>

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